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inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

The Dead Weather - 60 Feet Tall

Operation Iraqi Stephen: Army Hokey-Pokey

xxovercastxx says...

I hate the "we're better than you" attitude that soldiers come out of service with. A lot of the people I know who entered service did so because they were low on options. Legal trouble, financial trouble, drug problems, or just plain lack of direction; in one way or another they went in because they needed their ass kicked back in line and they knew it.

I'm not saying they're bad people; often they've been irresponsible or made bad decisions; but to say that recruits are the top 5% of the population is ridiculous. Most of them are probably lucky if they're above the bottom 10%.

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Of course you can respond. I don't want a concession I haven't earned.

The failure of Circuit City (or any of the others on your list) has had no meaningful impact on reducing corporate abuse. Circuit City was replace by Best Buy, which treats its employees worse than its predecessor. So in this case, 'wallet democracy' has actually made things worse.

This is because "wallet democracy" isn't based on intelligence, wisdom, morality or any kind of desire for social justice, it's based on convenient location, ad campaigns, low prices and blue light specials. These out-of-whack priorities have no real chance at achieving anything positive, and usually end up doing the opposite, by empowering the worst offenders, like Wal*Mart. I've not shopped in a Wal*Mart in over a decade, but still they thrive, despite my furious wallet. I guess the people have spoken, and working class dignity is an inferior candidate to low low prices.

'State's Rights' is another favorite corporate think tank meme, for the simple and obvious reason that corporations would rather face small enemies than large ones. Corporations have vast resources that they can use to bribe desperate states, to pit states against each other, and to punish states that don't toe the line, among other things.

I don't see local politicians being any less susceptible to lobbying; or local voters being any less susceptible to expensive ad campaigns, in fact, small town folk might be more suceptible to the glitz and glamor of corporate favor than their seasoned national counterparts. A few of the larger metropolitan areas might be organized enough to make a stand, but I can't see it realistically living up to your expectations.

Beyond all that, do you ever use the local control you already have?

-Have you ever attended a city council meeting?
-Do you research your local candidates in any depth?
-Do you know the names of local politicians, state senators, state congressmen, local judges and/or city council members?

Anyway, I like the old Clinton quote that goes something like 'there is nothing wrong with America that can't be fixed by what is right with America'. For better or for worse, our country is 'our' country, and as long as it remains our country, we have the ability to change it. It's easy to feel down about our country, because we are getting our asses kicked by a very small, but wealthy and powerful segment of our population. If enough of us can figure this out, and are mad enough to do something about it, we win. It's a big if.

(hahaha, nice dick joke)

Dudes try to act tough in a store, get some street justice

John McEnroe - "You Cannot Be Serious!!"

Yogi says...

I always thought it was funny when he went off on his little tantrums. But it also told me that he never got his ass kicked before, and I would've really paid to see that, it would help him grow as a person too.

Angry Guy on Hell's Kitchen Wants to Fight Gordon Ramsay

thehelix says...

So did he get his ass kicked or what? I'm sure it was a typical reality show intense buildup, then you come back from the commercials and it was a weak resolution. That guy probably walked away.

Rachel Maddow & The Brawliamentary Process & Fist Fights

Angry Guy on Hell's Kitchen Wants to Fight Gordon Ramsay

necrontyr says...

>> ^demon_ix:
Oh noes! Teh dramah!
I'd actually pay money to see Gordon Ramsey get his ass kicked...
WTF is an executive chef anyway?

An executive chef is the head chef essentially. At most restaurants, the exec chef is responsible not only for meal preparation, but for keeping things running smoothly, adding new dishes to the menu, and the hiring and firing of other people. He organizes and cooks and needs to be good at both.

Angry Guy on Hell's Kitchen Wants to Fight Gordon Ramsay

Guy with Gun Confronts Skateboarder. Street Justice Ensues

LordOderus says...

I guess that guy never saw the movie KIDS. You never mess with skateboarders. They all carry bludgeoning weapons and they travel in packs.

Glad the guy got a good group ass kicking though. He definitely had it coming. Anyone know if there were any arrests or anything regarding this video?

American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

sme4r says...

I'm not an advocate of drink throwing or ass kicking, I prefer verbal ego crushings. Anyways you could look at it like, instead of kicking him in the nuts, she threw her drink on him, and instead of punching her in the face, he kicked her legs out from under her. More fucked up on his end, but it coulda been worse on both ends.

Monty Python - Never Be Rude To an Arab

sallyjune says...

"N" bomb, "n" word, please: simply refer to it as saying the word "nigger", and watch your poser friends bereft of knowledge of semantics and full of themselves, blush. Unless they are black, then it's harder to tell.

The only time the word is used with any effect is usually when spoken to deride someone else, to agree with someone else or otherwise engage in accepted, colloquial social banter, or to shock imbeciles out of their self-righteous foxhole. Its a word, in the lexicon, use it wisely or have your ass kicked.

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