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Mike Filsaime & John Cornetta Session
Same thing goes around here with you too newtboy. It was some error make on the post ( as I am new in town).
I would expect someone like (old timers) yourself would have giving advice to some new people around here on their comment.
Sure looks like spam to me.
Mike Filsaime & John Cornetta Session
You've been here for longtime... although an encourage/advice would be wonderful from some like yourself instead of starting a feed war.
I've seen so much drama lately so wouldn't expect to see it again from someone like yourself.
The post is just an error for new person in town you know. If you were in the same spot, yours might have been different than this.
It's all good though, I can take a hit from a drama like this. Just you know.
Take a hike "John and Mike"!
"Why come you don't have a tattoo?"
One of my favorite scenes. Used Dr. Lexus' face as my avatar on work's IM as this is often the level I have to take my advice down to.
The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt
Again, you are 100% wrong.
You really need to stop taking legal advice from lying criminal know nothing's trying to weasel out of being caught breaking laws. Of course Trump tells you it isn't a crime. Try looking at the law.
Trump's assertion that using your own money for campaign related expenses without reporting it is legal is 100% wrong. That's an illegal contribution.
Having your lawyer do it for you and then lie to hide it, that compounds the crime, it doesn't erase it. This is why Cohen's recordings are evidence and not privileged. There's no attorney client privilege if you and the lawyer were conspiring to commit crimes, which they clearly and admittedly were.
Cohen admitted to intentionally violating portions of the following federal election laws on behalf of Donald Trump:
52 U.S. Code § 30116 – Limitations on contributions and expenditures
52 U.S. Code § 30118 – Contributions or expenditures by national banks, corporations, or labor organizations
Just duh, Bob. You need to stop talking about stuff you learned from Trump, it's 100% bullshit lies and makes you look incredibly stupid and naive when you repeat their dumb, easily debunked lies.
When he's impeached, I only wish part of the law said idiots who support him forfeit their vote next election and must pass a civics test to have them reinstated. Most of you would never vote again. You have absolutely abdicated your right to complain about the next democratic president. Anything and everything they do that you find criminal or unseemly will be excused/dismissed with one word....Trump. Be ready for a HUGE jump to the left in 2 years, the next president has carte blanche to do whatever they please, thanks to your ilk excusing and turning a blind eye to Trump's crimes.
It makes me wonder how you'll excuse his repeating violations of the constitution like the emoluments clause that he's violated daily since the day he took office. Clearly the constitution means less than Trump to your kind.
Only illegal if it cam from the campaign finance money pot.
Using you own money is fine.
Using you lawyers money is even better.
Doctors Urge Americans: GO VEGAN!
Well of course - part of "responsible medicine" is not to use vivisection just because it's cheaper - especially when the results aren't as good as using computer models, lab work and training dummies or actual human cadavers - since they're not training doctors to be vets.
I suspect that person is a new vegan, hence the passion, but surely you're not for unnecessary animal suffering? Let alone if it's going to make your doctor less capable when it's your turn to be treated.
Regardless you can't take a random comment and decide that it's a spokes person for the PCRM. That to me suggests you're looking for reasons to dismiss the good advice, that benefits you and the greater world.
Really? That's what you're going with as a response? ....You're adorable.
At least in your outrage you are an honest representation of what the PCRM is really about.
bobknight33 (Member Profile)
Bob, I'll try to ignore your having just being an ignorant douchbag who rudely dismissed those with far more knowledge and personal experience than you possess, simply because they disagreed with your non- medically based, non-scientific based, thoughtless, inhumane political position and I'll try a different tact.....
How is it that, in 2018, you are advocating slavery more foul than the African slave trade....yes, slavery.
Forcing one person to fulfill all the bodily functions of another, brain dead potential "person" (and make no mistake, a blastocyst is not a person, but for sake of argument and your limited understanding capabilities I'll let you claim it is one this one time)....that's Mengele level inhumanity and slavery.
You claim to believe in individual liberties over vague social responsibility....except when you don't.
Forcing one person to physically support another is so far to the left of full socialism you seem to think it went all the way around to the right. It doesn't work that way.
To add the typical right wing slippery slope argument, if the government can force one person to be life support for another potential person, they can force healthy people to give up organs to the unhealthy, or be consigned to hospitals to be used as human dialysis and so forth.
