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Why I Don't Like the Police

lantern53 says...

Doesn't this fall under voodoo's proscription of 'anecdotal' evidence?

SDGundamX said:

Please watch this video and tell that guy about how it is just "hyperbole." By the way, the department that cop belonged to is still calling it a justifiable taze.

God loving parents give gay son a choice

VoodooV says...

back your viewpoint up with evidence instead of strawmans, ad homs, anecdotes. and other fallacies and we might reconsider.

again, stop pretending you're a victim. You didn't just get physically assaulted like the kid in the video.

lantern53 said:

Mostly you don't tolerate an opposing viewpoint.

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

VoodooV says...

...which further shows the hypocrisy of @lantern53

We see it all the time, he says he knows what a strawman is, what an anecdote is, yet as others have called him out on, He spouts strawmans, he spouts anecdotes, he does it consistently.

He whines about personal responsibility, but is the first one to cry foul, to claim victimhood, to pretend that he so oppressed. He's STILL whining about something I teased him about MONTHS ago. And news flash Lantern, I never did directly call you a homosexual (not the derogatory term "homo") I called you out on your strange "fantasies" (your word, not mine) that you yourself described regarding homosexuals. If you want to internalize that as an insult or an accusation, that's your problem, not mine. And besides, even if I did directly call you a homosexual and you're not, that's not an insult, it may be an incorrect statement, but it's not an insult.

That's your baggage, not mine.

Then there's the hypocrisy of claiming to care so much about manners, then saying that violence would be a good way to make someone have good manners. Do you fucking listen to yourself? The civilized world generally considers violence of ANY kind to be BAD manners...not good. Again, such a hypocrite. The fact that you seem to think differently is rather appalling.

and then his hypocrisy about name calling, just now he claimed that because someone "namecalled" him that he lost the argument, but you really don't have to look through his comment history very hard to find him being quite liberal <gasp!> with the name calling, often being the one instigating it with many ad hominem attacks. Enoch has already called you out about how you spit out the word "leftist" like it's a dirty word. news flash, people don't like being demonized. We may think you're an idiot, but we don't think you're evil, or less than human like you seem to think of us.

I know what you're thinking, "wah! but liberals do it too!!" Sure they do. But again, no one ever claimed that the left was perfect (that would be another strawman). we just claim that our ideas are better than yours and can usually back it up...big difference. And again, as someone who claims liberals are so bad and sub-human, wouldn't you want to NOT act like the bad, filthy liberals? So in either case, the "but they do it too" excuse just never holds any water.

Again, going back to what someone else asked and you never answered. What exactly is your goal in these threads? Again, you look at lantern's comment history and it's just nothing but negative negative derogatory posts. never building anyone up, but always tearing someone down. Yeah, you're right, posting videos is not a requirement to be here. But if all you do IS make comments, then you better fucking believe we're going to judge you on them.






Think before you type. It's a pretty simple concept.

ChaosEngine said:

You stop being a fucking racist, we'll stop calling you one.

You Probably Don't Need to Be on that Gluten-free Diet

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

Januari says...

Congratulations @Jerykk you now have a firm grasp of the the term 'anecdotal'.

Assuming you were in a position to be aware of all the individuals salaries in your specific situation, and they were indeed fair and as you described in that specific situation, in no way is that representative of anything other than that specific situation.

I'm aware of no study anywhere, nor even any claim that every woman everywhere is underpaid in relation to her male counterparts.

Assuming all of the above, congrats on working somewhere that pays its employees appropriately and fairly.

Just seems really odd how you'd so rapidly dismiss literally dozens of studies and yet hold up one anecdotal experience as evidence.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

lantern53 says...

I try to keep it civil but I've been baited more than anyone else here, voodoo calling me a homo etc or others just plain saying I'm stupid etc.

My argument is the same as jerykk above, exactly my point.

But you people only spout liberal talking points.

"This isn't fair, that isn't fair!" You're like a bunch of 6 yr olds.

I know what a fucking strawman is and I know what a fucking anecdote is, I get tired of being accused. I know what a racist is, all you people have to do is accuse someone and that's the end.

Whenever you show some maturity I will respond in kind. To a progressive, the end justifies the means, so if you can use any tactic to shut me down, you do it, because the end result is that everyone will think just like you...well, I've read 1984 and I don't want any part of it.

Debunking MSG myth

draak13 says...

Understanding why so much anecdotal evidence exists is certainly worthwhile! The following link cites many studies on double blind tests for MSG sensitivity.

Glutamatic acid (which is what MSG turns into after solubilizing in water, along with a sodium ion) is one of the 20 amino acids that is the basis for all proteins and life, since the beginning of life on earth. It is in relatively high concentration in every cell of your body. Consuming MSG would be akin to consuming 'protein' in your diet, and is commonly labeled as protein in food labeling:

Consuming too much protein in your diet can cause problems, but you need to be eating it to a relatively obvious excess (a gallon of milk per day). Weightlifters who protein supplement far too much quickly experience heart problems.

The business insider link suggests that there are some people who could potentially be sensitive to Glutamate, and be activating the vagus nerve in the stomach...though it seems to be speculative in that article.

The idea that another ingredient is causing the problem is far more likely. Americanized chinese restaurants all taste the same, because all of their food comes from the same place. A group in China has monopolized the american chinese restaurant market, and provides food and resources at unbeatably low prices. To remain competitive, almost all american chinese restaurants invariably purchase from this group. Given China's track record of putting all kinds of crazy stuff in their produce, it seems entirely likely that some ingredient other than MSG is a much more likely culprit.

