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Scientific illusion

noims says...

It's a nice enough illusion (if old), but... "according to science an illusion has been created that will blow your mind."

Did science determine that it was created or that it will blow my mind? Was this outcome published and peer reviewed?

According to science hyperbolae is extremely annoying and detracts from a nice simple concept. Bitches.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

A friend of Laura Loomer posted on Twitter that she's been telling anyone who'll listen that she gave the mushroom tip, in his words, "The best BJ I've ever had".

Pretty much every single place he holds a rally he leaves with $50k+ unpaid expenses the community has to pay for…extra police, facilities, etc…all unpaid at every venue, likely millions in unpaid bills to communities that can’t afford them. That’s why very few venues will host him twice.

And after being exposed again for cheating on his wife (why else did anyone think he kept Habba around?) he quit his campaign by tweeting….

Side note- Barron is a n absolute psychopath that murders small animals and fights with and pulls knifes on fellow school kids and sexually abused kids on a sleepover according to his New York nanny.

Why you should not vote Democrat

newtboy says...

😂Literally anyone who doesn’t agree with the Russian propaganda you are spouting at the moment is “fake news” according to you.
Hilarious since every single political post you’ve posted in the last 13+ years turned out to be actual fake news, including this one. All real foreign agents creating real propaganda intended to really harm America.
What was your fact check on this story? Pravda didn’t dispute it, so you believe? 😂

bobknight33 said:

Snopes as a fact check? really
Fake news of fact checker.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Even CNN” has been caught knowingly packing their “independent voters” panels with hard core Trumpers they called independents despite the voters saying clearly they intended to vote for Trump and no one else.
This is what happened when CNN went far right with Chris Licht…they abandoned truth to court maga, the anti truth party.

Just 2-3 weeks ago according to maga RFK jr was a “communist Marxist”, a pedophile, the most hard core leftist in the race, and an absolute nut job whose brain was eaten by worms and Trump said even Biden would be much better than RFK jr. while RFK jr called the felon a criminal sociopath who nearly ended democracy in America and would destroy the economy.
He tried to quit weeks ago and endorse Harris for a promise of a job in the Harris administration, and she wouldn’t take his call, and now endorsed Trump (for a guarantee of a job in his administration, exactly what position is yet to be determined)…today after selling out you call him an impressive American hero you proudly stand with (and who may replace Vance next week, he’s already more prominent in the campaign releases).
He didn’t change one bit except for the endorsement, why is he suddenly acceptable? 😂

Democrat, The party for Degenerates

newtboy says...


How many kids do you see on the street?
I saw zero kids because this was a blocked off adults only area of the adult event, like it always is.

Conversely, MAGA loves to involve children in their abusive sex acts and protect those who do like these (and thousands more)…

326 Larry Cotton, conservative Evangelical pastor covered up Andy Savage’s crime

327 Alex Jones, right-wing conspiracist, sexual harassment, groping, racism. Did I miss this because I skip anything with his name because he’s a fantasist?

328 Wm F Buckley admiring FOX News reporter James Rosen - sexual harassment

329 Right-wing former actor Scott Baio, sexual assault saved by statute of limitations

330 Republican district attorney candidate Seth Carey stalking and harassment of ex-girlfriend, unwanted sexual advances

331 Republican Sheriff Craig Rowland opened the door for a lot more rapists by saying rape kit legislation is not needed as "The majority of our rapes that are called in are actually consensual sex.”

332 Republican Rep. David Byrd inappropriate contact with three underage students.

333 Frank Hughes high school had students wear shirts promoting child-molesting Rep. David Byrd on a state capitol field trip.

334 Kenny West, Chief of Staff of GOP Representative Mark Meadows - sexual harassment

335 Republican Representative Mark Meadows was censured for protecting his aide after accusations of sexual harassment and continuing to employ him.
336 Colorado State Senator Larry Crowder - Sexual harassment of female senate colleague

337 Colorado State Senator Jack Tate will not seek reelection due to sexual harassment complaint by intern though the allegation of leering & making comments about her appearance is believed to be true, they do not amount to sexual harassment according to GOP leadership

338 State Representative Ritch Workman - sexual misconduct

339 Clint Reed, Sen. Marco Rubio’s Chief of Staff, improper conduct

340 Iowa State Senator Bill Dix fired party’s Communication Director for reporting sexual harassment, then resigned after caught on film kissing a lobbyist

341 Louisiana Sec of State Tom Schedler resigned, taxpayers paid to settle sexual harassment suit

342 MS State Representative John Moore resigned - sexual harassment

343 Trump White House speechwriter David Sorensen resigned after allegations of domestic violence by his ex-wife

344 MN State Rep. Rod Hamilton (R) stripped of chairmanship when accused of inappropriate touching by a woman

345 Conservative celebrity priest famed for shepherding conversions of Gingrich, Brownback, Kudlow and others was a groper.

