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Borat 2 - The Rudy Interview

moonsammy says...

I was slightly disappointed to find out the whole "hand down the pants thing" was legitimately him tucking his shirt in. Initially that sounded like a wild BS excuse, but no - it actually fits in context. He was certainly a bit creepy, but I didn't feel he actually *quite* crossed a line.

Overall I found the movie lacking compared to the first one. It was a lot more scripted set-up, and a lot less crazy shit involving real people in an unscripted manner. I would guess he had more planned originally, but the pandemic threw things off.

Elvira hasn't aged a day - Don't cancel Halloween

WE'RE ALL DOOMED - Trump vs. Biden ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

wtfcaniuse says...

Disapointed Biden didn't counter his "forest raking" BS with the fact that it's mostly federally managed. Why didn't you have it raked after the last fires Donny? Why weren't those fallen trees cleared Donny?

Trump Says COVID “Affects Virtually Nobody”

bobknight33 says...

Allways pushing the negative.

OK 2.8% death rate. A better way to say it 97.2% survival rate.

Granted you don't account for most vulnerable ( those over 70) which account for nearly 1/2 of deaths. So for those working age and school age is is 1.4 % death rate and rates get lower as you are younger.

Did you stop shopping?
Getting gas?

Enough data is out to say this is much to do about nothing unless you are old, then its a big deal.

Only fake news and Democrat leaders are pushing this BS. Mask up, go to work and pay you bills.

newtboy said:

Only AFTER trump changed the numbers, the CDC has repeatedly announced the horrible truth only to have to retract it for political reasons, meaning Trump insisted and put their jobs on the line, and fired many that wouldn't ignore results to spread his propaganda.
The CDC has been politicized by Trump and is no longer a good source for information, only propaganda until Trump's temporary sycophantic administrators are removed and professional administrators can be confirmed. That's why doctors and scientists are fleeing the organization. That's why they said 400000+ dead by new years then retracted, it's why they said 6' isn't enough indoors, then retracted despite there being no new data or conclusions. Flu season starts soon, and we sit in the worst position possible for that, still wave one and it's accelerating again.

200000 dead/7million cases =....can you do that 2nd grade math?
It's an overall death rate of 2.8% Bob. Not .003%, not .02%, not way less than the flu (.1%) like Trump lied to America, but exponentially, up to 50 times worse like he admitted in private Feb 7 (now 30 times worse). 2.8% after we got an idea how to treat them.

That doesn't count deaths from complications, like going into a coma, surviving the virus in that coma, then dying from the damage it did to your brain and lungs. That's not in the covid death number I give you, neither are permanent disabilities like brain deaths, needed lung transplants, neuropothies, heart damage, etc.

Trump and the GOP Rocked by Bombshell Woodward Tapes

bobknight33 says...

I claim BS when BS comes up. With the fake news it every day. So yea I use it alot.

Newt you must be a leftest tool. you allways quick to respond as if this is you only job to squash truth.

newtboy said:

You need a new line, Bobby. It gets old hearing that exact response a few times a day as each new scandal, deadly lie, health issue, and leadership failure comes into the spotlight.

We know absolutely nothing will make you change your blind worship of him, not even if he was eating babies alive on live tv while fondling them, nothing. You don't really need to jump up at every story and deny it, but feel free if the compulsion is overwhelming, it only serves to remind everyone how delusional you can be.

He lied about the danger and the need for caution, Americans died as a DIRECT result of following his specific directions to not distance and not mask up...died by the hundreds of thousands and permanently horrifically disabled at 3-5 times that many with destroyed lungs and brains, with those numbers expected to double by the new year....and he continues to lie.
It's only a non story to America's enemies. To real Americans, it's near genocidal in scope and criminality.

Trump and the GOP Rocked by Bombshell Woodward Tapes

Covid, Facts, Fake news Debunked

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

wtfcaniuse says...

You're assuming the people calling you out on your BS are liberals. That is one of your mistakes.

I was trying to be nice. I actually appreciate you contributing something for once.

Tesla is not leading the EV market today and they will not be leading it in ten years. The biggest EV market is China and Tesla makes up maybe 1/5th. China and India are the biggest emerging EV markets and both have locally developed EVs.

Telsa is not 5 years ahead of Panasonic, LG, BYD, et al. The breakthroughs are coming from labs you've never heard of.

Don't put all your stocks in the one EV basket. As Stukafox mentioned Hydrogen is the future. Current EV's are a stopgap.

bobknight33 said:

Well replying to a Liberal is like beating you head against the wall. Since I am so out numbered here,I don't even try.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Mystic95Z says...

