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I would So buy this for the anal massage feature.

Baba the Cosmic Barber makes it big time

The Human Hoist - The Ultimate Powered Shop Chair

Guy Pulls A Baguette Out Of Nowhere

probie says...

Fake as hell. I can't stand the way magicians "massage" the air in an attempt to show you they have nothing up their sleeve, or unrealistically smell things or touch things. It doesn't look theatrical; it looks retarded.

Pretty good joke

peter12 says...

Mmmh my tea tastes delicious. How is yours?

The main massage of your video is: You are already lucky.
Second massage: Don't doubt god.

The second point might be confusing for some. You would counter, he believed in god till the bitter end. But he didn't, he wanted god to step down and rescue him - the ultimate proof for god's existence. You don't ask your beloved people for proof of their love (or anything) to you. A true believer sees god's work everywhere and that's enough proof.

In elections facts are only padding to our narrative. Our believes are stronger then everything. I myself voted for Obama (oops, I forgot that i don't vote for somebody who kills people without a trial), because I didn't want a asocial zombie to come into office (ooops, I forgot the Romney-Care)

We see what we want to see. And we don't see what we don't want.

Rocket Chair

Rocket Chair

Rocket Chair

Wendy O. Williams- It's My Life

deathcow says...

Wow... from Wikipedia:

Williams had first attempted suicide in 1993 by hammering a knife into her chest; the knife lodged in her sternum and she changed her mind, calling Swenson to take her to hospital.[5] She attempted suicide again in 1997 with an overdose of ephedrine.[5]

Williams died at age 48 on April 6, 1998 of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a wooded area near her home. Rod Swenson, who had been Wendy's significant other for more than twenty years, returned from shopping to the wooded area where the two had lived since moving to Connecticut from New York. He found a package that Wendy had left him with some special noodles he liked, a packet of seeds for growing garden greens, some oriental massage balm, and sealed letters from Wendy. The suicide letters which included a "living will" denying life support, a love letter to Swenson, and various lists of things to do set Swenson searching the woods looking for her. After about an hour, and after it was almost dark, he found the body in woods near an area where she loved to feed the wildlife. Several nut shells were on a nearby rock where she had apparently been feeding some of the squirrels before she died. Swenson checked the body for a pulse, and there was none. A pistol lay on the ground nearby, and he returned to the house to call the local authorities. "Wendy's act was not an irrational in-the-moment act," he said, she had been talking about taking her own life for almost four years. Swenson reportedly described her as "despondent" at the time of her suicide.[13] This is what she is said to have written[14] in a suicide note regarding her decision:
“ I don't believe that people should take their own lives without deep and thoughtful reflection over a considerable period of time. I do believe strongly, however, that the right to do so is one of the most fundamental rights that anyone in a free society should have. For me, much of the world makes no sense, but my feelings about what I am doing ring loud and clear to an inner ear and a place where there is no self, only calm.

Zombies.... can get us to watch ANYTHING, right?

hpqp says...

Gah, why in hell do they keep showing the cardiac massage with clasped hands? You'll hurt your fingers (and thus tire more quickly, because a part of you will be pushing back against the pain) and not get any benefit over simply placing one hand over the other.


TSA Agent Found With ABC IPad

Richard Feynman on God

messenger says...


[me:] … invited … yadda yadda. [you:]I get your overall point.

That's all that matters. And I'll add that I too think you're a valuable member. I've even taken to defending you around the place, if you can believe that.

Now on to the other topics.

Apparently you haven't heard of Chiastic structure:

You're right, I hadn't heard of it. That's neat stuff. But it doesn't change the fact that Matthew's choice to use that structure created *an error in the text*.

No, they can't be scientifically measured. You would never know during your test whether God was simply feeding you a certain kind of result. Think about it. God knows the entire time that you're trying to test for His existence outside of what He ordained (faith in Jesus Christ). His choice is either to give you results that will prove His existence outside of Christ or results that will make it ambiguous. What do you think He is going to do?

As far as I can tell, either you don't understand science or my mind is incapable of understanding how all the things you're saying about God can be true at once. This is going nowhere. I'm dropping this prayer/science topic.

You're acting is if I have no evidence for my beliefs.

