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Baby With Harlequin Ichthyosis - Extreme Genetic Disorder

Zonbie says...

>> ^EDD:
Poor child. I suppose this kicks mortality rate up quite a bit, too. And what about vision-I wonder if this child can see at all? Anyway, this is just another reason to support genetic research - I guess sooner or later people should find a way to treat these kinds of mutations.

There are cases of people surviving -

In general, harlequin foetuses do not survive for very long. In the past, the life expectancy for a harlequin foetus was about two weeks; however, intensive supportive care and the use of drugs has prolonged the lifespan of these babies and some have made it into adulthood. However, the average lifespan is much lower, and the babies usually suffer from physical developmental delay, although intellectual development has been reported to be normal.

Baby With Harlequin Ichthyosis - Extreme Genetic Disorder

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'baby, hard, skin, cracks, alive, not, to, adulthood, rare, demon, child' to 'baby, hard, skin, cracks, alive, not, to, adulthood, rare, child' - edited by laura

uhohzombies (Member Profile)

Baby Hug Kitty

Issykitty says...

I think this is just a very nice and kid-friendly kittycat, and there are many out there. I had similar experience as ant when I was a kid, with a mean kitty, and I think it traumatized me enough because I didn't like cats until I was well into adulthood. Imagine that!

rottenseed (Member Profile)

swampgirl says...


In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
HAHAHAHA! Chris Cornell starter kit?! Are you effin' serious?! LMAO!

In reply to this comment by swampgirl:
Snipe, you're lucky I'm not your mother. Before I kicked your ass out of the basement and out the door to get on with adulthood, I'd take some shears to that mop you call hair. (your real hair in your pics, not your sift mullet)

Along with that hair, what's that thing you're growing on your bottom lip? I swear it looks like someone gave you a Chris Cornell Starter Kit left over from 1993. Grunge has long gone, hon.

And smile for a damn picture sometime!

(sorry I'm late.. again)

swampgirl (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

HAHAHAHA! Chris Cornell starter kit?! Are you effin' serious?! LMAO!

In reply to this comment by swampgirl:
Snipe, you're lucky I'm not your mother. Before I kicked your ass out of the basement and out the door to get on with adulthood, I'd take some shears to that mop you call hair. (your real hair in your pics, not your sift mullet)

Along with that hair, what's that thing you're growing on your bottom lip? I swear it looks like someone gave you a Chris Cornell Starter Kit left over from 1993. Grunge has long gone, hon.

And smile for a damn picture sometime!

(sorry I'm late.. again)

The Official Roast For thesnipe (and tossed salad bar) (Parody Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

Snipe, you're lucky I'm not your mother. Before I kicked your ass out of the basement and out the door to get on with adulthood, I'd take some shears to that mop you call hair. (your real hair in your pics, not your sift mullet)

Along with that hair, what's that thing you're growing on your bottom lip? I swear it looks like someone gave you a Chris Cornell Starter Kit left over from 1993. Grunge has long gone, hon.

And smile for a damn picture sometime!

(sorry I'm late.. again)

Religion and Science. (Blog Entry by gorgonheap)

blankfist says...

I don't mean to sound offensive or that I'm attacking you, Doc_M, but that sounds like a lot of doublespeak. You write: "A pure atheist will say that since there is no god in the first place, the ONLY option is random evolution (via good ole natural selection and drift)." First off, most educated atheists will concede nothing can be proven 100%, so we still have to entertain the idea that possibly there is a very minute chance that a god exists. This is the same as saying we cannot prove a teacup isn't orbiting the Sun. Our understanding of facts as we perceive them gives us a pretty good idea that that tea cup doesn't exist, but we cannot prove it to be an absolute. Secondly, evolution is not random. Creationists like to shoot holes in evolutionary theory by trivializing it and suggesting it to be random, as if the human stereo optic eye was randomly created overnight by some accidental natural fluke. Ridiculous.

This Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years, and simple cell organisms began 4 billion years ago. If you think about the process of life changing for 4 billion years (4 billion!), then it's not an impossible timeline for complex changes from light sensitive membranes to the modern eye. Evolution works not randomly but within the specific needs for a species survival. Sometimes genetic changes happen in short periods, such as with early humans in dairy cultures evolving genetically to digest milk during adulthood. Their bodies started producing lactose-digesting enzyme known as lactase. In areas absent of dairy cultures such as China and parts of Africa the adults could not digest the milk.

