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Tim Burton takes on Adams Familys, "WEDNSEDAY"

Bannon On Oct 31 Outlining The Plan To Steal The Election

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahaha. Really into projection today, aren’t you?

High horse!? You must be kidding. Just like I’m elitist but living barely above poverty level income….not sure these terms mean what you think they mean.

It’s only because your head is so firmly implanted in your rectum that everything seems like shit. You need to pull it out, wipe yourself off, and give yourself a good scrubbing, maybe reality won’t smell so bad to you anymore. You also might finally see something besides what Trump feeds you.

Too bad all those “falsehoods” are verified facts with cited trustworthy sources, unlike you who just makes up facts they think sound (far) right based on nothing but wishful thinking. Hilarious that you never contradict the facts I provide, you just denounce them offhand because you don’t like them. Real adult.

bobknight33 said:

Because you stand on you high horse and spew shit.

An elitist of falsehoods.

Today’s Jan 6 Hearing Summary And Possible Trump Charges

newtboy says...

Bwaaaahahahaha! Wrong again, quoting silly internet lies again, you utter moron. Once again you prove you think you have all the answers but in fact have absolutely zero knowledge or even an ability to learn.
It should have been a tip off that nowhere on the internet can you find where this quote is supposedly found. Sources for what Socrates said are quite limited,it would be simple to source if it were real.

Aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha….haaa….haaa…..aaaaaaahahahaha! You are such a laughing stock. It’s why I talk to you, you are always good for an unintentional laugh, you silly little fool.

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” You, sir, are the epitome, the personification of ignorance. Nice try, pretending you ever read what Plato wrote about Socrates.

Once again, I research and quote scholars, you quote a made up fridge magnet saying.

None so blind as he who will not see.
We know you won’t see any crimes Trump committed, just like you can’t see racism even when you call black people “creatures” that could never live peacefully with humans. You are not a serious adult, and you act like a 3 year old who wasn’t taught to not lie, doesn’t know what morals or ethics are, and has the memory of a gnat.

YOU are a big nothing burger, bob. Your knowledge, nothing. Your ethics, nothing. Your morals, nothing. Your honesty…less than nothing.

Armed insurrection at the direct direction of the president isn’t a nothing burger to any American, only anti-democracy anti-Americans….you fit in that category firmly….a dishonest, fascist, blatantly and constantly racist blowhard that knows nothing and screams it loudly.

Multiple instances of witness tampering with records to prove it aren’t nothing burgers to those who believe in law and order, so you just admitted you’re pro criminality.

Defrauding the election isn’t a nothing burger to anyone who likes democracy, but we’re well aware you don’t like democracy at all.

Defrauding the courts 60+ times isn’t a nothing burger to anyone who likes law and order, which doesn’t include the criminal right anymore, you became anti law and order under Trump.

Maybe Republicans shouldn’t have boycotted the investigation, but you did. No one to blame for the lack of “balance” but yourselves. When the defense rests before opening statements, you can pretend that’s an unfair “trial” but it’s really just the defense being a nothing burger.
(and heads up you ignorant moron….this is not a trial, it’s an investigation looking for evidence of guilt to send to the DOJ…do you think criminals usually get to be part of the investigation? Shadowing investigators so they know exactly what investigators know before crafting their lies and hiding/destroying undiscovered evidence? That is why coconspirators were barred from the panel, it was blatantly obvious they only wanted to be there to disrupt, hinder, confuse, stymie, and discredit the investigation, and to report back to Trump on exactly what they know and exactly what they don’t know yet, helping him craft a lie that hasn’t been pre-contradicted.

Jesus, sometimes you are so dumb I’m shocked you remember to breath.

Lol. More “I’m rubber, you’re glue”. So grown up.
If I had all the answers, I wouldn’t ever need to do research that I cite, would I? But I do, I read 5 articles full of facts and one or two right wing alternate facts to learn a topic before writing.
Now, how much research and citation do you do? Absolutely none because you think you have all the answers, which is why you are proven wrong a dozen times a day and have never once posted correct statistics or facts. You listen to con man Trump or disgraced OAN and think you know it all.

