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Squirrels' epic battle over sunflower seeds

kulpims (Member Profile)

Young Turks Analysis of Epic Beard Man

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^brain:
I've been thinking about it, and I think the reason everyone sides with epic bear man is:
1. It seemed to start with a simple miscommunication.
2. Epic beard man didn't appear to do anything wrong, other than maybe say "I'll slap the shit out of you", which isn't that bad considering.
3. He was told to get his ass back up to the front of the bus and he did.
4. He's 67 years old.
5. The black guy went up to the front of the bus threatening him.
6. The black guy threw the first punch, which is what escalated it to a whole new level.
It has a lot of elements of videos of a bully thug that ends up getting his ass kicked.
It also has elements of videos where an old man/woman fends off a thug.
I think the video would have still been a hit even if it was a white thuggish guy that got beat up.
All that being said, epic beard man is:
1. Probably insane
2. Probably racist
3. Probably on drugs
4. Probably provoked the fight before the video
But none of that is really shown in the popular fight video.

I mean any number of us could be

All that being said, epic beard man is:
1. Probably insane
2. Probably racist
3. Probably on drugs
4. Probably provoked the fight before the video

Squirrels' epic battle over sunflower seeds

Young Turks Analysis of Epic Beard Man

brain says...

I've been thinking about it, and I think the reason everyone sides with epic bear man is:
1. It seemed to start with a simple miscommunication.
2. Epic beard man didn't appear to do anything wrong, other than maybe say "I'll slap the shit out of you", which isn't that bad considering.
3. He was told to get his ass back up to the front of the bus and he did.
4. He's 67 years old.
5. The black guy went up to the front of the bus threatening him.
6. The black guy threw the first punch, which is what escalated it to a whole new level.

It has a lot of elements of videos of a bully thug that ends up getting his ass kicked.
It also has elements of videos where an old man/woman fends off a thug.
I think the video would have still been a hit even if it was a white thuggish guy that got beat up.

All that being said, epic beard man is:
1. Probably insane
2. Probably racist
3. Probably on drugs
4. Probably provoked the fight before the video

But none of that is really shown in the popular fight video.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^dannym3141:
Forget it longde - i'm metaphorically moving to the front of the bus.
I couldn't disagree more really with you dystopian. I am glad this idiot got his ass kicked for initiating a physical fight with someone.
I know i'm not a racist, i have absolutely no racism in my body, i have never let slip a racist epithet in anger or anything else. I can watch this video and form my opinions without questioning myself or vetting myself for racism - because i'm flat out not racist.
I think if you are worried that you formed an opinion based on race, you're contributing to problems with racism. Think about it - if you have to stop yourself and question yourself before you form an opinion about this dispute between 2 differently coloured people, are you really treating people different to you as an equal? Because you wouldn't do that if you were talking to say, your father. If you change how you act to someone because they're different, it isn't a good thing.
I've said it before, i'll say it again:
Challenging ourselves to stop our racism is OF COURSE a good thing, but racism will not be truly gone until it's not even an issue to consider to us anymore. For me, there is no issue to consider - i watch this video as one PERSON starting a fight with another PERSON and getting ass-kicked. The colour of their skin is just an identifying feature to me, like hair colour.
I actually feel slightly sorry for anyone that has to vet themselves for fear of accidentally being racist. I can't imagine how difficult it must be, i've never had to even remotely consider it. It stems right back to my primary school upbringing when i was about 4 or 5 years old. Back then, having someone with a different skin colour in your class was rare, but we had the only jamaican girl in the entire school in our class. 15 years later, i discovered that there was some racism that took place, and i was absolutely horrified and amazed - not only did i never see it, but it never even occured to me that she was in any way different to me.

Note: I downvoted your comment when it was just a lame response to longe, before you tacked on your response to my comment.

I know little about you, other than the fact that you don't seem very smart, so I'm not going to 'prejudge' your internal racial attitudes.

However, there are some clues here.

Your responses to other people on this subject have been highly emotional.
You are generally very defensive on the subject of race.
In your comment to longe, you self identify with the white combatant.
You've admitted that you think personal introspection on the subject of race is 'part of the problem'.

I'm no psychologist, but it doesn't take Sigmund Freud to tell you that there are probably some issues here.

Thinking is ALWAYS a good thing, regardless of the subject, and whomever taught you to turn off your brain when it comes to matters of race did you a grave disservice. As I said above in my comment to chilaxe, our minds are subjective by nature, which means that many of the things we understand to be true in this world just flat out aren't. Without critical thought, those misconceptions just stay up there, building strength with each new year of rationalization and self-deception.

In short: Your brain is your friend, so use it.

I'm sorry to put you in a metaphorical amberlamps, but you did fuck with me. (just kidding)

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

dannym3141 says...

Forget it longde - i'm metaphorically moving to the front of the bus.

I couldn't disagree more really with you dystopian. I am glad this idiot got his ass kicked for initiating a physical fight with someone.

I know i'm not a racist, i have absolutely no racism in my body, i have never let slip a racist epithet in anger or anything else. I can watch this video and form my opinions without questioning myself or vetting myself for racism - because i'm flat out not racist.

I think if you are worried that you formed an opinion based on race, you're contributing to problems with racism. Think about it - if you have to stop yourself and question yourself before you form an opinion about this dispute between 2 differently coloured people, are you really treating people different to you as an equal? Because you wouldn't do that if you were talking to say, your father. If you change how you act to someone because they're different, it isn't a good thing.

I've said it before, i'll say it again:
Challenging ourselves to stop our racism is OF COURSE a good thing, but racism will not be truly gone until it's not even an issue to consider to us anymore. For me, there is no issue to consider - i watch this video as one PERSON starting a fight with another PERSON and getting ass-kicked. The colour of their skin is just an identifying feature to me, like hair colour.

