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Home Security Cam Catches Guy Knocking Down Fence - Busted!!

Popping a Mercury Filled Balloon in Slow Motion

GeeSussFreeK says...

@spoco2 The most dangerous kinds of mercury are compounds. Mercury in the raw can be easily handled in bare hands or light gloves. Short term use and exposures like this will not likely result in any toxification. More great is the risk of toxification by mercury compounds from coal fired power plants. Their methylmercury is far more toxic and very widely consecrated in food stuff now via bio accumulation.

Your childhood experience most likely didn't result in any serious contamination. Life is full of risk, driving a car is hugely risky, you just have to ask yourself what are the risks vs the payoff. Short of ingestion, the risks from this activity are very low. Greater your risks would be from sunburn which over time can cause skin cancer than mercury poisoning from this type of activity.

What would be nice, however, is an online guide of ways to handle chemicals safely. The problem is such things usually go kind of overboard and error on too much caution. Remember those "this is your brain on drugs" commercials? They were basically lies; cautionary tails that were overblown for the "don't risk it" mentality. I think a better strategy is full disclosure and personal responsibility. To much fear and dishonesty, and people just blow you off...and complete lack of guides and rules is about the same level of chaos. Some middle ground of rational behavior for dangerous substances should be the goal, but I haven't found a good mechanism for implementing such a system, and to that end, better safe than sorry like you advise is a good policy.

Bill Nye Sets CNN Straight on Climate Change

Auger8 says...

Well I was going to say that he used to be the scientific adviser to the President at one point but Wikipedia keeps telling me I'm wrong. Still the man is a certified genius and DOES know what he's talking about when it come to climate change.
From Wikipedia:

-"In November 2010, Nye became the face of a new permanent exhibition at the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, CA. Bill Nye’s Climate Lab"
-"Nye appears in segments of The Climate Code on The Weather Channel, telling his personal ways of saving energy."
-"He created a 13-episode PBS KCTS-TV series about science, called The Eyes of Nye, aimed at an older audience than his previous show had been. Airing in 2005, it often featured episodes based on politically relevant themes such as genetically modified food, global warming, and race."

And I'll end this with a quote from the man himself that I think fits this video to a T.

Interviewed by John Rael for the Independent Investigation Group IIG, Nye stated that his "concern right now... scientific illiteracy... you don't [the public] have enough rudimentary knowledge of the universe to evaluate claims."

Medical Professionals Shut Down Minister's Announcement

messenger says...

Some of the other horrible things include allowing the Minister unilaterally to decide which countries are "safe" and which aren't. Currently, he has to convene a panel including human rights experts to advise on which countries are safe. When this goes into effect in a week, he will be able to make those choices based on trade relations and other international political motivations rather than which countries are actually safe.

Simulated Milky Way and Andromeda Collision - Nvidia

*Internet Channel - Submitted for Your Approval (User Poll by lucky760)

spoco2 says...

>> ^kymbos:

What about a video of Nyan Cat watching a video about memes on a web browser?
Please advise.

I'm afraid that falls under subsection 7, paragraph D, and is considered a meme video unto itself (As the Nyan Cat is the main protagonist in the video), so it would have to be excluded.

*Internet Channel - Submitted for Your Approval (User Poll by lucky760)

How to Act Human-James Lipton's advice to Rmoney

How to Act Human-James Lipton's advice to Rmoney

The Inequality Speech About The Rich, TED Won't Show You?

Payback says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

Hope he's "rich rich" and not just "well off", because the more he's worth...the better his stance on it. Which shouldn't be, but wealthy people get idolized and their words mean just a little bit more than yours.

Wiki "In the 1990s, Hanauer was one of the first investors in (where he served as adviser to the board until 2000). He founded (which eventually merged with and Avenue A Media (which in 2007, under the new name aQuantive, was acquired by Microsoft for $6.4 billion)."

Probably a smidge more than "well-off".

Tree Branch on Powerlines - High Voltage Wicked Effect

rich_magnet says...

It sounds like we're initially hearing the water in the branch boil, with a 60Hz hum undertone. When it bursts into flame the flame plasma has a much lower resistance than the branch and we get the jacob's ladder effect.

Pretty neat. I wouldn't advise kids to try this at home, but I don't expect kids would listen after seeing this vid.

Obama Endorses Same Sex-Marriage

GenjiKilpatrick says...

My point exactly.

"The president does oppose same-sex marriage, but he supports equality for gay and lesbian couples, and benefits and other issues, and that has been effectuated in federal agencies under his control," White House adviser David Axelrod said today on MSNBC.

He was pro-equal rights. Then anti-equal rights.
Now all of sudden he's pro-equal rights again.

Anything to gain votes.

>> ^blahpook:

Actually, Obama was pro-same-sex-equality before his presidency.
Biden's unplanned statement ... pushed him to make this (also unplanned) statement and may actually endanger his standing with some ... constituents.

Air Force Pilots blow whistle on F-22 Raptor

Porksandwich says...

>> ^bareboards2:

The very first minute of this report says these planes have never been used in combat.
Why we are risking the lives of these pilots for a training plane? It is seriously nuts.
I think of it as penis waggling. Boys and their toys. Even the pilots said they were happy to fly again at first.
Who in the Pentagon is so invested in keeping these in the air and why? It isn't rational.

Dunno about penis waggling, politicians of all genders are generally of the mindset if we paid for something we should use it no matter how wasteful/dangerous/stupid it is.

That's why so many projects end up going over budgets and never working, because they are too "invested" either corruptly or politically to say enough is enough.

They need a bunch of kids getting cancer or born with birth defects (BP oil spill and all those non-harmful chemicals they dumped in the water *wink wink nudge nudge*), or a school being demolished by a plane falling out of the sky to give them the proof they need to not look like they screwed up in the first place and instead look like they gave it a chance but obviously the people advising them are fools...never the politician or people in charge.....never.

We're talking about the same people who generally promote family values and hetero relationships while they are heading to the restroom for a little rough and tumble with a random dude they just met or whatever other devious example you want to use. Bunch of corrupt mfers basically, who give no shits about you until it makes them look bad when they don't.

paul krugman- i wish i'd been wrong

Hannity: Obama Didn't Really Want Bin Laden Dead

Yogi says...

What's funny about this now is that new information is coming to light saying that some of the presidents top advisers were telling him not to go after Bin Laden, but Obama pushed and pushed for it.

Of course Hannity can't be wrong according to brainwashed idiots.

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