ROTFLMFAHS!! You are such the pot calling the glass pitcher black. What a sad, delusional, frightened, dishonest little man you are.

bobknight33 said:


a big nothing burger.

No crimes
no nothing.

Just a witch hunt to keep Trump from running in 2024.

not 1 person called to speak to challenge testimony So 1 sided
A kangaroo hearing at tax payers expense. A show trial of sorts.

Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences and stupid people already have all answers" Socrates

Newt - you fall in the last group

Good parenting

bobknight33 says...

Love how you blame everyone else but these kids parents.

I've just gleaned the YT comments no raciest statements. I see 1 ifffy statement .

This is heartbreaking to think these babies are part of our futures. This is depressing to see how these babies are allowed to talk and act towards adults/authority.

The child is just imitating what he sees around him and acts out.

Just think one of us will be privileged enough to be robbed and murder by these future criminals. Thank you greatest ally!

Dangerous even when young.

Instead of preschool, they should be in pre-jail.

They'll grow up to be very productive citizens I'm sure.

If you think this is bad you should see how they talk to females.

Lord have mercy on our souls! These children are barely school age where are their parents or guardian?

Jaw dropping. While there is very little speaking this video says so much! You have to wonder what kind of nightmare their lives are.

Kid's got a bright future.

That child is an innocent soul, ready to soak-up like a sponge whatever is taught to him; if it's loving kindness or hateful abuse, he will show the world what he's learned. Parents must be proud to have put this innocent human on a path that will surely ruin him.

But as narrow minded as you are...Im sure you will single this out..

I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.

100 comments and 1 or 2 bad and you little racist mind blankets all comments.

Sad you you see only bad. Most likely a result of bad parenting .

You should try online therapy . You really need help

newtboy said:

Yeah, @bobknight33. Not surprised you post this. I went to the YT page and read the comments from your “alpha news” cohorts….pretty ugly blatantly racist stuff, buddy. Bad enough I’m shocked YT hasn’t suspended the channel.
I can only guess what you were searching for when you found this.

Your people, saying we are a different species…calling people “human” in quotation marks and laughing.
You are a real, racist piece of work, pal. You are so racist, you don’t think calling people subhuman, non human, or saying directly “there’s an N problem” is noticeable or remarkable, that’s everyday normal conversation to you.

I’m 99.96% certain this is how you wish your children reacted to liberals.

Jesus fuck….you really love to make yourself despicable, don’t you.

Calling all sifters to downvote this racist post into oblivion ASAP.

Joe Biden's Actual "To Do List"

moonsammy says... Presidents and other national leaders attend a huge variety of functions, and aren't going to want to do a run-through for every single one of them. A brief overview of his role on a note card seems a very pragmatic solution. I do want to point out that it doesn't tell him what to say - the President's staff expects he'll be able to improvise something serviceable. Because he's an intelligent, capable adult human being.

Oh, and that clip of him saying something about "dropped dead unexpectedly" - that looks like stuttering to me. He seemed to be trying to say something else, and just couldn't get it out. His backup word choice was inelegant at best. Stuttering is something Biden's known to have struggled with for most of his life, and generally he handles it very well. Sometimes though he seems to still stumble on something, and this might've been a case of that. Maybe not - maybe he had a total brain fart / senior moment and we should be concerned... but it certainly didn't seem like a noteworthy incident to me.

Meanwhile, in actual important news: the J6 hearings have demonstrated the former President clearly made numerous efforts to remain in power despite having definitely lost in a fair election. (Well, fair in terms of having been run competently and without demonstrable fraud. Trump still had what I consider a significant unfair advantage in that Republicans have an inherent edge via the Electoral College. He just lost the popular vote by MORE this time around, leading to a loss of the EC as well.)

Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”

newtboy says...

First, It’s 1.6% - 5% (and rising fast), not .5% bob.

Also, 100% - .5% = 99.5%, bob. Or are you pretending only 1% balks at this idea? Considering your math skills, it’s impossible to know.

If so, why should the 99% capitulate to the 1% of intolerant assholes that insist everyone must eat pizza?

If ther are 100 people going out to eat together daily and 5 are deathly allergic to cheese, are you going to insist you prefer pizza so they should be excluded from the population because you don’t feel like a burger right now so everyone MUST eat pizza, even though the restaurant serves both?

No one is trying to make you eat the burger, they only want you to admit burgers are on the menu and that everyone has the right to choose their own meal, you don’t get to choose for them, nor do you get to deny there’s more than one choice nor enforce that insane denial.

Trans people self determining their gender in no way forces you to do the same thing. Such a dumb argument, Bob. It’s the old Con. argument…“You having a choice infringes on my rights to force my choices on you.”.

bobknight33 said:

The real question is why is 98.5% of Americans capitulation
to he the desires of the 0.5% .

Surely if there are 100 people going out to eat and 99 pick pizza and 1 picks hamburger, why do you need to cave and get 100 hamburgers ?

Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

I heard “I can’t believe you’re a sick son of a bitch that would come to our political PR event to make a political stance on a political issue! “

Aren’t these the people who have made a mission out of standing up in school, town, and county board meetings and scream ranting at them, often in large numbers, often making threats, until the meetings are ended? Now the same snowflakes are outraged someone does the same to them in an effort to make a better suggestion to protect children than the Republican suggestion, which today is arm every adult and lock all the fire exits, because having armed guards worked out so well in Florida.

Edit: it now sounds like Uvaldi police waited quite some time (1:15) before entering the school, with videos of parents pleading with them to do something and dozens of armed police on scene, during which time the murderer shot down 19 children and two teachers. So much for armed security being the solution…that only works if they act, which is rare.

Amish response to covid

robdot says...

People who are at risk,are put at risk,BY OTHER PEOPLE. It’s not that hard to understand. If you are at risk,but only you gets the shot. You are gonna die. We all get the shot to protect everyone who is at risk. How does any adult human not understand this.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

newtboy says...

It’s almost like you forgot that every congressperson charged with child trafficking is a Republican, every one charged with pedophilia a Republican, every one that knowingly covered for years of forced sexual abuse of children a Republican. Everyone trying to pass laws making it legal for adults to marry 9 year old children and have sex with them is a Republican. Every person claiming their political colleagues have wild drug fueled orgies is a Republican.
Every one filmed lusting after 10 year olds and cat calling them in public is a Republican. Every one who said the thing they have most in common with their young daughter is “sex” is a Republican. Every one that bragged about trying to buy their way into their friends wife’s pants repeatedly is a Republican. Everyone we know that left their pregnant wives to sleep with porn stars without protection is a Republican. Every one that hosted private parties for Epstein, some they attended with no other adults allowed was a Republican.
🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
The way you people project this nonsense makes me believe that somewhere out there is a pizza place with a basement where your elected officials rape, murder, and eat very small children. It sounded completely insane when the accusations were made, but you people ARE completely insane AND guilty of EVERY charge you morons lob at Democrats.

Democrats, on the other hand, are never brought up on child rape and sex trafficking charges, never have photos come out proving their debauchery, do not have a party platform based entirely on scapegoating and hating huge groups based on skin color, nationality, sexual preference, gender, etc….all protected classes under the constitution btw.
Democrats also don’t try to overthrow democracy because they lost an election and can’t accept it.
Democrats also don’t legislate based on frauds like Desantis, don’t put out insane lies about their opponents, accusing them of child molestation without evidence, certainly not just as a fund raising plot. They don’t set up straw men like CRT to give their base something to be outraged about despite it being fantasy. They don’t create a big lie that the election they ran was fraught with fraud (with absolutely zero evidence besides the frauds they committed themselves).