346 Samuel Pimm, GOP consultant, Ben Carson campaign, found guilty of groping woman on a plane, she tells flight attendant The guy next to me is feeling me up."

347 Former IL GOP State Rep John Anthony - groping

348 Brian Ellis, GOP Member of PA House of Representatives, accused of drugging and raping a woman.

349 Erick Bennett who challenged Susan Collins in the Maine GOP primary was convicted of domestic violence which he thought was a good reason to vote for him.

350 Trump Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta made an illegal plea deal protecting Jeffrey Epstein, a nonprosecution agreement for someone accused of raping underage girls and sex trafficking. Is protecting sexual predators itself an offense? I think so.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww…did the thing about Hannibal Lechter hit too hard? You don’t wanna talk about how dumb the felon is, so dumb he doesn’t realize the asylum Hannibal was in is different from the asylum immigrants are requesting and that’s why he keeps bringing him up when he’s railing against immigration.

No, of course you don’t wanna talk about that…it’s real. You only want to talk about made up nonsense like the felon’s black supporters.

OMG- Nicky Haley’s super PAC has changed its name to NICKY HALEY VOTERS FOR HARRIS! Disgusted by Haley spinning 180 degrees from warning against a Trump administration to supporting one, her voters have refused to remove her name from their PAC and has renamed themselves accordingly!

Maga is terrified, trying multiple ridiculous lawsuits to bar Harris from the candidacy, bar PACS from supporting her, bar donors from donating, anything to stop her because she is infinitely more qualified and acceptable than your felonious dottering octogenarian child raping candidate.
It probably wasn’t too smart of Vance to alienate all “childless” people in America (including childless men, step parents, adoptive parents, even parents of dead children) publicly calling them “childless cat women who hate their lives and shouldn’t have a say in government”. 😂

😂 Raskin evicerated consummate failure Comer on Fox, thanking him for doing such a magnificent job exonerating Joe Biden of all the fraudulent charges that were raised against him because of course there was no high crime or misdemeanor, exonerated more thoroughly than anyone ever has been. 😂

Why Losing Weight Is So Difficult – The Workout Paradox

newtboy says...

I lost over 40 lbs in the last 14 months just by walking and biking my dogs more. It was simple. I did not curtail my other activities like he thinks people do, or change my diet much (maybe a bit less candy, but still candy).
I always ate fairly well without a thought to calories, that hasn’t changed.
According to him, I shouldn’t have lost any weight…but I sure have.
Let’s hear the explanation Kurzgesagt!

I say what works for you works. Don’t listen to people saying it doesn't. I’m back to or below my high school weight, and have never dieted.
For me the thing is consistency. I already did lots of yard, tree, farming work, near daily…and still do, but that’s inconsistent as exercise. Dogs need a (long) walk daily, no matter what, so I get more exercise every day without fail, burning fat every day, and 420 days later there’s little fat left.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

newtboy says...

“Fined for mishandling the payment “?
She hired a law firm and classified the payment as legal fees. Isn’t that something your side says isn’t a crime? 😂
The dossier was bought and paid for by Republicans, then sold to the Clinton Campaign. I know you hate that fact, but it’s there.

The laptop contents are fantasy, as is the diary. Half truths and pure fiction. Shouldn’t have tampered with it if you wanted anyone to pay attention….not that it would matter anyway, Hunter is nobody.

The economy crashed under the felon, it got better under Biden. Trump can get credit for the first 6-12 months of the next president’s economy which were not good, but absolutely not last 12 which so far are amazing, far better than the last guy’s best year.

Michael Flynn was convicted of treasonous activity and the felon Trump pardoned him because he did the treason for Trump, namely negotiating with Russia in December before his administration started then lying about it to the FBI.

The Biden’s did no such thing and your multiple investigations have found zero evidence of any payoffs nor a single time Biden changed policy to help China, that was Don and Ivanka who were given millions in patents then the next morning changed policy to favor China, then were gifted more million dollar patents. You can’t point to any untoward or even questionable payment after 4 full years of investigations. At best you just refuse to hear the verified explanations and make up crimes.

Trump lost jobs. He left a negative gdp and recession. Shelves went bare under the felon. Over 1 million Americans died due to his policy according to his own CDC. He added more to the debt and deficit in one term than any listed president did in two. The wannabe dictator left the nation more divided than any time since the 1850s and continues to sew division constantly. Trump was worse than any you listed by any measure. You simply deny the facts.