Until those cells can and have survived on their own without support, and can and have functioned as a mammal (meaning breathed, circulated body fluids, and consumed and evacuated foodstuffs) they have not reached "living human" status, and even if you can't grasp that fact, at no point can there be a requirement that another person acts as their sentient intensive care unit without reinstating legal slavery.
Why do you advocate slavery?
When are you donating your kidney and partial liver, and your children's? If you aren't, by your logic you're at least a double murderer and so are they. Why should I or anyone take morality advice from a double murderer?
Design a procedure where the offending not yet human can be safely removed without any (or at least less than an abortion would cause) risk to the mother, but survive on it's own without an incubator-slave, then come back and we'll talk.... until then forced incubation and forced birth is monstrously draconian socialism of a kind even Mengele would turn away from in disgust.
Edit: I came up with an argument I think might change your many baby Newtboys would you force on the planet before you decided abortion should be mandatory in some cases?
«Some insulting ignorance»
Country Time | Legal-Ade
I hope they deny the water girl in SF.
A girl and her mom set up shop in front of a residential building they don't live at and all day screamed their water selling slogans at passersby. They were repeatedly asked to move by building security, and they refused. Eventually, a resident came out and asked them to move and called local police (not 911) to see if they needed a permit. She is being portrayed as another BBQ Becky (the woman who called police about people illegally charcoal grilling in a public park annoying park users) as if there's something wrong with calling police on people breaking the law.
She, not the water sellers, should have access to free legal advice.
It's disgusting to me that so many have jumped on the 'lets call them racists and viciously mob them if they're caught in public because they are white and they called police on black people....people who were actually breaking the law and being exceptionally rude and disruptive about it when asked to move to a legal area.' bandwagon.
Bob Newhart-Stop It
*quality advice...too bad it's all just a dream.
Slowly walk backwards
I've always liked the advice that if a bear looks like it might attack you should play dead... it's good practice for when you're actually dead a few moments later.
Bill Cosby talks about Y people go 2 prison (Fat Albert ep.)
People never seem to take their own advice.
Liberal Redneck: NRA thinks more guns solve everything
Except NZ's gun laws were already stricter than Australias. To get an AR15 here, buyers must have a standard, current firearms licence and an approved police order form. If the clip has a higher capacity than 7 rounds, you need a special endorsement. Also, you must have proper storage for firearms which the police will inspect before granting a licence.
Oh, and you will have difficulty being deemed 'fit and proper' to possess or use firearms if you have:
a history of violence
repeated involvement with drugs
been irresponsible with alcohol
a personal or social relationship with people deemed to be unsuitable to be given access to firearms
indicated an intent to use a firearm for self-defence.
That's a direct quote from the police licence page
New Zealand didn't enact Australia's draconian laws. You can buy an AR15 there with high capacity magazines. They also haven't had a mass shooting in 20 years.
Comparison of Trump and Obama Responding to School Shootings
This is a good reminder that Trump's being inept and not taking the job seriously has real consequences. During the election people often argued "Don't worry, his advisors will be smart and capable for him." But some things can't be outsourced, and he's proven he's not one to seek out sensible advice anyway.
Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control
Aahahahaha! This is hilarious. Not only does the guy not destroy his rifle, he commits a felony by creating a short-barreled rifle. They are regulated like machine guns and there is a lot of paperwork done to create and sell one. I'm glad this idiot has one less functional gun but he really shouldn't be giving anyone advice on guns, ever.
Falcon Heavy Test Flight (Live and Recorded)
*doublepromote some *quality rocket science
Beat me by 20 minutes @ant.
Love the dashboard display, good advice for Starman to keep in mind on his long drive.
waqar (Member Profile)
Greetings, and a provisional welcome to the sift.
I second the advice you've already received. Post videos, if people like them they will upvote. Don't post your own videos or you will be banned.
When I first started it took me a week or two to get one vid sifted I think... it takes a while until people are sure you're not promoting your own vids, and you'll tend not to get many votes during that time.
p.s. If Orange Sky is your youtube channel, you'd better discard the two vids from there and find other vids to post instead. You discard by putting a comment on the video that reads *discard
Dear Oritteropo, Please help me, how to improve votes, i want to be out of probation period.
I need your kind help in this regard