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Tiger Leaps From Boat When Released

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

surfingyt says...

truth is irrelevant to the loser. bewb would believe whatever fantasy he wants his little world to be. he has 0 critical thinking skills. engineer my arse lol

newtboy said:

I’m certain you would believe it were it not pre-debunked.

GOP Freak Out About DC Statehood and the Green New Deal

noims says...

To be fair, if the republicans were trying to add a very red 51st state there'd be outrage from the democrats. There are arguments for and against, but this is being done now as a power grab.

However, this is hardly the first low blow to be struck. Dirty tricks like this have been escalating fast - mostly from the right, from what I've seen - and in this arena if only one side is fighting dirty they're going to win. On top of that, the two-party system means neither side has a vested interest in getting a referee in to make things fair since that could open the door to other competitors.

This is just another sign that American politics could really do with a reboot, or at least (as we say over here) a boot up the arse.

Cyberpunk 2077 Visual Tech Tour - The Maxed Out Next-Gen PC

wtfcaniuse says...

Looks like arse on your PS5 because you're playing the PS4 version. "Nextgen" console version is coming out next year.

robdot said:

This looks like ass on my ps5. The difference between this and demon souls is jarring. It looks and plays like fallout 76. If you don't have a high end pc, don't bother until next gen upgrade.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

wtfcaniuse says...

For someone with his head that far up Trump's arse you'd think Bob would have no trouble naming something, anything that he approves of. It's the third time I've asked a simple question that he either can't or won't answer.

More evidence that he's trolling or one of many shit stirring shift working gov stooges.

BSR said:

I have to confess. Trump inspired me. Last time I voted in a presidential election was 1976 for Jimmy Carter. This year I registered to vote again for anyone other than Trump. So, there's that.

Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

ChaosEngine says...

The older I get, the more fatalist I become about climate change.

Honestly, we've missed the boat on this. We're fucked and there's nothing we can do about it.

And anyone who says that you can make a difference is talking out their arse. The actual useful things you can do are:

1: have less (preferably no) children. This dwarfs any other action you can take by a factor of 5.
2: Switch to a plant-based diet
3: Stop flying

Ok, 1 is not going to happen. People are still having kids and there hasn't even been any serious public debate about this (despite it being the single most impactful thing any individual can do).

2 and 3 will help, but nowhere near enough.

The ONLY thing that could have saved us is what Extinction Rebellion are proposing: attack climate change on a total war footing. Convert the entire economy over to fixing this.

And it needed to happen a decade ago.

But our leaders ignored this, and now it's too late.

I feel bad for anyone who has kids, but frankly, I'm just hoping the worst of it doesn't kick in until I've kicked the bucket.

Hidden Camera: Jim Jefferies exposed for deceptive editing

NaMeCaF says...

I'm not American. I'm not comparing it to anything you obviously think I am. Think outside your own box. America is not THE WORLD. So blow it out your arse.

newtboy said:

....he says devisively.

Since Faux and Murdoch invented the current partisan fake news industry, and other bastions of right wing media are Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Alex Jones, all three bat shit crazy or insanely hard core drug addicts....or really sound silly whining about leftist media, especially since what you're complaining about and seem to be comparing to right wing 'news' is actually leftist comedy.

Edit: That said, I never liked J.J., and I do think this is a chicken shit move by him.

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

ChaosEngine says...

"go to western sydney, blah blah whatabout whatabout whatabout waaaahhhh" yawn..... been there, done that.

Are there some Muslims who aren't great people? Sure. Same way as there are some awful white people. But if I tarred them all with the same brush, I'd be as ignorant as senator wankstain.

And he's racist as fuck.

So if you want to learn how a left wing politician speaks with compassion, empathy and eloquence, I suggest you read NZ PM Jacinda Ardern's speech.

"We cannot know your grief, but we can walk with you at every stage. We can. And we will, surround you with aroha (love), manaakitanga(support) and all that makes us, us. Our hearts are heavy but our spirit is strong."

"Naeem Rashid, originally from Pakistan, died after rushing at the terrorist and trying to wrestle the gun from him. He lost his life trying to save those who were worshipping alongside him.

Abdul Aziz, originally from Afghanistan, confronted and faced down the armed terrorist after grabbing the nearest thing to hand – a simple eftpos machine. He risked his life and no doubt saved many with his selfless bravery."

