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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Transgender Rights

ChaosEngine says...

I know this is your latest homophobic tactic.. hey look there's only X% of people are LGBT... they don't matter!

Yeah, actually they fucking do.

Even if your bullshit percentage that you pulled out of your arse was accurate (hint: it's not), that would still be 147,000* people world wide.

* in reality it's closer to 147 million.

bobknight33 said:

And the next insignificant minority to be placed on the liberal mantel of change--- Transgender Rights. Because the 0.0021% matter.


The Last Guardian - E3 2015 Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

It will eventually (when we can run PS4 emulators )

So are Team ICO developing this or not? It's certainly got that desaturated look of Ico and-and Shadow of the Colossus, in fact, it really does look like a PS2 game in terms of the engine.

But I care not one solitary rats arse about the engine. The animation is beautiful and the architectural design is stunning.

Ico and SotC were amazing games. They had great puzzles and genuinely engaging stories, all without a line of understandable dialog.

If this actually comes out, I will rent a PS4 to play it, and it will wreck me

lv_hunter said:

this needs to come to PC!


Mess With The Cat, Get The Fangs (And Claws)

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, at first I was wondering what everyone was getting worked up over, but it's pretty clear by the end of the video that the cat was very distressed.

So I hope the cat scratched the shit of him and it's a big ol' tetanus needle in the arse for you, boy.

Ellen Dance Dare Gone Wrong- With Cops

dannym3141 says...

Oh lord do everyone a favour and stop playing the victim card, no one's buying it. If they're armed and have power over people, they should be stringently held to a higher standard than those they have power over, even a kid knows that. That is the most basic of principles that every non-sadist adheres to. Only your ilk think otherwise - isn't it strange how only dodgy cops don't want the cops to be under scrutiny?

But hey! I understand how cops like to stick up for their buddies. You're thicker than thieves with half the personality. Everyone can play that passive-aggressive game and it goes nowhere so try addressing the argument for a change. Funny how you ignore the shit out of anyone that demolishes your point, did you do that when you were a cop as well, or did you just start blasting secure in the knowledge that every other cop would instantly cover your arse just like you do so readily for them?

If you want any evidence that we need to hold those in power to account, just look at the financial mess we're in thanks to unchecked bankers and corrupt governments. You obviously don't like looking at prison statistics as we've seen, so try looking outside your own sphere of influence. But that would require empathy.

lantern53 said:

This is akin to posting videos of school bus crashes, then painting all bus drivers as irresponsible, lazy etc, telling your kid to be careful driving around school buses because they get in crashes all the time, meanwhile school buses transport thousands of children every day with no trouble.

But I understand people like to hate on the cops, they carry guns, most of us don't, they have power over others etc.

Chicken Itza Genius Sound Engineering

Darren Wilson Speaks Publicly For The First Time

dannym3141 says...

You remind me of David Mitchell on "Would I Lie to You?" when he pointed out that often people will think that something sounds so out-of-place and rehearsed that it inevitably has to be true.

Do you perhaps think that might be something you're doing? Would this shit really be satisfactory, based on your logic, to a grieving family? He wasn't a saint, neither are you, neither am i... but no one deserves to die for that, especially at such a young age... none of us know who we are by that age.. he had not made the decisions that would shape his life yet. Who does it benefit to have the rehearsed official police story relayed to us by the only man who could explain what really happened? It's more of a slap in the face to the family, is my point.

I tell you what i'd want if i was American - not to have to fear the American police. Because at this point it doesn't even matter if Darren was "rightfully killed" - because the arse-covering propaganda had already started; which is an admission to racism by way of feeling guilty.

And that SHOULD be enough for Americans to demand change - i.e. not every cop should be carrying a gun, because quite clearly not everyone is capable of knowing when to use it. But if it isn't enough, there's Trayvon Martin too. And another, and another, and another.

This isn't a one-off thing, so don't try to suggest that people should judge the video independently of the track history of American police which is to kill young black men, hurting the communities and individuals that they are designed to protect.

