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Bill O'Reilly Confronts Richard Dawkins

Matt Damon defending teachers

newtboy says...

Far too long....

>> ^quantumushroom:
QM:I'm happy to see that you accept the label 'right wing nutjob', that saves us time.
If it makes you happy to believe that, go right ahead. And there is no time being saved here at the sift.

Make me happy? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
It saved me time to waste on other stupidness.

I wonder where you get your 90% figure (or your implication that 100% of teachers unions are democrat)...if true, why don't right wingers believe in education and journalism? No one is stopping them from being teachers or journalists.
" identified 143 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 16 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties.
The pattern of donations, with nearly nine out of 10 giving to Democratic candidates and causes, appears to confirm a leftward tilt in newsrooms."

So, in your small sampling, it's 87%. I somehow think the sampling may have been intentionally skewed, but OK. Note I didn't disagree with your stat, just questioned it's origin, if it was Faux, I would discount it offhand.

You're part right about McCain, I did respect him for the most part (but didn't always agree with him) until he sold his soul and lost his mind in/after 2000 when the 'straight talk express' took a 90 deg right turn into a sewage filled ditch of lies, direction changes, blatant pandering, and BS. It makes me shudder to think what might have been if he had been president during his 'right wing wind sock' days, turning whichever way the right wing wind blew that day.
Yeah, because things are going SO great with the clueless community organizer at the helm. Did you see the Dow drop 500 points today? No confidence in the Obamateur, from Americans or the world.

You seem to assume that because I think McCain is worthless now that Obama must be my preferance, and that I support his policies and actions and think he's leading us strongly. That is an incorrect, and all to often made assumption. Why must you continue to make an ass out of umption, do what you like to yourself.

You have no idea when or how I was raised, so you should refrain from commenting on that subject. Let's just say your statement is wrong, as I'm sure are most of your assumptions about me.

Well, you're not overtly libertarian or conservative. So what's LEFT?

I'm what used to be republican. I'm a social liberal, and fiscal conservative. There is no sane party I can call home today.

The idea that the left is 'running roughshod' over the right is more complete insanity, the left is incapable of being cohesive enough to do much of anything intentionally. The right is cohesive, but their ideas are insane and proven repeatedly to be wrong for the most part. I do give them credit for knowing how to get their agenda furthered, I just disagree with their agenda as enacted.

Obama is on track to spend more than bush, but he has not yet. The reasons for the respective spending sprees and amount of each is another discussion in itself.

Sorry, this is untrue. Obama so far has spent 3 trillion in 3 years, whereas Bush spent close to 5 trillion in eight years, much of it opposed by the Right.

This is why people call you are insisting that 3 trillion is more than 5 trillion, and that spending sprees and tax (revenue) cuts under total republican control were against republican (the right's) wishes.

All taxpayers tired of being 'over' taxed are not right wing nutjobs, or even right wingers. That's an utter falicy and insulting BS. It's seemingly easy for you to point at the failings of one underfunded, over administrated program (public schools) and make the leap to the theory that all governmental programs are failures, but that is a gross simplification of a multifaceted problem.

Goverment schools are "underfunded"? On what planet? BTW, there is no direct correlation between school performance and how much money is spent per student. I believe DC spends the most per student and you can see how well that turned out.

Underfunded because of insane administration costs, better? More money doesn't automatically make better schools, but it helps, but not if it's all spent on non-school related administration expenses.

Even so, that theory doesn't hold water. The 'free market' for higher education shows that many, if not all completely 'private' schools provide sub par education (if any at all) while many schools using 'public' funds are among the highest ranked in the nation.
And yet how many liberal politicians send THEIR kids to private schools, even as they need teacher union votes? Competition weeds out crappy private schools while failing government schools keep churning out dummies. Government schooling is a racket, as well as unconstitutional at the federal level.

I'm not sure your arguement here...I'm not a liberal politician, or a true supporter of them, so how does what they do relate to me? I've been to good and bad private and public schools, the ones with money always had a leg up. I really believe if you have children, you should be taxed the cost of a decent education and allowed to spend it at the school you prefer (excluding religious school, that's another issue). Since this doesn't happen, I prefer decent public education be purchased with my tax dollar rather than prison cells and barbed wire. I do see it as an either or situation.

I'm sure you did call the feds attempt at stoping the failed CEO's from looting the failing companies we had just bailed out "obamatrons trying to loot corporations in the name of "social justice" ", so why isn't it 'the far right trying to loot the pensions and paychecks of the teachers' in the name of social justice? What's good for the goose...right? A legal contract is a legal contract, right?

I was never a fan of any bailout. Bush was barely conservative as it was. The left was too busy hating Bush to notice him rubber-stamping most of their spending requests. Stupid Hillary is on record claiming she'd like to seize all of the oil companies' profits. To the best of my knowledge, some states are making some teachers pay a tiny fraction more for their own health insurance and/or pension. Hardly the a$$rape by unnamed "far right" specters you're insinuating.