I know a couple of people in particular who have reacted extremely badly to chinese restaurants in america, and even went to the emergency room for it. Given the details of their story (a mystery glob of black sauce that they ate from the black sauce egg tray), I could only imagine what kind of horrible things they could have ingested other than MSG. 'Chinese restaurant syndrome' may indeed be a relatively accurate term for what people are experiencing.

Debunking MSG myth

Ralgha says...

Wow, you have opened my eyes with this dead-on comparison of anecdotes. Well done sir, I salute your superior intellect and concede defeat. Please continue to set the record straight for all those poor fools out there like me.

Debunking MSG myth

ChaosEngine says...

True story: I once got tear gassed in Paris. I was in a taxi going down a narrow lane. The woman driving in front of us stopped to go into a bakery blocking traffic. When she came back out the taxi driver called her something unspeakable in French. She threw a canister at us and for the next 10 minutes I couldn't see and I could barely breathe.

Because of this, Paris is an awful place and I've never been back. That may not mean anything to you, but it made a difference in my life. So dismiss it as an anecdote all you want. But you'll never convince me or anyone else who went through this experience. Be thankful you never had to.

Ralgha said:

How easy you must find it to criticize and dismiss when you're not the one who has suffered. Do you think people who are sensitive to MSG want to be like that? They want to hate on MSG just for the hell of it? Make stuff up? Revel in their ignorance?

I went to this particular restaurant because it was a family tradition and I had little choice in the matter. I went through years of suffering before I had ever heard of MSG. One day I read somewhere about Chinese restaurants and MSG and from that day on, my suffering was at an end. That may not mean anything to you, but it made a difference in my life. So dismiss it as an anecdote all you want. But you'll never convince me or anyone else who went through this experience. Be thankful you never had to.

Debunking MSG myth

Ralgha says...

How easy you must find it to criticize and dismiss when you're not the one who has suffered. Do you think people who are sensitive to MSG want to be like that? They want to hate on MSG just for the hell of it? Make stuff up? Revel in their ignorance?

I went to this particular restaurant because it was a family tradition and I had little choice in the matter. I went through years of suffering before I had ever heard of MSG. One day I read somewhere about Chinese restaurants and MSG and from that day on, my suffering was at an end. That may not mean anything to you, but it made a difference in my life. So dismiss it as an anecdote all you want. But you'll never convince me or anyone else who went through this experience. Be thankful you never had to.

Debunking MSG myth

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, you're right. Your one anecdote outweighs the thousands of man hours of research put into this. Tell me, does this restaurant not use soy sauce?

Yes, MSG is harmful to a small number of people ... if taken in large doses on an empty stomach, i.e. like pretty much every foodstuff out there.

And I don't know where you got the idea that the video claims that "deluded MSG haters need to be set straight". It simply states that the prevailing myth about MSG has no basis in fact, much like the other current fad, the gluten free diet


And meh, you got a headache... so what? People actually die from peanut and shellfish allergies, but most people still eat them. I'm not really sure what your point is, other than to raise a meaningless anecdote about a restaurant that gives you headaches, but for some reason you still go back to.

Ralgha said:

Right, so it must've been a total coincidence that when I asked them not to use MSG, I was fine? Time and time again. But if I ever forgot, I was screwed. I'm sure it was all in my head, though.

The fact is, MSG is harmful to some people. That is the scientific consensus according to this video description and content. The whole video is based on the false premise that people who are sensitive to MSG somehow claim that it's bad for everyone, and those deluded MSG haters need to be set straight. It's ridiculous.

Debunking MSG myth

ChaosEngine says...

Ok, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but you seem to be serious, so...

You're wrong.

The video debunks exactly what it says it does, the myth that MSG is bad for you, when in fact, it's in all kinds of food.

You got headaches after eating Chinese food from one restaurant; do you know what that means? Absolutely nothing. Your anecdote is completely and utterly irrelevant, unless you've never eaten any other food with MSG in it (like any of the list @Sarzy mentioned).

And yeah, "perfectly safe for the vast majority of people" is a completely acceptable standard. You can pick pretty much any food on the planet and a small number of people will get sick or even die from eating it. But it's "perfectly safe for the vast majority of people". Otherwise, we'd have to ban peanuts, shellfish, gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, garlic, meat... need I go on?

If eating at one Chinese restaurant gives you headaches.... don't eat there.
But don't blame it on some mythical MSG boogie man that was basically drummed up out of xenophobia.

Ralgha said:

No, I didn't miss the sarcasm tag. Did you?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

VoodooV says...

Then he changes his argument from "you can't prove it" to "women deserve to get paid less because they choose to get pregnant"

With a copious amount of ad homs, anecdotal evidence, conspiracy theories, and expletives.

Aka: trolling

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

lantern53 says...

Strawman? Do you even know what strawman is? why don't you look up the definition of strawman. Oliver's whole argument is 'strawman'. Show me some proof.

This is just another progressive ploy to make people think there is some war against women and the gov't needs to do more to make sure it doesn't happen.

Pathetic, truly pathetic.

Also, here's an anecdote for ya...STFU.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

VoodooV says...

references? what references?

Eric cites a study from yale, you pull up some anecdotal (there's that word again) article from someone who agrees with you...but has done no study, and you make of bunch of ad hominem attacks against eric among other fallacies

And you somehow think you have the upper ground?

It's true what they say that people like you live in a bubble.

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