You mean all the fake ass news / BS & lies that spew forth from tRumps mouth on a daily basis, yes we are looking forward to a Biden landslide win in November and being able to send you slime balls back under the rocks from whence you came....

bobknight33 said:

MEGA landslide 2020 because Americans are fed up of all the fake news BS last 3.5 years

Trump doing a great job

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


wtfcaniuse says...

Remember when Trump blocked Amazon's military deal because he didn't like Bezos? Was Amazon a better option than Microsoft? We will never know because the tender process was bypassed by an idiot.

He doesn't need reasons for anything he does, it's all emotionally reactive BS. His supporters just spin it however they can to make it seem justified.

Those Trumpers, All lives and Blue lives matter supporters working at goodyear will no doubt be proud of Trump when they're out of the job because at least it was done to support them right?

messenger said:

Does a private company's enforcing an internal policy unevenly warrant the President trying to shut it down?


newtboy says...

Just absolutely wrong on every point except the post office....but consider instead of giving them the funding needed to address these problems, Trump has withheld funding for even normal operation and his appointees have already removed 10% of it's capacity, when they need to be expanding it to hold a fair and open election according to Whitehouse and CDC guidelines.
What happens when it takes 4 weeks to deliver ballots because of the intentional slowdowns and many aren't delivered before election day? Tens of millions are disenfranchised directly because of Trump's actions. A vote blocked is a vote STOLEN, so you are standing with a plan that cheats tens of millions out of their vote unequivocally in a stated plan to avoid hundreds of assumed fraudulent votes from being attempted (but likely caught so not cast).

Trump should want to fund it because holding a fair election is his duty, but he's never fulfilled a duty in his life.

Um...Covid absolutely 100% is a legitimate reason for vote by mail according to health agencies that determine such things (CDC, HHS) if any reason is needed, it's the norm in many states.
Vote by mail is not an excuse for covid, that actually is BS....but I think you meant to be contradicting the former. It's a pure lie that it's more fraudulent than in person voting, another bold faced lie Trump told you.

You can't vote outside. Social distancing while voting is going to take the lines that were 5-6 hours long in places and make them twice that long. Thousands of polling places can't be staffed because most pollsters are elderly retired people, in the most effected group and totally not safe to work, (especially since it's a given that dozens of moronic denier Trumpsters are going to show up at every open polling place unmasked insisting it's their right to vote while spreading disease and forcing their way inside), so many are being closed. How do you think in person voting could possibly work given those facts?

If your ilk would mask up, we could do that, but you all have extended and exacerbated the pandemic so badly, and in their brainless worship of Trump still claim it's ALL a hoax, never even existed, and still won't wear masks because they block oxygen and suffocate people. Because of Trump's horrific leadership, in person voting is a no go for most without risking their, and other people's lives.

Your choice for president is failing at even holding an election...not surprising, he's failed at literally every job a president has, and our nation has suffered greatly, lost international status, tens of trillions, trade, respect, jobs, and over 160000 lives directly because of Trump's leadership....and every problem I listed is getting worse daily as he floundered.

What has he done successfully in your mind besides the tax cut he gave himself, doubling the deficit? Not the economy, not employment, not safety, not health, not trade, not deals, not strengthening ties with what?

bobknight33 said:

Absentee voting and vote by mail are different.

1 has check and balances and the other doesn't.

Vote by mail is not regulated and hence cheating can occur.

There has been a good few stories about the mess this occurs. Un counted, late mail.
What happens if not postmark by NOV3? Dems will scream count them. Thats wrong.

So why would Trump want this of fund the Democrat party for this method?

Vote by mail as a excuse for covid is BS.

People shop, protest, eat work in public.

Mask up and VOTE.


bobknight33 says...

Absentee voting and vote by mail are different.

1 has check and balances and the other doesn't.

Vote by mail is not regulated and hence cheating can occur.

There has been a good few stories about the mess this occurs. Un counted, late mail.
What happens if not postmark by NOV3? Dems will scream count them. Thats wrong.

So why would Trump want this of fund the Democrat party for this method?

Vote by mail as a excuse for covid is BS.

People shop, protest, eat work in public.

Mask up and VOTE.

COVID Cancel Culture

Farmer Was Sick Of People Parking On His Land

lucky760 says...

Funny, we share a lot of the same thoughts.

Yes, 20-second mildly interesting story dramatized and exploded out into an epic stock-footage filled campaign about the world turning on inconsiderate parkers.

"He considered lots of solutions and became desperate..." - not desperate enough to put up a sign?

And what's with the BS footage of rows and rows and rows and rows of cars which they made to seem like was happening on his land? When the showed his actual land there was just room enough for those two short rows of cars.

* lies

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