Nice pedophile fantasy you have there, every accusation is an admission, but not smart especially since Trump definitely fucked his daughter and has bragged about it publicly for decades, Barron is definitely her son, the resemblance is there but not with Melania. Trump is on the Epstein list more than anyone else but Maxwell who he still wishes well…know who isn’t? Biden. Trump is an adjudicated rapist with now 40 accusers. Know who isn’t? One has 34 felony convictions…which one was that? 😂

BTW- the first few post debate polls are out…Biden gained a few points after the debate. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

The Russia hoax was just that. Bought and paid for by hilly Clinton, and she got fined for mishandling the payment .

The Laptop IS real. The diary is real

The Economy did get better.
Michael Flynn took a shit deal. along with all the others


Biden sold America to China and Ukraine and lined the pockets of himself and his family.

Trump still a better POTUS than OBAMA, Biden or wannabee Clinton.

Joe showered with his daughter. Pedophile Joe is your man.

Maga Loyalist Endorses Donald Trump

newtboy says...

More brain numbingly stupid projection.
Everyone including yourself knows full well disgraced Donny lusts after his daughter and has since puberty started, he’s always been very public about it. Everyone knows disgraced Donny spent decades partying constantly with Epstein who was prostituting little girls to his rich friends, was credibly accused of raping a 13 year old at his island (with video), and still defends middle school madam Maxwell (because she has the tapes) despite her convictions for child sex abuse. Everyone knows disgraced Donny bought the Miss Teen USA pageant specifically to be able to go backstage and leer at the underage girls getting dressed, and bragged about it on air. Everyone knows disgraced Donny violently raped his wife then bought her silence (after she reported it). Everyone knows Disgraced Donny told 26 women he cheated on his wife with that they resembled his YOUNG DAUGHTER which made him horny for them.

Everyone knows these disgusting and just dumb lies about President Biden are utterly ridiculous, (edit: like the last one when you claimed he raped an woman in the open halls of congress in public during session but no one noticed and it wasn’t reported for 40 years but really it happened, believe you!…and come from known liars who usually are guilty of the baseless charges they lob at others…like the GOP that is absolutely overflowing with real charged rapists and pedophiles like Gaetz and Donjon.)

Married his babysitter…Jill? What? According to who? They met in 1975 on a blind date set up by Biden’s brother who knew her. You are buying more stupid lies because you are nothing but a stupid liar who stupidly lies day in and day out, convincing no one of anything besides the fact that you are incredibly, outrageously, unbelievably stupid and a constant idiotic liar afraid of reality or truth. Congratulations.

Jill bangs her son’s wife? What? You smoked some bad meth, buddy. Get help.
You really are off the deep end and just screaming self referencing nonsense on the corner. If only you could recognize how insane you really are in your panic at losing everything, you would voluntarily commit yourself tonight.

As expected, you ignore this laundry list of disqualifying facts about a convicted felon, rapist, cheater, and incestuous pedophile but hold onto nonsensical blatantly obvious lies about a lifelong public servant and loyal and decent husband and father.

The Trump crime family has more CONVICTIONS than every administration before and after them combined. They have more convictions than many administrations had accusations, and more credible accusations than all administrations ever! 😂

bobknight33 said:

I'd rather vote for Trump than Joe.

Joe showers with his daughter and married his babysitter , (Jill) and his son Hunter bangs his dead brothers wife.

Biden family values are degenerate.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting.

So, according to dementia Don Joe Biden beat Barack Hussein Obabba in an election.
Even his VP says don’t vote for Delusional Don, just like anybody that’s worked for him in the past.
He might want to stop advertising so heavily on pro Hitler and pro-Nazi videos online like his campaign was caught doing. That doesn’t attract non cultists or non racists.

More MAGA child rape debauchery, A former Republican precinct chairman from the state of Texas named Beau Dresner has been sentenced to FOUR CENTURIES in prison after he was convicted of, among other things, four counts of sexually assaulting/raping young children and 61 counts of producing child pornography. He had a one way ticket to Armenia when he was caught. Republicans love to say that they are the party protecting our children from "groomers," but all the reports of child abuse and assault seem to be coming from within their own party, usually from their leadership.

Odd, there’s never been a true story of a drag queen sexually assaulting a child or a trans person attacking a child in a bathroom, not one, but almost daily there’s a new high profile MAGGOT actually caught having forced sex with children. Not surprising when your cult leader was best friends with the most prolific child sex abuser in our history for decades, even long after he was caught and admitted to child prostitution. You are in the party of child abuse, theft, and lies.

Shogun - Trailer

ant says...