And if you want to read how she speaks with resolve...

"A 28-year-old man – an Australian citizen – has been charged with one count of murder. Other charges will follow. He will face the full force of the law in New Zealand. The families of the fallen will have justice.

He sought many things from his act of terror, but one was notoriety.

And that is why you will never hear me mention his name.

He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist.

But he will, when I speak, be nameless."

I will waste no more time on your pathetic racist arse.

transmorpher said:

You've just proved exactly what I'm talking about.

You can't prove anything he said was racist, so we go straight to the lefty thing of calling me "low" because you've mistaken moral outrage for an actual argument.

You live close to Western Sydney if you are from NZ. Go there dressed with the slightest hint of being homosexual, Jewish, or if you are female show a little bit of leg. You'll see the real bigotry and intolerance very quickly.

Perception of programming versus the reality

Officer disciplined after getting angry over White Privilege

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, re-reading that, it is badly worded. I meant I don't understand what upset him so much that he was disciplined for it.

But that leads back to my whole point about lack of context.

We don't know (from this video) WHY she talked about white male privilege and whether it was warranted, and equally, I don't understand why he reacted the way he did.

So, doing some research on this, it turns out that, when presented with the statistic that transgender people are 3.32 times more likely to experience police violence, he said "My wife has never been part of police violence, Most of the people that I know have never accused the police of violence. So I guess I don't get where that statistic comes from."

Ok, let's put the white privilege thing aside for a second. Can we all agree that that is a fucking dumb arse response? "People in Africa are starving." "Nonsense, I just had a cheeseburger". FFS.

It's at that point that Weber says "it's because of your white male privilege".

Now whether that response was merited is debatable. Personally, I feel like it's probably uncalled for, but I can also see where she's coming from.

Either way, it certainly doesn't merit Weber being put on administrative leave. As for the response, it was definitely unnecessary, but it was also not THAT bad.

I fail to see why the whole thing needed to go to disciplinary proceedings at all, when it could have been sorted out by making them both sit down and talk like grown-ups.

newtboy said:

Saying white privilege exists may be stating a sociological fact, but saying someone is incapable of comprehension because of their male white privilege is a racist (and sexist) insulting dismissive statement, particularly when in response to a basic statistical question.

I'm confused on what you mean in your last you mean it's hard to see why he got so upset because they disciplined him, or hard to see why he got so upset that he had to be disciplined?

John Oliver - Harvey Weinstein and Trump

radx says...

I'm not all that interested in party affiliations in this case.

What bothers me is mostly the public reactions coming from Hollywood. People who have known for years and couldn't be arsed to speak up.

And I'm not talking about the victims of this, I'm talking about the high profile male folks. Especially those guys who now come out with lines like "as a father of a daughter" -- are they such sociopaths that they need a daughter to give them a moral compass?

Also, what are the odds that Weinstein is the only "open secret" of this kind? Which is the kind of question that was asked when authorities were finally going after Polanski, because people knew about that shit as well and didn't say a word.

Fairbs said:

I haven't heard anyone defending him except for one female fashion designer

politically, the difference is that Democrats condemn the behavior and find it repulsive where Republicans pretend it doesn't exist and go on to elect a morally bankrupt piece of garbage

Really That Good - TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE (1986)

ChaosEngine says...

I have to say that I loved the intro to this.

Also, I saw this movie when I was 9, and I loved it.

Watched it again a few years ago, and while as an adult I can recognise the cynical marketing, the phoned-in celebrity voices and the at times batshit insane script, I don't think I will ever be able to watch Prime kicking arse to "The Touch" without a deep, visceral "fuck yeah" reaction. Yeah, it's cheesy as fuck, but goddamn, it is just freakin' *quality.

Break down of opening car scene in John Wick 2

dannym3141 says...

I like Keanu more the more i come to understand about him, but i always come away from videos like this wondering if there was enough mouthwash in the world to help this man get rid of the taste of Keanu's arse from his tongue.

Keanu's a very interesting and seemingly nice man. He's a good action actor who puts the hours in to put in a convincing performance. The embellishment about 'textbook' judo techniques and 'veteran' driving skills are marketing embellishments about the most basic of techniques you'd learn if you attended any entry level training course in either driving or judo.

Trump pushes aside NATO ally and Preens for the camera

If Smart Watch Commercials Were Honest - Honest Ads

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