At the very least, the protection system is not working for the black community and needs fixing. At the most, there is a tendency towards racism and wild-west-justice in the American police, and that's not just a problem for black people.

P.S. American prison statistics for black people is a serious indictment of how black people are not treated equally in the eyes of the law. Who is really going to try and argue that black people are naturally, statistically more likely to be criminals to the tune of the prison imbalance? There is absolutely no way i am buying into that. The prison statistics remind me of this John Oliver video, perhaps police are being "fair" and stop/searching black people exactly as much as they do white people.. but that is an imbalance because they are not exactly 50% of the population.

(For the record: 60% of all prisoners are black but only 25% of total population. Incarceration at six times that of white people. 12% of the drug-using population are black, but account for 40% arrested for drugs and 60% in prison for drugs. Taken from the NAACP website, i've got to assume they're right. Don't get me started on antiquated drugs policies, or the history of slavery's affect on money/power in the modern world - meaning crimes committed in boardrooms and government go unpunished - let's not forget white leaders have led this world to the brink of complete collapse and we're not out of the woods - but let's stick to the issue.)

charliem said:

Adrenaline has a very strong impact on memory storage. If you have it surging through your veins during memory creation, those memories become extremely easy to access, and far clearer than otherwise mundane events in your life. This is part of the reason that war vets have such a hard time with PTSD and flashbacks.

I dont doubt this guys words...he would have had to have gone over this story a hundred times to his superiors and with the grand jury case, of course it is rehearsed...what do you want? To hear him speaking to someone directly after the incident?

Dancing at 60FPS is unreal

dannym3141 says...

After ~ten minutes of bemusement, i found out that the video is only at 60 fps - and therefore interesting above and beyond the skill factor - in 720p or above.

It'd be nice to have that in the description... bit of a half arsed effort, if i might be so rude.

Heroic River Boarder Rescues Drowning Squirrel

dannym3141 says...

Fuck you dude, squirrel fella didn't know what was going on. Deus ex machina, he was in danger and now he's safe, that's all he knows. Guy saved its life. What is your net contribution to the fauna of earth today? Bet he's one up on you, you self righteous arse.

korsair_13 said:

Heroic? .....

*Loud snoring sounds, occasional fart*


Hardcore Parkour for Jesus

dannym3141 says...

I think they're arsing around but not going too stupid. A lot of people appreciate the subtle approach. Sometimes it's funnier to the person making it to make it look more real, or helps them create a persona for future stuff. The guy in the black has gotta be milking it in at least half these clips.

Real Time with Bill Maher - Racism in America

ChaosEngine says...

I'm back!!!

Slaves? Yep
Job discrimination? Hell yeah/
Depiction of victim as criminal? You bet your goddamn arse

We done yet?

Don't get me wrong, racism, particularly against blacks, is still an issue in the US (and other parts of the world). But maybe next time read a history book or two before spouting such utter drivel.

And if you really want to get into an oppression contest...
African slavery started a few hundred years ago.
The Irish have had EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS* of oppression by the English, and I haven't even touched on the godawful misery the Jews have endured for thousands of years.

But that's a meaningless pissing contest and it only leads to idiocy.

* I am culturally obliged to write that in all caps. Sorry, it's an Irish thing.

Kerotan said:

Come back to me when white people have a history as being treated as slaves, come back to me when you are considered dirty on mass just for the colour of your skin, come back to me when you struggle to find a job just about anywhere, come back to me when the picture printed of you in a newspaper is one that depicts you as a victim at fault.

Real Time with Bill Maher - Racism in America

Kerotan says...

"I'm so upset by the relentless state mandated murder of black Americans, that I'm actually somehow more angry and personally hurt about the implication that I may actually be complicit in perpetuating racism and racist attitudes, than the actual problem!"