It's a miniseries according to IMDB. Maybe they will spin off with another country or something like China.

newtboy said:

Same for now. Maybe between seasons (assuming there’s a season 2) I’ll check out the original miniseries on Netflix or something.

Stephen Calls Bruce Willis A Liar... MISTAKE

cloudballoon says...

Old videos like this getting frontpaged ALWAYS comes with dread. Followed by frantically googling the latest health news of the celebrity and then knowing if he/she's OK or not, then coming back and react accordingly.

We've known Willis battling with debilitating dementia in 2022. Alarm bells goes off mentally just seeing the video thumbnail.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol….”creep”! Love it. 😂

Putin’s “Leftist talking points”! LOL!!! Not according to Russia. They gave their reasons for invasion at the time, NATO expanding was not among them. 😂

Bwaaahahaha!!! Putin was turned down by NATO?!? Citation please!
Russia walked from even negotiations with NATO in 2015. When do you say Putin asked to join…please provide a video of his speech requesting admission. Doesn’t exist because it didn’t happen. You bought and repeated ANOTHER stupid lie.

NATO was created to protect Western European countries from the Soviet Union expanding into their territories, not to fight communism but USSR expansionism. Russian expansionism is still a threat, and you don’t start a “No Homers” club then admit Homer because he changed his hairstyle…meaning you don’t form an alliance to protect against Russia then admit Russia as a lead member.
Btw- Putin has expressed interest in returning to communist socialist Russia and retaking all satellite nations.

PS- your broken English once again betrays your foreign nationality, “Guess America need an enemy for feed the military industrial complex.” is not a fractured English sentence fragment an American would say and denotes an alien sentence structure in your native tongue. 😂

PS- to debunk your Russian propaganda that NATO agreed to not expand….

And what I can find about Putin wanting in NATO is according to him he once floated the idea offhand to Clinton but only if Russia was admitted immediately without waiting in line, meeting basic requirements, paying, or having an acceptance vote, and only if Russia gets the same full power as America without contributing the same amount…not a true, serious, or in any way official application to join. He was not “turned down”, in fact Clinton publicly said he wouldn’t object to Russia entering NATO, but they never applied. It’s propaganda for ignorami, Sucker.

This stuff you spout is simple to debunk in seconds, and is mostly pure Russian propaganda straight from Sputnik. You should really look into your nonsense before spewing it into the ether like a drunk puppet in Team America. If only you cared that you look like an idiotic knownothing anti democracy anti American nutjob cultist, but clearly that doesn’t bother you.

Here’s a nightcap for you…Trump’s “security” rushing righty media away from his event when protesters start chanting “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!” 😂

bobknight33 said:

Has everything to do with NATO creep.

As usual you are just using leftest talking points.

NATO was created to keep Communist Russia in check. Russia is no longer Communist.

Also Putin asked to be enter into NATO but was turned down. -- Guess America need an enemy for feed the military industrial complex.

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

Waiting for what?
One of your propaganda videos to NOT be discarded?
For one of your idiotic accusations to grow legs and catch on?
For MAGA to stop eating itself in a rage over its own incompetence?
To learn how to read?
For another explanation you won’t understand?
Waiting for what?
Keep waiting…try holding your breath, I hear it helps.

You are wrong….as usual.
Biden showed at Capitol Hill with his lawyers prepared to testify….publicly.
He refused to testify behind closed doors before a sham pure partisan impeachment hearing at least until it’s legitimized with a vote (why would he?), a vote MAGA won’t hold because they know they don’t have the votes to start an inquiry (or that if they do, it will cost them multiple seats in swing districts), but he was still willing to testify before the sham “impeachment inquiry” despite it being illegitimate if it was a public hearing.

Republicans said fuck no, but can’t explain why they don’t want the public hearing what he actually says, despite saying for years that that’s what they want, publicly or privately. They backtracked because they don’t want any part of this “inquiry” to be public because every bit of it is utter nonsense and they know it will destroy them if it comes out that this made up stupidity and baseless claims with absolutely no evidence is all they’ve done for the last 3 years.

Epic fail. You are correct there. Epically failing to further the fake illegitimate “investigation”.
It’s side splittingly hilarious that they can’t enforce the subpoena because the “investigation” isn’t legitimate thanks to the very rules Republicans created to protect Trump from multiple impeachments. 😂

Edit: I would like to point out, Joe could easily pardon Hunter for every charge against him and would if he was 1% as corrupt as you claim. In fact, according to Trump who just made the claim in court, as president he has no obligation to the constitution or country at all.

bobknight33 said:


still waiting.

Hunter bailed and failed to show up to testify.