And, atheists don't have only one source of "knowledge", as you say. They have all sources. They study, test and debate all these sources, and through doing so they cannot base anything in this physical world against the bible. It's irrelevant to science. Christians, in my opinion, tend to be anchored to one source of "knowledge": the bible. They're largely inflexible, whereas science is always flexible. Science wants to be disproved so it can learn why it was wrong. Someone please tell me of a Christian who wants their beliefs to be disproved.

deedub81 (Member Profile)

Fade says...

How am I a liar? I work for Microsoft, would you like me to email you a copy of my contract?

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
"I have no idea how much you earn but I earn €60 000 a year and I spend roughly 4-5 hours a day playing video games."

Ahahahah! Not only are you a moron, you're also a liar. Hahahaha.

...and, yes. Some things ARE just common sense.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
I visited an alien planet with a friend in the last book I read.

Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said anything about being more or less productive than other forms of media. I know reading comprehension is hard when your brain has been fried by video games, but try to follow me here.

In the first place, watching tv or listening to the radio isn't as addictive as video games. 2nd, What's the practical point of learning to play a flight simulator on an xBox 360? You'd develop muscle memorization that would make you better at playing the xBox 360. You'd be hard pressed to find a guy that spent more than two hours a day playing video games that earns more than me. Ambition and video games don't mix. I saw it in high school and college. I know some guy that stopped leaving the house after World of Warcraft came out. I mean he literally goes days without leaving the house. That's not uncommon.

I don't need to site articles. It's common sense. Video games are bad for you. Children often become addicted to video games into their adulthood.

...and the point you make about TV, Radio, and other forms of media being an equal waste of time...I don't think good parents let their children spend any length of time doing those things, either.

Fade (Member Profile)

deedub81 says...

"I have no idea how much you earn but I earn €60 000 a year and I spend roughly 4-5 hours a day playing video games."

Ahahahah! Not only are you a moron, you're also a liar. Hahahaha.

...and, yes. Some things ARE just common sense.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
I visited an alien planet with a friend in the last book I read.

Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said anything about being more or less productive than other forms of media. I know reading comprehension is hard when your brain has been fried by video games, but try to follow me here.

In the first place, watching tv or listening to the radio isn't as addictive as video games. 2nd, What's the practical point of learning to play a flight simulator on an xBox 360? You'd develop muscle memorization that would make you better at playing the xBox 360. You'd be hard pressed to find a guy that spent more than two hours a day playing video games that earns more than me. Ambition and video games don't mix. I saw it in high school and college. I know some guy that stopped leaving the house after World of Warcraft came out. I mean he literally goes days without leaving the house. That's not uncommon.

I don't need to site articles. It's common sense. Video games are bad for you. Children often become addicted to video games into their adulthood.

...and the point you make about TV, Radio, and other forms of media being an equal waste of time...I don't think good parents let their children spend any length of time doing those things, either.

deedub81 (Member Profile)

Fade says...

What, you read the book together? Sounds like a thrilling night under the covers.

You can't make sweeping generalizations about something and then claim you don't need evidence to support it because "it's common sense".

I have no idea how much you earn but I earn €60 000 a year and I spend roughly 4-5 hours a day playing video games. Most of my peers play video games and all of them are succesfull and highly motivated. You are talking out of your arse and you know it.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
I visited an alien planet with a friend in the last book I read.

Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said anything about being more or less productive than other forms of media. I know reading comprehension is hard when your brain has been fried by video games, but try to follow me here.

In the first place, watching tv or listening to the radio isn't as addictive as video games. 2nd, What's the practical point of learning to play a flight simulator on an xBox 360? You'd develop muscle memorization that would make you better at playing the xBox 360. You'd be hard pressed to find a guy that spent more than two hours a day playing video games that earns more than me. Ambition and video games don't mix. I saw it in high school and college. I know some guy that stopped leaving the house after World of Warcraft came out. I mean he literally goes days without leaving the house. That's not uncommon.

I don't need to site articles. It's common sense. Video games are bad for you. Children often become addicted to video games into their adulthood.

...and the point you make about TV, Radio, and other forms of media being an equal waste of time...I don't think good parents let their children spend any length of time doing those things, either.

Midwest Teen Sex Show Female Masturbation

jwray says...

1. Some parents don't talk about sex. Ever. Not even things that are remotely related to it. e.g, my parents.
2. In some elementary schools, students are punished for expressing curiosity about sex, and not allowed access to relevant information or pictures. I recall being punished for drawing an anatomically correct male human in Kindergarten, and punished again in first grade for asking why the genitals were omitted from a scientific display of preserved human internal organs. For some, the personal inhibition produced by the "public stigma against letting children know anything about sex" stays present well into adulthood. For others, it multiplies curiosity.