I actually feel slightly sorry for anyone that has to vet themselves for fear of accidentally being racist. I can't imagine how difficult it must be, i've never had to even remotely consider it. It stems right back to my primary school upbringing when i was about 4 or 5 years old. Back then, having someone with a different skin colour in your class was rare, but we had the only jamaican girl in the entire school in our class. 15 years later, i discovered that there was some racism that took place, and i was absolutely horrified and amazed - not only did i never see it, but it never even occured to me that she was in any way different to me.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

Issykitty says...

I'm not judging anyone for watching this video for its trainwreck-of-humanity fascination value. I get it... but I'd personally have to agree with peggedbea's sentiment, and I totally understand longde's viewpoint as well. This video is just pure sadness.

Let me illustrate: The following is a straight cut-n-pasted sampling of the "commentary" straight off the recent YouTube thread:

fuck you swagga bitch, you grew the size of a babys nut nig

chinqlinq89 (1 minute ago)

AHWorldtour3945 (1 minute ago)
the nigger choose the wrong man and got his ass kicked by Santa

emurami (1 minute ago)

bakewon (1 minute ago)
black bitch in the yellow shirt eating watermelon pieces out of a bag

cmiller871989 (1 minute ago)
Ja'Rule uses public transit?????????

janrepo1 (2 minutes ago)
Kill all niggers.You go Grandpa.!!!


67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

>> ^rottenseed:
Words are just words and I'm always ready to throw down and get my ass-kicked. It's part of my role of being an asshole. But I wouldn't want anybody calling out onlookers telling them that fighting is bad and implying that anybody who watches is not civilized, but a blood lusting animal. Maybe that's not what you were implying but that's what was inferred by me and possible others.
Cool you don't like fighting, go build a bird house or whatever...downvote the video add in your 2 cents about the video but stop generalizing based on how you think of us.

Yes, you are putting words in my mouth. I'm not implying anything; I mean exactly what I said.

And just who is generalizing, here?:

>> ^rottenseed:
Listen to enough black comedians (Eddie Murphy to be precise) and you'll learn that much of their fighting consists of scaring the opponent in hopes that they don't actually fight.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

rottenseed says...

Words are just words and I'm always ready to throw down and get my ass-kicked. It's part of my role of being an asshole. But I wouldn't want anybody calling out onlookers telling them that fighting is bad and implying that anybody who watches is not civilized, but a blood lusting animal. Maybe that's not what you were implying but that's what was inferred by me and possible others.

Cool you don't like fighting, go build a bird house or whatever...downvote the video add in your 2 cents about the video but stop generalizing based on how you think of us.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

Again, I have not defended the black dude.

The bearded klansman is such The Pacifist, yelling threats while 'walking away'.

Yes, racial violence is bad. As for 'passive aggressive belittling', you yourself said that 'words are just words'. Looks like you are the one who needs to think through his self-contradicting viewpoints.

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^longde:
It sure makes my day to log into the sift and see folks celebrating racial violence and hatred and rooting on a deranged foul mouthed racist.
Looks like everyone's bearded hero aroused the blood lust of many on the sift. Looks like some of you wanted to see more blood.

It looks like I'm gonna have to call the waaaaambalamps.
So now that punk kid doesn't have to take responsibility for his actions? You start a fight and get your ass-kicked it's your own fault. Words are just words, and as ignorant as they may be, you have to take responsibility for how you deal with them. I'm rooting for the old man because he walked away...not wanting to get into a physical confrontation when things could have escalated to that point.
Furthermore, drop the self-righteous saint act. It's real easy to cast judgement instead entering a discussion with an thought-out viewpoint, whether you're agreeing with or dissenting against the ideas of the majority. Pretty much you're saying racial violence is bad but passive aggressive belittling of those that don't agree with you is ok.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

rottenseed says...

>> ^longde:
It sure makes my day to log into the sift and see folks celebrating racial violence and hatred and rooting on a deranged foul mouthed racist.
Looks like everyone's bearded hero aroused the blood lust of many on the sift. Looks like some of you wanted to see more blood.

It looks like I'm gonna have to call the waaaaambalamps.

So now that punk kid doesn't have to take responsibility for his actions? You start a fight and get your ass-kicked it's your own fault. Words are just words, and as ignorant as they may be, you have to take responsibility for how you deal with them. I'm rooting for the old man because he walked away...not wanting to get into a physical confrontation when things could have escalated to that point.

Furthermore, drop the self-righteous saint act. It's real easy to cast judgement instead entering a discussion with an thought-out viewpoint, whether you're agreeing with or dissenting against the ideas of the majority. Pretty much you're saying racial violence is bad but passive aggressive belittling of those that don't agree with you is ok.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

frijoles says...

>> ^Xax:
I didn't quite catch what caused the argument. The black guy was asking the white guy why a black guy had to shine his shoes or something, but that's about all I caught.

Sounds like the white guy misheard something the black guy said as he was walking by. White guy is going to something on Friday and wants his shoes to look good, and he thought the black guy was offering to spit-shine shoes. Black guy looks confused and thinks the white guy is making a racist comment. Things escalate from there. That's what I got out of it, anyway.

He's pretty tough at the end there, for someone who got his ass kicked.

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Misinformer of the Year 2009: Glenn Beck

shagen454 says...

It's obvious this guy was and is a repressed obnoxious geek that probably got his little obnoxious geek ass kicked and poked throughout his life and now he has to keep flapping his big stupid gums to make some point based on fact-less contortions of reality so some idiotic people idolize him. Nothing he says makes any sense whatsoever and it never will. He put up nazi's marching but in reality it fits his show so perfectly with nazi's while he speaks lies and manipulations to the seriously mentally challenged and ill masses.

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