No. I'm acting as if you are not giving appropriate weight to the evidence on both sides. All evidence against your beliefs, you massage into being compatible with some very, very loose rules, to the point now where words in the Bible don't even count as words anymore. Yet any mote of evidence against my beliefs (even things that aren't evidence at all, such as lack of an answer --which is entirely consistent with a world without a God) you throw around like it's absolute proof not only that I'm wrong, but further that you're right. You even tell me that I'm suffering cognitive dissonance—not that you *think* I might be, but that I am. Basic statements of humility elude you, like, "Humans are far too complicated even for humans to understand, and therefore any argument from complexity/arrogance/hubris applies to belief in the existence of God just as much as it applies to belief that humans invented God." And even after you say something like that (I believe you did acknowledge in another thread that it's technically possible you're wrong), you continue to speak like you're right and I’m wrong. In a nutshell, I come to the table with my beliefs, I acknowledge they are my beliefs, and I act towards you as if they are only beliefs, not absolute fact. And that's the basic humility I'm asking for in return, and which frankly I require to have a real conversation about the existence of God.

My worldview is internally consistent, and it is also rational.

I disagree that it's rational, for the fact that you hold it to be absolutely true, bar nothing. From where I stand, it's irrational for a mere human to hold that they are absolutely correct about their interpretation of anything as complex, critical and subjective as the things you claim about God and the Bible.

you reject the evidence I have receive apriori.

As a rational actor, I must be sceptical of your subjective evidence. To accept it OR dismiss it would be irrational of me.

To you there must always be some other explanation … You've already come to the conclusion that … Rather than letting the evidence interpret the conclusion, you are interpreting the evidence through the conclusion.

Anybody willing to look can see that there are internally consistent plausible alternatives to your beliefs. I say again and again only that there are alternative possibilities. I have come to no "conclusions" about anything. As a scientific-minded person, I simply cannot think so rigidly, ever, especially not about something as important as the nature of the universe. I mostly see how the evidence could fit in your worldview. Sometimes I don't, and that's OK. I suggest that there are other possibilities with words like, "could", "maybe", "I think," "From where I stand," and so forth. And nearly every time you treat me like I'm claiming atheism is absolutely 100% correct, end of conversation. The only thing I believe I'm 100% correct about is *that I have proposed* internally consistent plausible alternatives to the existence of God. That's all I'm ever saying: other things could be possible. Read all my messages again; I'm pretty consistent. So I'll ask you again, please read my words literally, not with some defensive filter like every sentence of mine is a skewer.

It was only when I questioned that and investigated the evidence that I found [the Bible was right and science was wrong].

What evidence do you have that science is wrong? I'm not saying science is perfect (it's human), but you're no expert to claim that what you've read is scientifically valid. To be frank, you've got a reputation on the Sift for quotemining and have been caught at least once on the Steven Pinker quote. People with insignificant scientific backgrounds and/or clear non-scientific primary agendas don't count.

It's only a literal reading [of the Bible] that makes any sense.

A literal reading of the Bible gives two different accounts of the same genealogy. That doesn't make sense.

Even atheists know that:

You mean, "at least one atheist once thought that, maybe". A quick out of context copy-paste from of a vague quote from a 1978 periodical by a group that neither speaks for nor represents atheists. Why bother? You can do better.

Pressure point Self-defence - brings the pain quickly

Ladies combine your vagina, urethra and anus into one hole

What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

i have 330am narcissism. time to necropost.

i usually wake at 6 am, jog 1 or 2 dogs and make breakfast for 2 small people.
at 730am, except in summer, i walk my kids to school 1.1 miles away.
at 8am i shower and then i go yoga. sometimes other people yoga with me. sometimes, it's just me.
if my husband is home that week, i'll come back home at 915 and hang out with him for 20 minutes.
then i ride my bike to my shop and massage some really awesome people. usually from 10am to 3pm.
but some days from 10am to 8pm. at some point i go home and hang out with my kids. dinner is prepared and consumed. then i take the kids to their various activities, kung fu or dance or art or piano. i usually work out while they're doing that. if i'm working late, the nanny or husband will do that part for me.

then we either all go swimming or i make a group of people do yoga with me. we end up back home at 815pm. the kids take showers and we take the dog/dogs for another jog. we usually play a game of blockus or dominos. then i read with my kids and make them go to sleep around 930pm. if my husband is home that week, we hang out until we fall over.
if my husband is not home that week, ill work on marketing for my shop or fuck around on the Internets until i get sleepy. in theory i'm doing businessy things, like accounting and inventory and stats and shit. but. usually i just neurotically plan trips at night. because i'm obsessed with them. we only go on about 1/3 of them. if it's the end of a fiscal quarter, i'm wishing i'd just break down and hiring an accountant.

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