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That's How You Get Pinkeye (The Licking A** Dance)

How to kick the shit out of somebody

dannym3141 says...

>> ^jwray:

Why kick someone in the chest when you can kick them in the nuts. It's faster, longer range, does a lot more damage, and puts you at much less risk of losing your balance in a counterattack.

Sorry jwray, but i have to say your advice next to the advice of mr. rutten (who could pound just about any single person in a real fight) falls distincty short.

Let's not forget that this video right here is a demonstration of a technique for fighting in a certain style of MMA competition.

But he, and people in his sport, also give self defence lessons which relate to real fights.

Don't be under any illusion, jwray, this guy could kick most people's arses in a real world fight. You may as well pretend that lennox lewis is a pussy who'd get his ass kicked in a street fight because nail clawing, eye gouging, biting and kicking isn't allowed in boxing.

The bottom line is that these guys are experts in delivering punches, kicks, holds and throws - they're trained by repetition and baptism of fire to deliver them even under the worst of circumstances, when they're dog tired, when their nose is broken into 4 - AND THEY CAN KICK/EYE GOUGE/NAIL SCRATCH AND HAIR PULL BETTER THAN YOU BECAUSE THEY'RE USED TO HAVING THAT ADRENALINE OF THE FIGHT RESPONSE.

Honestly pal, if you think anyone near to the top of just about any MMA or boxing type competition is on an even footing to your average person in a street fight, you're kidding yourself. I pray to god, allah and budda that your over confidence doesn't lead you into a fight with one of these guys, cos you'd be lucky if they decided to stop very precisely short of killing you.

Tornado Forms in Front of Car

Duckman33 says...

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^shponglefan:
You guys need to stop taking the internet so seriously.

Get some fucking testicles and stand behind your comment. Don't try to hide behind some excuse to placate moral responsibility away from yourself because somehow insulting people in this medium is any different from insulting them IRL. The only difference is you'd get your scrawny ass kicked if you weren't typing it, and then you try to justify it with that phrase?
The phrase makes no sense. Things are as serious or consequential as you make them. Get some backbone and take responsibility for your actions.

Exactly which comment is it that are you referring to should he stand behind? I can only see one comment he made, and it's the one you quoted... For that matter, which actions should he be "growing a backbone" and "taking responsibility" for? All he did was make a comment (the same one that you quoted), which, judging from the votes it got a lot of people agreed with.

Tornado Forms in Front of Car

dannym3141 says...

>> ^shponglefan:

You guys need to stop taking the internet so seriously.

Get some fucking testicles and stand behind your comment. Don't try to hide behind some excuse to placate moral responsibility away from yourself because somehow insulting people in this medium is any different from insulting them IRL. The only difference is you'd get your scrawny ass kicked if you weren't typing it, and then you try to justify it with that phrase?

The phrase makes no sense. Things are as serious or consequential as you make them. Get some backbone and take responsibility for your actions.

Workplace Democracy: Corporate Style

Enzoblue says...

Let's fix labor laws yeah! I'll start:
1. Make it to where I'm not forced to pay union dues if I don't join the union. If closed shops are illegal how come financially closed shops aren't?
2. Make it to where companies aren't forced to layoff by seniority so I don't get my ass kicked taking up the slack of all the old timers who feel the company owes them, (forgetting they got paid for all those many years of service at market rate and are now getting payed a lot more than me for doing half the work).
3. Put in a 'dead weight' clause so that people who milk the system can get fired without recrimination. You would not believe how shameless some people are.
4. Make it so companies can move qualified employees into higher positions instead of moving up people by seniority so they're not obliged to train dummies a full six months before moving them back down.

I could go on and on. I did work for a company once that wasn't union and did give us a bunch of anti-union rhetoric. The cool thing about them is that they kept us happy by paying us more and giving bonuses to those that did more. Now everything is across the board and the company gives nothing more than what they absolutely have to.

It's a two-edged sword and the greed goes both ways. Both sides are out to get working class money, make no mistake.