Epic Fail

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

😂 Tantrum much!? 😂

I know reading and comprehension are weak points for you, it’s sad and shocking to see how weak.
Another reason to not believe you could earn the lowest of tech degrees…I can’t imagine you passed middle school when you can read my very short clear statement and come up with that. I spelled it out simply and clearly, and you 100% got it 100% wrong and continue to argue against something never said….typical for you because you can never back up your claims so you must pretend the topic is something else.

I never said there’s no tax fraud case, I said your title is a total lie and is debunked in the video itself. That’s a fact. You’re a constant liar. No amount of your intentionally misstating facts or what I said will change that, it reinforces it.

I have said if it wasn’t a politically motivated attack on Joe, Hunter would never be prosecuted for any of the minor crimes he did commit, he would be offered a plea deal with a fine, like he originally was. I stand by that statement. Wanna try again?

Hunter was late paying his taxes…he has paid them at this point unlike Trump who is still over $250 million behind in his NY state taxes and has defrauded the federal government out of at least that much, likely 10 times that amount.
Consider, Trump pays taxes on Maralago as if it was worth $20 million (and he complained and sued because he said that was too HIGH, it was worth LESS for tax purposes). If, as he claims, it’s really worth $1.8 BILLION…he needs to pay property taxes on $1.78 BILLION he evaded for 40 years…according to Trump himself he’s evaded over $700 MILLION in property taxes on Maralago alone. That’s quite a bit worse than Hunter’s late payment, and is only one example out of thousands where Trump defrauded the country out of hundreds of millions. 😂
If Hunter’s crimes are prison worthy, the Trumps’ are execution worthy.

😂 Fake news! 😂
I know you can’t accept the truth, bob. We all know. You deny reality daily, on every front.

HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER…..The Hunter laptop is a long dead horse, just like the election fraud fraud, every attempt to legitimize it only ended up proving how much MAGA had tampered with the data, making it not evidence but propaganda. You’ve been trying to sell this nonsense for 5-6 years now. Nobody’s buying, and nobody’s listening anymore. You can only cry wolf so many times before the villagers stop listening and start hoping a wolf will eat you and shut your lying mouth permanently….you passed that point years and years ago, friendo.

No need to google anything about the laptop, it’s nothing. The FBI proved the data had been forged by Giuliani’s team. Nothing there makes any case for anything besides more MAGA frauds perpetrated on the courts, it’s a well established pattern for MAGA, and it’s a losing strategy, because you keep getting caught! Try again. 😂

Hunter is living rent free in your head, and he’s got a mansion in there with a pool, hot tub, putting green, even a driving range, and there’s still empty space for expansion. He’s not even a politician, so why would anyone care about him? It makes the lying, exageration, and hysterics hilarious self owns by you and yours. Another big “L” for your team…one you just can’t accept but everyone outside the cult has. Reminiscent of the big lie, only cultists believe, and everyone else just sees you losing your shit over your own lies not catching on. 😂

Hilarious how the mantra was “family is off limits” when it came to Trump despite the constant nepotism, but not for his enemies despite their complete lack of involvement in politics. More dishing it out but unable to stand it from your cowardly leader…he was even to scared to testify in his own defense! What a sniveling little fat cowardly baby, cowering because he has something to hide according to his spokesperson Haba.

Nothing you claim about Hunter is true, (fortunately MAGA is so untrustworthy that no one cares what stupidity you lie) and nothing Hunter has done makes one whit of difference about his father. Keep focusing on him, ignoring the same tax crimes comitted by Trump but by a factor of 250 or more…voters notice the hypocrisy and it guarantees your loss next year….meanwhile Joe has rescued the economy in every possible way from the utter disaster and guaranteed recession/depression Trump left,
IN EVERY WAY BOB, INCLUDING INFLATION THATS AT 0% while MAGA eats itself alive and gets absolutely nothing done! 😂

Of course I’m not clicking your link, if ever there was a site I would expect to host malicious viruses, it would be the Russia/MAGA hosted anti Biden pdf site you pointed people to. Why would any rational person expose their computer to attack to download and read your pure faked propaganda? A: they wouldn’t.

It’s going to be so delicious when/if Hunter beats the charges and gets Giuliani and the RNC to pay his legal bills. You morons had a guilty plea in hand and decided to go to court instead with little chance of getting more and a huge risk he might beat all charges, vindicating himself and by extension Joe…talk about snatching defeat from the mouth of victory! 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:


IF you can handle the truth: Which you can't

Hunter Biden Laptop contents, with a PDF down load link

Or if you want to cry about the link Just google
marco polo hunter biden laptop pdf
and select the Link title Report on the Biden Laptop

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