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80's Cartoon Intro Overload!

rougy says...


"Lizards" from outerspace is what some people have been saying for years.

The scene with the four horsemen also made me scratch my head.

Probably random symbolism.

I remember "Aqua Boy" from the 60's and I often wondered what impact that had on the acid generation. He would eat "aqua gum" and be able to breathe under water.

I think that...somebody figured out quite a while ago that cartoons are a sneaky way to influence children in ways that would last to adulthood.

Fallout 3 - Teaser Trailer

waxwing_slain says...

The Fallout community is like a delicate, irradiated flower that has been rudely trampled on...repeatedly...with cleats.
To call them the worst fanbase ever is unfair. Seeing the power and the glory that is Fallout given over to the people responsible for Morrowind is a fine enough reason to be upset. Not to say that Morrowind is bad, it's just like seeing the seed of Christ raised to adulthood by John Belushi or Redd Foxx....disconcerting.

Children learn to meditate

persephone says...

Many Indian people would disagree with you, Old Spider. If Ravi Shankar thought Jazz was no good for kids, just think of what early musical influence Nora Jones would have missed out on!

Many Indians don't have a problem with their kids meditating either.

What I like about meditation, is that it gets you to an awareness of the part of yourself that is unchanging, the part that is not altered in any way by your life's circumstances, or by what people tell or do to you.

When we can tap into our essential nature, we are learning important skills like resilience and self-acceptance.

Kid's worlds can be as harsh as adult's, especially since they are so vulnerable to adults. I think meditation can be an excellent resource for kids to help them survive not only childhood, but adulthood as well.

If it's taught in fun way, in a non-religious environment, meditation can be such a powerful tool for kids to learn.

How to Beat Your Children at Video Games

rembar says...

I don't worry so much about convincing other people that kids gaming is ok. By the time this generation of kids reaches adulthood, it won't even be an issue anymore. Like Farhad said, the theme of the younger generation's entertainment threatening the sensibilities of the older generation is not a new one, and as history has shown, not one that has generally ever resulted in the destruction of said generation.

When I have kids, I'm going to do the same thing I read somewhere (I think on Penny Arcade, so you KNOW it's a good idea). I'm going to ban all video games in my house, never let my kids buy them or see them, much less play them on a regular basis. And then when they become teenagers and get all rebellious and go, "Screw your authority, Dad, I've been playing video games behind your back for months, whether you like it or not", I'm going to just grin and then lead them to my bedroom, go to the closet that my wife and I have always kept locked for all those years, and then open it up to reveal a 120" plasma TV with a multi-console setup, along with my gaming computer. When they have recovered, I will then allow them to play whatever games they want, but only after they've finished their homework.

Before you Enlist - what military recruiters don't tell you

KaiEr says...

Total fabrication based on the reactions of those too ignorant to understand that one simple truth... It's the M-I-L-I-T-A-R-Y, dumba$$!

First, the whole "lying to cover a drug incident" I find a little hard to believe from my own experience. I was denied entry into the service simply because, over the phone, I "self adjudicated" myself by (jokingly) answering honestly that I was "arrested" as a minor for pulling change out of a water fountain (seriously). Now, tell me again how they are lying about felonies, just to make quota...

The contract is NOT unilateral. The contract states what it states, and within that contract it give the government the right to do those things. Now, if you sign a contract in which the contract states that it may be changed on a whim... it was your decision to sign it, therefore, NOT UNILATERAL.

Stop Loss is pretty much written into military contracts as well. Going in, you ARE informed of your active duity status and inactive duty responsibilities. Why in GOD'S NAME would they have an "inactive" duty, other than to keep you on in case of the need for redeployment in times of war. That's a gimme, folks.

And, as for the Montgomery GI Bill... Oh, you mean you can't use it when you are in the service? You can't use it when you are active duty in a battlefield? Wow... what a shock... IDIOT!

So, the majority of the military is of working class or lower. Hmmm... Do I blame McDonalds for having to employ the less educated and unhireable? Why? Because you don't need a degree to flip a burger or pull a trigger. McDonalds is a fast food company, the military is? People? That's right, the military; used for defense, not for quantum physics.

So, the female soldiers feel that they must come back and be more watchful in the military, than they do walking down the street? I think not. The numbers they give, only point out that there is a .02% difference between the military and general public, when it comes to reported sexual assaults. (But, this is sort of hard for people to understand, when they can't even comprehend the fact that the military isn't McDonalds).

(200,000+/- cases reported annually out of nearly 300,000,000 population nationally (.06%). 2,374 reported in 2005, out of a military force of almost 3,000,000 (.08%)).

It's like... not only can they not figure out that guns kill, but they can't even use their brains for higher level functions such as research.

And... the kicker... "Oh, you mean, we might DIE or get wounded if we go to war?"

This not so much a video vilifying the recruiters, but giving reason to increase the age of legal adulthood in the US. If you are telling me that they cannot comprehend this... raise the age.

Classic Local TV News Segment - Bubb Rubb

BayAreaGuy says...

Oh, puhleeze! He wouldn't "thrive." He'd just continue doing what he's doing now, only on a grander scale. If you'd swapped them at birth, then of course he'd have ended up different. But by adulthood, his development is permanent.

Just look to Iraq to see what attempts at Quick Change get you.

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