Cute Baby! Fucknut Parents...

Porksandwich says...

Had a friend in middle school, moved away before high school but kept in touch, whose parents were both immigrants. The friend and his brother both used to swear a lot, the parents would as well. The friend and brother did it because their parents didn't mind it, and I don't think the parents minded it because it wasn't their first language and they weren't wired to be righteously offended by English swear words. Sure they understand them for the most part, but they didn't react the same as people whose only/primary language was English.

Every parent I met until high school (15-18) didn't want their kids using even borderline swear language and sometimes not even then. But his parents really didn't care in the least...they also took a completely different view on drinking and sex when it came to their kids too. They could drink and wouldn't get in trouble as long as they called for a ride, but they'd get their ass kicked royally if they drove drunk or rode with someone who was. And they'd let them have porno mags, I think there was a little limitation there in that they didn't want them having the super hardcore stuff...but even that rule kinda went out the window as they approached 18. Both were a little unruly growing up, but they controlled themselves better in more out of control situations. And both went on to college and careers, despite a learning disability that wasn't caught until late in high school for one of them. And both are close with their parents and normal well rounded and well liked people.

A lot of what is done today is just too controlling an environment for growing up and maturing in. Thus a lot of young adults spend their early to mid 20s figuring out stuff their parents or grandparents probably learned by the age of 20.

KICK-ASS KICKS ASS. (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Farhad2000 says...

I agree with our blonde haired Norwegian. I saw I came I left feeling meh, Hit girl is a scene stealer though, there good parts but overall DVD rental.
>> ^rasch187:

Saw this movie a week ago and had a lot of expectations. Ended up being quite disappointed as the film felt very scizophrenic, part comedy, part drama, part messed up thriller. There were some funny scenes and Hit Girl was a lot of fun, but in the end it was far from enough to save this overrated film.

StarCraft II - Ultralisk vs 798 Zerglings

xxovercastxx says...

Part of me is sad that ultralisks don't suck anymore. I loved using them in SC1 because they were so insulting. You know you're getting your ass kicked if your opponent can afford the time and resources to send ultralisks at you.


enoch says...

this and "hey pal..i dont know if your up on current events but we just got our asses kicked".
"oh thats it're dog food".
ha..i'll stop.i could do this all day.
one of my favorite films and a rarity when a sequel is as good,if not better,than the original.
close call though.
ridley scott..james cameron......cloooooose call.

Booby-trapped bike teaches thief a lesson!

Porksandwich says...

>> ^longde:
It's mindboggling to me that people can't see the both these parties in the video are criminals. One is taking property, and the other intentionally injured another.
I think it is sad that property is deemed more important than human life/limb.
You say that the thief deserved it? So, now its ok to take the law into your hands and mete out punishment by any means? You folks sound like minutemen.
Do you want some extra-legal person meting out punishment to you when you break the law (speeding, tax cheating, drug use, jay walking, etc)?

Shrug, in most places if you jay walk and get hit by a car because you didn't look, the guy driving the car isn't automatically guilty because you decided to dart into traffic. If you hadn't ran blindly into traffic, you wouldn't have been hit by the are dangerous after all.

If you're speeding to such excess that you hit another car because he pulled out in front of you in a blind corner.....the guy pulling out in front of you is not at fault for your recklessness. He set up a situation where you got in an accident, but he's not going to be charged by any sane police officer if you're doing 50 over the speed limit. If you hadn't been speeding you wouldn't have created the situation you got hurt in....speeding is dangerous after all.

If drug use impairs your judgement enough to cause you to get your ass kicked because you decided to pick a fight, in most court rooms unless the guy kicked your ass to extremes and really did a lot of'd be the guilty party and he'd be safe under self defense. But you couldn't have fought the guy if he weren't there, so it must be his fault. If you hadn't been high you would have thought better of it and not started a fight and got yourself hurt.....fighting is inherently dangerous after all.