I'll never understand the arguement that, when confronted with their own abhorrent behavior people answer with 'look, that other guy I always call an a$$hole is doing bad stuff too'.
As I understand it, many states are cutting back on pension payments, or not paying them at all. At the same time they are regulating teachers, denying them union status, and forcing renegotiation of in place pay and work hours/load contracts. Not total a$$ rape, but close, and certainly not fair or acceptable treatment.

I'm not sure if you are ignoring my last statement there or if that's some kind of 1/2 assed, racist response. Either way, TOTAL FAIL.
Knowing me, I probably just didn't give a sh1t. Nothing personal. Youse guys have such thin skins when it comes to these faux-racial matters. What part of 'Kenyanesque Hawaiian' is racist? Odumbo's fadda was Kenyan and he (the son) was purportedly born in Hawaii. Where's the racism? Only in your mind.

I said:Letting right wing nutjobs re-write contracts and negate our obligations was one of our biggest mistakes.

You replied: Fail. The Kenyanesque Hawaiian never met a spending cut he liked. He's overclocked this economy because he wants to cripple it. Here comes the broom to sweep the moonbats out of the belfry.

The ridiculous infactuation with his ancestory (race) is where the racism is. Kenyanesque only applies if he acts Kenyan, and he does not. It is intended to be racially insulting, you know it, we know it. Either give it up or own it.
It's sad that you just don't give a sh!t about your people being so unstable that you can't trust any agreement made with them. That's my issue, not so much their political party, but their actions and trustworthyness. I'm hardpressed to find a politician of either party I wouldn't call fectless and feculant. I call out the right more often because they went bat sh!t crazy and deserted me, leaving me partyless.

Tour de France TV car hits cyclists

Tour de France TV car hits cyclists

Motorcycle Gymnast flips out over wreck

quantumushroom says...


If the godless liberals made this man wear a helmet, and the unions, which steal corporation's earnings so that they have to skimp on manufacturing more durable products, this guy wouldn't have been able to do gymnastics at all! Did you see how small that truck was? Government must have bought GM.
Gay people were probably watching Platoon when this happened!
Let's hope he has insurance, because Obama may let this guy get past the US' borders, which have no mine fields, barbed wire or moats filled with snakes and alligators, and make babies! These babies would surely grow up to blow up Oklahoma and bankrupt hospitals.
This is the kind of thing that wouldn't happen if the TEN COMMANDMENTS were etched into every public school's drinking fountains!

Motorcycle Gymnast flips out over wreck

MrFisk says...

If the godless liberals made this man wear a helmet, and the unions, which steal corporation's earnings so that they have to skimp on manufacturing more durable products, this guy wouldn't have been able to do gymnastics at all! Did you see how small that truck was? Government must have bought GM.
Gay people were probably watching Platoon when this happened!
Let's hope he has insurance, because Obama may let this guy get past the US' borders, which have no mine fields, barbed wire or moats filled with snakes and alligators, and make babies! These babies would surely grow up to blow up Oklahoma and bankrupt hospitals.
This is the kind of thing that wouldn't happen if the TEN COMMANDMENTS were etched into every public school's drinking fountains!

Young kid has stunt-driver-quality parallel parking skills

My life according to STEELY DAN (Blog Entry by Ornthoron)

rasch187 says...

My life according to: Bob Dylan (duh)

Are you a male or female? Ballad Of A Thin Man

Describe yourself: Motorpsycho Nightmare

How do you feel? Sittin' On A Barbed Wire Fence

Describe where you currently live: Drifter's Escape

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: Desolation Row

Your favorite form of transportation: From a Buick 6

Your best friend is: The Man In Me

You and your best friends are: Knockin' On Heaven's Door

What's the weather like? Shelter From The Storm

Favorite time of day: New Morning

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called?: Man In The Long Black Coat

What is life to you: I Threw It All Away

Your current relationship: Lay Lady Lay

Your fear: You Ain't Goin' Nowhere

What is the best advice you have to give? It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry

Thought for the Day: I Shall Be Free

How I would like to die: Shooting Star

My soul's present condition: Forever Young

My motto: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

Andrew Bird - Armchairs

EDD (Member Profile)

chilaxe says...

Interesting. Which country do you live in?

In reply to this comment by EDD:
I live in a post-soviet nation which just last year ranked lowest in terms of quality of health care in the EU - and for good reason. I couldn't explain our system if I wanted to, it's that chaotic; made up from remnants of soviet infrastructure and new institutions that were created in the 90s, but suffice to say that one pays for other folks' medical care in taxes AND when one has to make a doctor's appointment/perform a procedure as well - unless they have full insurance (which more often than not people don't). I'd say up to half of the population do not have the social benefit of employer-covered insurance and less than half of all the uninsured have a privately purchased health care plan. There is a national health service in name only - it just doesn't do what it's supposed to. The prices for the services are generally reasonable, the problem is that the country's welfare sucks, with the majority of pensions being below the minimum consumer basket(!!!).
Having said that, people sometimes have to wait months to get government-funded surgery, but that's line-based waiting and usually for transplants afaik, because there just aren't any. While there are private clinics, I've never heard of anybody having to wait longer in a state hospital because of bureaucracy or because they couldn't afford to pay extra - that's just wrong.

