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Zero Degrees of Empathy

Zero Degrees of Empathy

Zero Degrees of Empathy

Hybrid (Member Profile)

The Dictator - First trailer - Sacha Baron Cohen

The Dictator - First trailer - Sacha Baron Cohen

The Dictator - First trailer - Sacha Baron Cohen

Herman Cain confuses Libya with Afghanistan

James O'Keefe's latest shenanigans foiled by journalism dean

dystopianfuturetoday says...

This guy poses as various characters, most famously a pimp and a telephone repairman, in order to try and get embarrassing footage of liberals. He's kind of a conservative Sasha Baron Cohen minus brains, talent and success. In this ruse, he was posing as a journalism student to try and get some professor in trouble. His cover was blown and the school official refused to condemn the professor in question. >> ^bareboards2:

Not sure how he was "foiled".


NetRunner says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Like grown people can't organize themselves and come to a consensus?
That whole "ye olde days of serfs and lords" is hyperbolic at best, if not outright fear mongering.
The Business Suit/Lobbyist Class are our Lords.
[Politicians are our Dukes or Barons or what have you.]
Why does there have to be a middle man who provides firefighters, and doctors, and civil engineering?
How the hell are we gonna govern ourselves after we recover from the zombie outbreak?!

We are governing ourselves. We always have been.


GenjiKilpatrick says...

Like grown people can't organize themselves and come to a consensus?

That whole "ye olde days of serfs and lords" is hyperbolic at best, if not outright fear mongering.

The Business Suit/Lobbyist Class are our Lords.
[Politicians are our Dukes or Barons or what have you.]

Why does there have to be a middle man who provides firefighters, and doctors, and civil engineering?

How the hell are we gonna govern ourselves after we recover from the zombie outbreak?!

A&W Baby burger (Blog Entry by BoneRemake)

BoneRemake says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Agreed on the bun to burger ratio. Too much bun kills the balance and fills you full of the worst kinds of carbs. You have 5 Guys where you live? 5 Guys is pretty God fucking damned good.

NO I do not have five guys around here. Generally I like Burger Baron, they seem to be spreading around, grew up with it in town and notice them around the city and in smaller towns here and there. The ratio they have is perfect to say the least, and is twice the size of the burgers I noted previously, if not thrice the size.

Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers

bobknight33 says...

So you basically agree it the government that the true problem but you instead choose to attack other such as in the video.

Smart, very Smart.

>> ^cosmovitelli:

>> ^bobknight33:
You issue is the Government. Your elected officials vote for this. Stop voting in crooked officials and this shit will stop.

Impossible under the current system. That's like telling Italy to just get rid of the Mafia.
Anyone who doesn't play it their way will be assimilated by the application of large (for normal people) bribes, and/or smeared and ruined through the right wing press.. or killed.
These are people who have ACTIVELY campaigned against global warming awareness and financial regulation, who tricked the US govenment into handing them $800bn last time they fucked up, who make money off dead brown babies ('we don't count bodies - especially childrens bodies').. and so much more.
You are dealing with the same sort of men who under different circumstances become dictators and torturers. You want to take their money and power off them? Good luck.
The USA was created because of the impossibility of reform under the entrenched European mafia families (i.e royalty and aristocracy).
Imagine if the US got to the point where some overpriveliged simpleton became ruler just because his daddy was before him, and realligned the countrys military and economic clout to serve only the aristocratic elite of newly minted barons and earls?
It may be time to find a new bit of land somewhere..

Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^bobknight33:
You issue is the Government. Your elected officials vote for this. Stop voting in crooked officials and this shit will stop.

Impossible under the current system. That's like telling Italy to just get rid of the Mafia.

Anyone who doesn't play it their way will be assimilated by the application of large (for normal people) bribes, and/or smeared and ruined through the right wing press.. or killed.

These are people who have ACTIVELY campaigned against global warming awareness and financial regulation, who tricked the US govenment into handing them $800bn last time they fucked up, who make money off dead brown babies ('we don't count bodies - especially childrens bodies').. and so much more.

You are dealing with the same sort of men who under different circumstances become dictators and torturers. You want to take their money and power off them? Good luck.
The USA was created because of the impossibility of reform under the entrenched European mafia families (i.e royalty and aristocracy).

Imagine if the US got to the point where some overpriveliged simpleton became ruler just because his daddy was before him, and realligned the countrys military and economic clout to serve only the aristocratic elite of newly minted barons and earls?

It may be time to find a new bit of land somewhere..

Sasha Baron Cohen's new character: Lord Monckton

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