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spoco2 says...

Oh, I really don't know about turning off tvs for good. I have an issue with any knee-jerk, "get rid of 'X' entirely" responses.

There is a lot of good on TV. There are wonderful documentaries of the wonders of our planet, there are fantastic shows full of imagination and joy.

And, yes, there is an AWFUL LOT of utter, utter, utter dross.

Pick and chose and watch a little TV and you'll be ok. Watch the mainstream brain numbing rubbish hour after hour and you will indeed become part of the problem rather than the solution.

I limit the amount of TV my kids watch and encourage imaginative play, and active play, and my wife and I watch, on average, about 1 hour of tv a night, and that's pre taped or downloaded shows that we have discovered or sourced... and that hour or so is a great escape after the kids have gone to bed and before we get stuff ready for school the following day. Sure, we could play board games, or read, or learn a musical instrument etc. But the energy just isn't there (plus I do read on the way in and out of work on the train).

If we all do our part by making conscientious choices about what we buy and use and do with waste, then we're being part of the solution, not problem. But, as you said, you have to give yourself some slack and know that sometimes the things you use/buy/do will have adverse affects on others, whether you intentionally mean them to or not.
>> ^peggedbea:

i think i mostly agree with the sentiment of this comment. being a former traveling, vegan, animal rights, social justice hippie that i was...i tended to get too wrapped up in caring about shit. i tried hard not to be a zealot, but it's just like... if i cared about the way we treat and exploit livestock, then also have to care about the environmental impacts of livestock production, and also the impacts of globalization on 3rd world countries, and then poverty and hunger and disease, and then how every single product i use daily exploits someone or something somewhere etc etc etc on and on and on. i'd spin myself into a tizzy of caring about everything until my heart was broken and i couldn't go anywhere or do anything.
so, we can't do everything. and no, there's not enough left after taking care of ourselves and our families to care about everything. but i do think we'd all be a hell of a lot better off if we just turned off our televisions. and for good.

Dan Savage talks to Olbermann about Religious Right

Drax says...

J.F. he is not being THAT general about religious people. If you are getting in front of people and stirring the pot saying the president must be stopped or his death panels will kill your elders, then yes he may be referring to you.

The underlining context of all of this is that the health care reform might not be stopped through due process, but through radical means. -That's- the concern here.

That's what irks me currently is the opposition to Bush felt mainly vocal... or at least stayed within the realms of fair play (within the system, yelling impeach the president not praying for his death). Now it's like the people on the loosing side feel like their entire country was stolen and are ignoring the fact that Obama was elected through the same system Bush was. They're painting it like a communist take over, and acting like spoiled children loosing a board game.

And yes, it's a little scary when people think god is on their side. That can lead to people feeling that they can act out the will of god (aka: their own majority view of what's right and wrong) and kill infidels (maybe an abortion doctor or two..?). They'll even have their own little radical group backing them up. Anyone at that point is no different from a middle east suicide bomber.

If Obama was elected and the majority of the US was suddenly looking to each other saying, 'Wait a minute.. no one voted for this guy..?!', then hell yeah there's reason for the level of outrage going on currently by some. People had to deal with Bush, now people have to deal with Obama, but we're all still Americans (yes, even the president).

PS I'm not politically aligned to either party. If people want to feel like they ARE a democrat or ARE a conservative that's fine, but then it seems like people forget that what we each are are individuals with opinions that may LEAN one way or another. Not just a person who magically inherits ALL of the traits associated with such a label. That kind of thinking is what begins the "Us vs Them" mentality and can lead to bad things.

There are bad people who are democrats and bad people who are republicans amongst the good people in either party. Everyone's an individual. Pretty interesting how far the insanity meter is starting to reach...


Version 4.0 Issues (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

>> ^fford:
Searching is screwed up. I wanted to find all the videos sifted with 10-14 votes and sort them by age, but the search not only messes up the sort order, there's lots of videos with more than 14 votes listed. It also seems unlikely that there are exactly 1000 of them, or is that a limitation of the search?

It's not a bug per se. The reason is that our search engine is updated for archived posts only once a day and it just so happens that the few odd posts you saw got more votes since the last time the search index was updated.

>> ^Stingray:
I have no recommended sifts to view.

Neither do I at the moment, but you probably will tomorrow. The listing is updated once a day based on your voting history, so the more voting you do and the more voting everyone else does, the more recommendations you'll have.

>> ^blankfist:
Siftie gives wrong acknowledgment for quality invocations in videos.
Seen here:

Oops. Fixed.

Version 4.0 Issues (Sift Talk Post)

Jon Stewart is angry at Rick Santelli and CNBC

rougy says...