The guy stealing the bike has no reasonable case to make against the guy who left the bike there. It's not as if he asked the guy if the bike were safe to ride, or if he had permission to use his property. It's the equivalent of diving into a fenced off pool without knowing there's water in it. There's an implicit "Don't mess with my property" when you park your car, or leave your bike outside a store when you go in. People remove the front wheels off their bikes as a anti-theft measure......does the guy who hops on it without the front wheel get to sue when he besides his face on the curb?

Simply put, the guy stealing the bike had no reasonable cause to think that bike was his or that it was fully functional and safe. He decided to chance it thinking he'd get a free bike out of it and busted his ass in the process. Hell I'd argue he even knew something was up with the bike because he was looking down at it when he first started pedaling, then he stood up to really put the speed on and shortly after he busted his ass. No one forced the guy to ride it or continue on after he had suspicion about it. Now if after he fell on the bike, the dude with the video camera ran out and kicked him in the face....... intentional harm and "extra-legal" punishment might come into play. Guy wouldn't have been hurt if he hadn't taken the bike.

Black Students Catch Hell in UC San Diego

choggie says...

>> ^longde:
pprt has a history which I used as context to gage his comment>> ^choggie:
>> ^Pprt:
Read more about both these hoax incidents (both perpetrated by Blacks, mind you):
The Compton Cookout:
The Noose:,0,5953265.story

Hey longde?? Why down vote
the comment??....Are you appalled at the mention of fruits and meats?? Or that the flavor of the caps and explanation marks could be misconstrued as support for tsome, invisible and non-existent racist sentiments, hence, had you wished you had not even have to read it?? Burn a book and follow the links drifter, further explanation is needed to adequately ascertain the actual scope, intent, and motivations for this "hate crime"<<<<(newspeak bullshit vernacular of Big Brother) you can best bet it will be used as a model for what is "appropriate" and "unacceptable" in the form of some new laws in California and beyond....
This shit escapade should not have sparked protest, but a simple call out into the street and an ass-kicking to the douchebags who thought it would be funny.


Black Students Catch Hell in UC San Diego

longde says...

pprt has a history which I used as context to gage his comment>> ^choggie:
>> ^Pprt:
Read more about both these hoax incidents (both perpetrated by Blacks, mind you):
The Compton Cookout:
The Noose:,0,5953265.story

Hey longde?? Why down vote
the comment??....Are you appalled at the mention of fruits and meats?? Or that the flavor of the caps and explanation marks could be misconstrued as support for tsome, invisible and non-existent racist sentiments, hence, had you wished you had not even have to read it?? Burn a book and follow the links drifter, further explanation is needed to adequately ascertain the actual scope, intent, and motivations for this "hate crime"<<<<(newspeak bullshit vernacular of Big Brother) you can best bet it will be used as a model for what is "appropriate" and "unacceptable" in the form of some new laws in California and beyond....
This shit escapade should not have sparked protest, but a simple call out into the street and an ass-kicking to the douchebags who thought it would be funny.

Black Students Catch Hell in UC San Diego

choggie says...

>> ^Pprt:
Read more about both these hoax incidents (both perpetrated by Blacks, mind you):
The Compton Cookout:
The Noose:,0,5953265.story

Hey longde?? Why down vote
the comment??....Are you appalled at the mention of fruits and meats?? Or that the flavor of the caps and explanation marks could be misconstrued as support for tsome, invisible and non-existent racist sentiments, hence, had you wished you had not even have to read it?? Burn a book and follow the links drifter, further explanation is needed to adequately ascertain the actual scope, intent, and motivations for this "hate crime"<<<<(newspeak bullshit vernacular of Big Brother) you can best bet it will be used as a model for what is "appropriate" and "unacceptable" in the form of some new laws in California and beyond....
This shit escapade should not have sparked protest, but a simple call out into the street and an ass-kicking to the douchebags who thought it would be funny.

5-year old sets new world record for "air" push-ups

5-year old sets new world record for "air" push-ups

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