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Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

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Beyonce Gives Taylor Swift her acceptance speech

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

rottenseed says...

Here's the kicker to the WHOLE blow out by Kanye...

...Beyonce won "Video of the Year". Pretty much she won the HIGHEST she could win. So not only was Kanye kicking and screaming like a little bitch, but he was doing it prematurely.

Later on, when accepting her award, Beyonce let Taylor come up and say a couple of words. That kind of professionalism and respect (whether deserved or not) is why Beyonce is one of the most cherished in the industry right now. Anybody can be "marketed" just like HollywoodBob says, but she seems to not let her head swell to a larger-than-life mentality.

As for Kanye, the true heroes on his team are his P.R. people...they must be the most patient people.

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

HollywoodBob says...

Wow, just Wow!

Where to start. Kanye isn't a musician. Musicians create and perform music, Kanye samples and distorts the work of others and calls it his own. His work is like going to the Louvre and photographing real works of art, making a collage and then espousing about how great you are to have done it all.

Beyonce's video, all I can say is it's nice to know that strippers will always have a future as hip-hop choreographers. All that was missing was the friggin' brass pole.

Now, Taylor Swift, I have a hard time believing that any 19 year-old deserves the accolades she receives. Her entire career wreaks of corporate manipulation. Her bio sounds like a made for TV movie. She's a wonder of marketing, just like 99.9% of all the popular artists around. Maybe if she was homely I'd believe she's as talented as she's portrayed.

The modern music industry is garbage, regardless of how popular it is. Image has replaced talent, and computer processing has replaced hard work and skill.

And the VMA's are a testament to how far music has fallen.

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

lovelynotes says...

>> ^rottenseed:
I feel really bad that Beyonce had to be pulled into this. How awkward for her. Hopefully she bought Taylor Swift some nice bling and took her out to dinner where they bonded and talked shit about Kanye's little dick.

Apparently later on that evening, Beyonce won best video and called Taylor on stage to give her another chance at an acceptance speech. Very classy move.

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

rottenseed says...

I feel really bad that Beyonce had to be pulled into this. How awkward for her. Hopefully she bought Taylor Swift some nice bling and took her out to dinner where they bonded and talked shit about Kanye's little dick.

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

phelixian says...

I think Kanye was suffering from ass-gyro-in-face-itis...... I certainly was after watching beyonce's video.

Ass-gyro-in-face-itis is known to cause fits of uncontrolled emotions and extreme outbursts of approval, as well as pants-dropping and lotion-using. We should be thankful only the first few symptoms reared their head.

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

rychan says...

>> ^RedSky:
It's not like any of those celebs actually play any real part in making their music videos, so I don't see why either of them would care.
For that matter the only reason it's the 'artist' is up there collecting the award and not the music video producer is because the VMAs are a promotional event and really have nothing to do with rewarding talent anyway.

Did you see Beyonce's video? You can't accuse her of not being a big part of it when she's front and center working it the entire time:

It's a pretty simple yet edgy and captivating video IMO, having just watched it today after all of this controversy erupted. Taylor Swift's video was fine, as well.

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

daxgaz says...

i am so separated from the culture that cares about this that i find the indecent hilarious.

from my very outsider perspective i see it like this:
Beyonce is beautiful lady and it was a nice old fashion song and dance video, so good for her.
Taylor Swift is a cute kid that summed up nearly every teen romantic comedy in a short video, so good for her too.
Kanye seems to be some melodramatic attention whore kid with a hedge row maze for a hair cut. So he's a dick, but predictable, yawn.

this hub-bub reminds me of another controversy recently that i found myself asking "what the fuck is a T-pain?"

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

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