You really should try looking in a mirror sometimes. If you think you hate Democrats over these false charges, you are going to really hate yourself. Party of debauchery….if you really believe that’s the Democratic Party and not Republicans, you had a clinical break from reality and need professional help before you hurt yourself or others.

You are so delusional you could be committed if we only knew your real name.

Edit: I suppose I should thank you for being such a ridiculous blowhard that always buys into the Republican lies, without you I would have no idea what nonsense needs debunking. You couldn’t be a better straight man even if your name was Laurel.

bobknight33 said:

She belongs to the party of debauchery.

Big difference between hate and truth.

Too many straw man arguments .

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

bcglorf says...


Per my very first sentence in thread, I also oppose gov using this as a wedge issue to rally their base.

Meaning, I 100% am in agreement that nobody(gov or otherwise) should be banning trans kids(and adults) from anything, competitive sports included.

I did point out a single biological fact:
-Whether a person is born with XX or XY chromosomes has a significant impact on development that impacts performance in sports.

You jump all over that observation though, like raising it is hateful, denying peoples right to exist, and on. It is not.

And your observation that the performance advantages aren’t 100% of the time favouring XY folks is the red herring. Of course there are areas were the difference is an advantage, others were it’s neutral, and yet others a disadvantage. In a large population you also always have the possibility of individuals overcoming those odds.

Pointing to those facts though like they mean specific advantages don’t exist is the red herring.

In addition to that one fact, I also proposed applying the same standards for fairness in competition equally to everyone.

And it’s on this point I am automatically decried as hateful, evil and maliciously acting against people’s right to exist….

If your only looking for a villain to demonize there’s no point attempting further discussion.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, you want to remove all actual Republicans, especially any with scruples, morals, or love of democracy, and replace them with more know nothing, bat shit crazy, hypocritical, abusive, insanely thin skinned, anti democracy asshole morons like MTG and Bobert that always put party before country, and Great Leader before party….right?

Because you say they are real Republicans, not the people who shaped the party your entire adult life….right?

Only the people who follow Trump, the lifetime Democrat who changed parties because, as he himself said, you can convince the right of any crazy thing and get them to vote based on nonsense (paraphrased, not quoted), who are vehemently against tax and spend, but love borrow and spend, who care deeply about the debt and deficit only when they aren’t in control, who care so much about inflation that they block any nomination to the fed, making it impossible to take real meaningful action to fight inflation.…..only they are actual Republicans. Right?

You are such a silly man.

bobknight33 said:

Cheney is 1 of the "others"

Both sides have its share of undesirables.

Term limits should be a must, but we have "the fox watching the hen house" so this will never happen.

Ohio GOP Primary Debate

luxintenebris says...

have to say, that's spot-on.

"adults in the room"?

best curse could imagine would be to cast a spell that these candidates can only argue with reason and logic (turn campaigns into debates on ideas and solutions).

then this show would resemble cctv of a laundry mat's lounge area. nothing being said, and most folk would find themselves watching the dryers than the canidates.

saw this and might be the under-lying reason why these little men are so testy.

BSR said:

They both need to go stand in the corner with their hands behind their back until mom tells them it's ok to come out.

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

newtboy says...

Bob, do you need an adult to show you how urinals work? If you put your dick in them, you are using them wrong….and you better get checked out.

Leave it to you to not know how to use a urinal….something normal two year olds pick up by themselves.

Or have you been peeing in the glory hole?


bobknight33 said:

She has had more dick in her than the urinals at Yankee Stadium.

M*A*S*H War is war, Hell is Hell

newtboy says...

Kids, cripples, old ladies….he calls them innocents!? Has he ever met any?

Show me an innocent child, and I’ll show you an adult with blinders on in the nearest mirror.

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