>> ^imstellar28:
They way I figure it, the average tax-paying American owes ($65,000,000,000,000/150,000,000) = $43,333 on top of whatever private debt they already have; which for many many people, who own a house, is somewhere in the neighborhood of $150,0000. When you have a nation full of people in debt somewhere between $43,333-$193,333+, in what sense can the average American be said to have nothing to do with this mess?

The average American had nothing to do with creating this mess. I know that Milton Friedman Fan Boys like you are not renowned for their ability to read between the lines, but I thought even you would understand that, steller.

I see no reason to listen to a word you say, and it is anything but scientific. It's as scientific as learning the rules of the game "Monopoly" inside and out, then acting as if that were the only board game in the world. It's just another expression of your narrow point of view, which is that of s square peg carefully honed to fit a square hole.

Our country, and by extension, the world are in big trouble right now. Guess who got us into it? The bankers, the capitalists, the people who are supposed to have all the answers and all of our best interests at heart.

You are arrogant in regards to your abilities, and insensitive in regards to the suffering of others. It is people like you who got us into this mess. It is people like you who could always rationalize giving themselves giant bonuses even after their businesses lost money and laid hundreds of people off. And the bonus was for retention, because God knows we just couldn't make it without people like you keeping your jobs.

Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed

10040 says...

>> ^phelixian:
I think I'm over yahtzee. I'm going to look for another man-child-named-after-a-board-game to like.
His reviews are getting boring. I laugh harder at the comments on here than his actual reviews.

Considering 90% of the comedic comments are quotes from the video.

Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed

phelixian says...

I think I'm over yahtzee. I'm going to look for another man-child-named-after-a-board-game to like.

His reviews are getting boring. I laugh harder at the comments on here than his actual reviews. Then there was the whole interview thing that was just on here and in that he seemed less the humble-man-child and more the i'm-so-great-man-child, which generally makes me not like things as much.

Of course I'll probably watch next week too. Fuckers....

Claymation Chess

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

gorillaman says...

I could go for some light peer bonding activity. Going to post before I read.


1) Season - Autumn.
2) Place in the world - My home. I don't really see the point of anywhere else.
3) Children's book - I'm going to count the whole silver age X-Men as one book and make that my answer.
4) TV Series - The Crystal Maze
5) Word - Appendices.
6) Film - The Fifth Element
7) Curse - Making something up on the spot is always the most satisfying.
Creature - Man.
9) Past time - Past time or pastime? The Victorian era, when people knew how to dress / playing board games.
10)Person - Myself. Everyone should be just like me.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat, if they didn't have those brain parasites.
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury unless I run out of sweet. Everything, and as much as possible.
13) Cereal or Toast - Toast.
14) Tan or pale - Pale.
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot.
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop.
17) Drive or walk - I'd rather have whatever it is I'm driving or walking to delivered.
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy.
19) Sex or food - Food. I made that choice a long time ago.
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - ...didn't get any votes.
22) A great comment on one of your vids - * promote
23) Most off the wall member - Obviously choggie.
24) Favourite user name - I would have to check every name to answer this question.
25) Your most used channel - eia
26) Personal dumbass moment - I've never made a mistake in my life.
27) Best avatar - dotdude's examples of his own artwork, and anything from that star wars thread.
28) Partner in crime - Don't have one.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - To some extent.
30) Idea for the site - Bring back the new member queue.

About you

31) Where do you live - SE Britain.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Occasional cigar/pipe smoker.
33) Left or right handed - Right.
34) Hair colour - Brown.
35) Relationship status - Leper.
36) How tall - Don't know, 6' 4"-ish.
37) Children - are too expensive.
38) Ever had an operation - Nope.
39) Best feature - Glorious human mind.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Better person than you.

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Tolkien. I'd like to see what he made of those films.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Amnesty International.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Sarah Palin.
44) Relive a moment in your life - Any time when I was hitting somebody.
45) Have a superpower - Wolverine's healing factor, in continuities where it makes him immortal.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - The future of the human race.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Scarcity of awesome sex toys.
48) Be president for one hour - Have the last president executed.
49) Delete a period in history - Anything people are proud of today without having actually participated in the accomplishment.
50) Achieve one thing - Bomb something.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

mas8705 (Member Profile)

Video Games and Sex (inspired by Zero Punctuation)

Mad TV - Grand Theft Auto Board Game

Payback says...

>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
This is pretty much what happened every time we played Monopoly in my family. Except my sister would always be wondering where her 500's were going.

Wow, you played Monopoly with automatic assault rifles too? Small world!

Let the roast of Doc_M commence! (Parody Talk Post)

choggie says...

Man, really know how to un-inspire these neer-do-wells.... do we need to offer
A:incentives for participation
B:the option to use this endeavor as a gauge of user summation of your contributions
C: make this the last roast, and it call it all yer fault(the pre-ordained participants on the list being either septum-deep in the hormone-indulgence of their choice, or pre-occupied with family board games, or..
D: Wait for karaidl


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