Now, as far as a public health care option is concerned I can say this: as an Eastern-European country we have our fair share of soviet-sympathizers, but they're the minority. However, even people that could now be called nationalists often reminisce about how great Soviet health care was - nobody paid a single dime and everybody got the same treatment (almost, actually - ruling party members were usually taken to military hospitals - I wonder why...). Anyway, QM can spout his BS all he wants, but socialized health care works, and the fact that it worked for the Soviet republics doesn't mean that it goes hand-in-hand with communism, it means that it just plain WORKS.

As far as the US is concerned, I just sifted this:

Other great stuff from Bill Moyers:

*edit - what dag said. I'm kind of shocked at how any of the rich assholes that oppose public health care in the US haven't given the concept of herd immunity a single thought, or, that the opposition hasn't called them out on this. Then again I suppose the assholes expect their kids and grand-kids will be living in barb-wire fenced environments to keep the 'common folk' away.

Help Convince the rest of the USA that a Public Option is BEST (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

EDD says...

I live in a post-soviet nation which just last year ranked lowest in terms of quality of health care in the EU - and for good reason. I couldn't explain our system if I wanted to, it's that chaotic; made up from remnants of soviet infrastructure and new institutions that were created in the 90s, but suffice to say that one pays for other folks' medical care in taxes AND when one has to make a doctor's appointment/perform a procedure as well - unless they have full insurance (which more often than not people don't). I'd say up to half of the population does not have the social benefit of employer-covered insurance and less than half of all the uninsured have a privately purchased health care plan. There is a national health service in name only - it just doesn't do what it's supposed to. The prices for the services are generally reasonable, the problem is that the country's welfare sucks, with the majority of pensions being below the minimum consumer basket(!!!).
Having said that, people sometimes have to wait months to get government-funded surgery, but that's line-based waiting and usually for transplants afaik, because there just never seem to be enough of those around. While there are private clinics, I've never heard of anybody having to wait longer in a state hospital because of bureaucracy or because they couldn't afford to pay extra - that's just wrong.

Now, as far as a public health care option is concerned I can say this: as an Eastern-European country we have our fair share of soviet-sympathizers, but they're the minority. However, even people that could now be called nationalists often reminisce about how great Soviet health care was - nobody paid a single dime and everybody got the same treatment (almost, actually - ruling party members were usually taken to military hospitals - I wonder why...). Anyway, QM can spout his BS all he wants, but socialized health care works, and the fact that it worked for the Soviet republics doesn't mean that it goes hand-in-hand with communism, it means that it just plain WORKS.

As far as the US is concerned, I just sifted this:

Other great stuff from Bill Moyers:

*edit - what dag said. I'm kind of shocked at how any of the rich assholes that oppose public health care in the US haven't given the concept of herd immunity a single thought, or, that the opposition hasn't called them out on this. Then again I suppose the assholes expect their kids and grand-kids will be living in barb-wire fenced environments to keep the 'common folk' away.

Flower-Girl Protestor Gets a Face Full of Pepper Spray

De La Soul - Potholes in My Lawn

MrFisk says...

Everybody's sayin'
What to do when suckin' lunatics start diggin' and chewin'
They don't know that the Soul don't go for that
Potholes in my lawn
And that goes for my rhyme sheet
Which I concentrated so hard on, see
I don't ask for maximum security
But my dwellin' is swellin'
It nipped my bud when I happened to fall
Into a spot
Where no ink or an ink-blot
Was on a scroll
I just wrote me a new 'mot'
But now it's gone
There's no
Suckers knew that I hate
To recognise that every time I'm writin'
It's gone

I've found that it's not wise
To leave my garden untended
'Cause eyes have now pardoned all laws of privacy
Even paws are after my writer
See, I've found that everyone's sayin'
What to do when suckers are preyin'
On my well-guarded spreadsheets
Oh why, hell does it send up fleets
Of evil-doers through the big hole
To get to evil-doers who dig holes
Which leaves my lawn with lawn-chew
I think I'd better plant traces to give clues
Or better yet call 911
And when they get here I inform them I'm the Plug One
Open a chair and let them realize the reason
For concern of the Soul,
'Cause we've come down with a case of potholes

Now you got the message
What to do when you die
The death that I predict in 'Plug Tunin'
It's a shame that you deny to claim
That you stole my words of fame
That I wrote in my rhyme sheet
Which I concentrated so hard on, see
I don't ask for a barbed wire fence, B
But my dwellin' is swellin'
It nipped my bud when I happened to fall
Into a spot
Where no ink or an ink-blot
Was on a scroll
I just wrote me a new 'mot'
But now it's gone there's no
Suckers knew that I hate
To recoginse that every time I'm writin'
It's gone

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Last Flight - When planes go to die

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