I blame religion for this absurdity of hiding the truth about sex from children.

Fade (Member Profile)

deedub81 says...

I visited an alien planet with a friend in the last book I read.

Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said anything about being more or less productive than other forms of media. I know reading comprehension is hard when your brain has been fried by video games, but try to follow me here.

In the first place, watching tv or listening to the radio isn't as addictive as video games. 2nd, What's the practical point of learning to play a flight simulator on an xBox 360? You'd develop muscle memorization that would make you better at playing the xBox 360. You'd be hard pressed to find a guy that spent more than two hours a day playing video games that earns more than me. Ambition and video games don't mix. I saw it in high school and college. I know some guy that stopped leaving the house after World of Warcraft came out. I mean he literally goes days without leaving the house. That's not uncommon.

I don't need to site articles. It's common sense. Video games are bad for you. Children often become addicted to video games into their adulthood.

...and the point you make about TV, Radio, and other forms of media being an equal waste of time...I don't think good parents let their children spend any length of time doing those things, either.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Okay, there's no point debating this with you then. If you think playing video games is less productive than sitting in front of the tv or lying in bed reading a book or listening to the radio then you obviously don't know jack about productivity.
Tell me, whats the best way to learn how to fly an aeroplane other than actually flying one? Reading a book? Talking to a pilot? Or maybe "playing" a flight sim.
How about learning some ancient history, say battle tactics of ancient generals of the roman army. There simply is no better way to get that kind of info into the minds of children (or adults for that matter) than to let them play around with their own minuture armies in video games like the total war series. And let's not even start on Civilization or Sim City. Both games created with the express purpose of education and damn succesful at it too.

Socialising is being redifind by the internet and thanks in no small part to multiplayer video gaming. Kids are learning all sorts of things about teamwork in games like battlefield and counterstrike, and believe me there is very little as entertaining as playing through a video game with a couple of friends. When was the last time you were able to visit an alien planet with a friend in a book?

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
I never said that playing violent video games causes violence. I feel it's a waste of time and talent and a lot less stimulating than reading books and interacting with other people. It's been proven that video games are addictive and it's common sense that it isn't productive behavior to sit in front of the xbox all day.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
I'm sure you've heard of google, have fun with that.

But here, let me help you get started I'll simply post a link for the wikipedia article on the issue.

Also please note that since the rise of violent videogames in modern western society, violent crime has seen a dramatic drop. Coinsidence? Maybe, but still interesting.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
Okay. Do it, then. Show me a million articles that claim that playing violent video games is good for small children.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Um, that has to be the lamest example of an arguement against video games I've ever seen. Never mind that I can spend 5 mins in google and find a million more reputably sourced articles that claim the exact opposite.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:

In reply to this comment by Fade:
no such thing as being ruined by video games. Video games provide a far better means to teach and learn than any other medium in history. Interactivity is teh future and you will assimilate.

Randy flies reveal how booze affect inhibitions

rembar says...

Layman's summary and the actual paper, although I'm honestly scared to think about how the media would jump on this. I can just see it now, on Fox News: "ALCOHOL TURNS YOU GAY ITS A CHOICE SCIENCE SAYS SO ALSO YOU RUIN THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE BETWEEN A MAN AND A FLY". Yikes.

The paper itself is damn interesting and amusing, particularly this bit from the discussion:
"Nonetheless, a consistent effect of ethanol on heterosexual behavior observed in our studies of flies and the previous findings in rats [7], [8] and humans [5] is the inhibitory effect on sexual performance. It is tempting to speculate that ethanol may act on similar cellular targets in different species. Comparing the ethanol's effects on heterosexual courtship and copulation, chronic ethanol has opposite effects on sexual arousal and performance of male flies, indicating that their underlying processes may be distinct. It is possible that adaptive changes induced by chronic ethanol exposure are necessary to enhance sexual arousal and may overlap with those underlying behavioral sensitization on disinhibited courtship."

From a sociological perspective, if it could be confirmed that the disinhibitive effect and increase in sexual desire is indeed the same on a cellular level cross-species, this finding would imply that the pressure among humans to continue semi-regular alcohol consumption in adolescence and especially young adulthood could have a physiological basis.

And in addition, to the increase in sexual desire but decrease in performance...therein lies the evil of alcohol. "But I want to! But I can't....but I want to!" Fate worse than death, I'm tellin' ya.

Carl Sagan on the Human Brain

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