Racism is institutional first and foremost. Come back to me when white people have a history as being treated as slaves, come back to me when you are considered dirty on mass just for the colour of your skin, come back to me when you struggle to find a job just about anywhere, come back to me when the picture printed of you in a newspaper is one that depicts you as a victim at fault.
Come back to me after you've sat your arse down and listened to the lived experiences of people of colour.
Then you might realise that white people don't have all the answers, and we should shut the fuck up, sit the hell down and listen.

speechless said:

I hate the premise, and I hate the term "white america". Of course racism still exists. And yes, there are racists and ignorant people who try to say that it doesn't. But saying "white america" just throws every white person into the same pool, which is racist in itself. Countless white americans have stood up and even risked their lives defending the equality of not just black people, but all races. Racism affects everyone. Ironically, and tragically, I think racism is a unifying factor. All races do it and all races suffer from it. And all races should get behind the elimination of it. It starts with balking against racist friends and family who, through societal pressure, casually compel you to blame, fear or find comfort in hating the "other".

Spider-Woman's Big Ass Is A Big Deal - Maddox

dannym3141 says...

@SDGundamX and addressing the devil's advocate rather than 'you'...

Spiderman's head is also raised (the same angle of their face is shown) and his back is arched, and i think that's clear when they are side by side. If anything i think spiderman's left leg is poorly drawn and his backside does need to be more in the air, whereas spiderwoman is a more human-like natural position for raising a knee over a ledge with your chest close to the ground. Remember that they are different artists bringing their own styles to a particular genre, they both have their own personalities and methods/methodologies. Furthermore, how much of an arch difference is necessary or acceptable and who makes those rules? Surely we must draw men and women differently so that we know whether the character is male or female (do we have too few fem superheroes is another question), and as a species we have different shapes. Surely amongst all these factors we must accept that the spiderwoman is a reasonable artistic recreation of the spiderman pic? If not, why not, taking all of those factors into account (and i can probably list more)? Basically we're asking the question "what is art?" here.

So that's why i think it's impossible for anyone to say the pose is sexual but the creator. No one questioned whether the spiderman pose was overtly sexual until someone drew spiderwoman doing "the same" (for argument's sake) thing. To a bunch of people who do not automatically see women as sexual objects (and i consider myself among that bunch), her pose is not sexual because the context isn't sexual. The question of sexuality arises when someone looks at the pic and goes "Gee, if i were levitating several hundred meters in the air directly behind her and she wasn't wearing any pants, she'd be 'presenting' to me for a split second."

So the ultimate level of 'equality' (or whatever) would be a world in which anything, in its particular context, is legal and absolutely ok. But of course, we can't depict nude youngsters in cinema even in the context of a bath for good reason, which let's generalise to all potentially difficult subjects (like sexism, racism, etc.) and call the "no one's perfect rule" - we can't trust everyone to keep things in context.

Our supposedly greatest form of organisation and problem solving - national governments, the pillars of our society - can't sort their proverbial arses from their proverbial elbows; if they're not perfect, how can we trust all of society to be?

In conclusion - i suppose we need a certain level of sexism or reverse-sexism that hopefully keeps us balanced between short-changing the future prospects of young girls in favour of young boys because of a biased society, and treating other people unfairly because of an over-zealous pursuit of what seems to be impossible.

One way of helping this is by very carefully checking the facts, the context and the meaning of what someone says before saying things like "sexist" or "mansplaining" or "racist". Always react as slowly as you may, that way you can be more or less enraged in your response depending on new info!

Edit: Want to add that if i had a pic of myself in that spidey pose, i'd be pretty happy putting it up on an eharmony profile or something - it is a 'sexy' pose, it looks good, he looks lean and strong and fit. I don't like this idea that women don't have sexual urges or that lean, fit men aren't sexy to women. It's possibly sexist to assume that! He's kind of presenting too, from a certain position...

Russell Brand debunks David Cameron's War Mongering

plentyofdice says...

Very good to see a high profile person such as Russell Brand spreading the news and actually doing something for society. He may rub some people the wrong way, but his message is spot on. People need to take a stand, and things need to change, because our governments (and media) are absolutely in need of kicking out on their arses. I've been lurking at Videosift for bloody donkey's years, and it takes a lot to bother me enough to actually create an account for anything. So well done, RB.

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