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MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

The Legend of Zelda: A Link To Past Commercial

The Legend of Zelda: A Link To Past Commercial

Zelda - Song of Time (on actual Ocarina)! Wait, what?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'This, individual, has, too, much, time, on, his, hands, zelda, ocarina' to 'legend of zelda, ocarina' - edited by xxovercastxx

Zero Punctuation: The Second Annual E3 Hype Massacre

What at E3 are you most excited about? (Videogames Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

^ I like the big Nintendo IP's (Mario, Zelda, and Metroid). I'm just disappointed that it's the same trio today that it was nearly 20 years ago. I would love to see an M-rated game from the same creative people. In theory the new Metroid is supposed to satisfy that demand, but I loved the Prime series, and would rather have Nintendo create a new IP if they want a first-party M-rated IP. I don't want Samus to become a brutal slayer-vixen.

I'm interested in the new Castlevania game they announced (because they say Kojima is part of the dev team!), but that will be for 360 and PS3, and not on Wii at all.

Castlevania is a 3rd party (Konami) IP anways.

What at E3 are you most excited about? (Videogames Talk Post)

davidraine says...

I guess I'm the only one in here excited about Wii Sports Resort. Sure, Sony had a motion controller that may or may not be better, and Microsoft had Natal, but those accessories are both late to the game and still in development. The Wii Motion Plus is here now (launches this month in the U.S.) and that should mean an awesome Zelda title and hopefully a kick ass Star Wars title.

Speaking of Zelda, I guess that falls into the "safe and formulaic" category, but I don't see why that kind of game gets such a bad rap. I love new and innovative ideas and games; it's why I play indie titles and follow Atlus so closely. However, some of the successful franchises are successful because their games are consistently good. If I buy a Zelda title or a Mario title, chances are it's going to be executed well and will be a lot of fun to play. That's why I pick up just about every Castlevania title that comes out -- Even if it's a bad Castlevania title, it's still likely better than 90-95% of the system's library.

What at E3 are you most excited about? (Videogames Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Everything at E3 looked like shit. Bad economic times guarantees formulaic and safe games with sequels making the biggest showing.

In bad economic times, even the criticism becomes formulaic and safe.

The games industry has been all but recession-proof. In fact, up until very recently, the game industry seemed to be gaining momentum as people started staying home and curling up with videogames instead of going out.

The real thing that pushes games to be "formulaic and safe" is the same thing that always happens when there's really only a handful of companies with deep pockets competing with one another: they need to invest so much in individual products just to compete, it's hard to justify making a big bet on an unproven concept.

That said, "formulaic and safe" in the game industry usually means betting on the big name developers and development houses. Sometimes that means a sequel factory, other times it means God of War, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Brutal Legend, Resistance Fall of Man, and Halo come out, rather than just seeing the same IP getting dusted off year after year (Hey there Mario, Zelda, Metroid!).

That said, usually there's at least one title that gets announced at E3 that surprised me, and this year there was nothing.

As far as original IP from this year, look to things like Brutal Legend, The Last Guardian, Heavy Rain, Dragon Age, and Alan Wake.

If those don't qualify, what is the last game you thought was not formulaic and safe?

Hurricane Season 2009 (Blog Entry by dotdude)

Whats the best console? (User Poll by Throbbin)

JAPR says...

I've got access to all three on a daily basis, and I can definitely agree that they're all fantastic consoles.

The 360 is perfect for FPS games, though I'd much prefer to play Street Fighter 4 on the PS3. The Wii is amazing for it's great Nintendo franchise exclusives like Zelda, Mario, and Smash Bros., but if there's a game on it that's on the other systems, you can bet it looks and plays better on said other systems.

Ultimately, if we're going to go for the most bang for your buck, it's got to be either the 360 or the Wii, since the PS3 is still lacking in enough exclusives to be really competitive (though MGS4 is GODLY). It just depends if you want more "serious" gaming or more of the classic Nintendo experience. For the overall fun factor that both new and old gamers can get out of it though, I'd have to say that the Wii is probably the "best" system in terms of both having good games, appealing to huge numbers of people (look at how its sales stack up against the other consoles), and being extremely cheap.

Now if only Nintendo would fix the Wii's terrible, terrible online playing options.

Whats the best console? (User Poll by Throbbin)

NetRunner says...

I missed the part where women became game consoles. The ones I've been with couldn't be turned on and off with the push of a button, couldn't look and act completely different based on my mood, and most importantly they didn't have a joystick.

So, when comparing gaming consoles, I'd say if I were recommending someone who had to choose one, the 360 is the way to go. It has the largest/best game library, has Xbox Live, Netflix, etc.

As much as I think the PS3 is a technological marvel, there just aren't enough console exclusives to warrant recommending one. Resistance, MGS4, and Little Big Planet are stellar, but until we get God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5, I'm not sure why you wouldn't go for Xbox with Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, etc. However, if you just want a Blu-ray player with some added functionality, PS3 is definitely the way to go.

The Wii is in some other space. It's great fun for parties, but hardcore gamers have little else except Zelda and Metroid.

That said, if I have to choose between sex and the 3 videogame consoles, I pick sex.

(Member Profile)

My Wet Dream - Soko


Reset Button: Most Innovative Videogame of 2008

NetRunner says...

The Ubisoft developers themselves were pushing this as one of the selling points of the game, and this video does a much better job of arguing its effectiveness than Ubisoft themselves did.

Reading through the comments, there seem to be a lot of hardcore gamers who seem to be dissing this concept as superfluous, because there are too many "easy" games out there already.

I disagree.

I've been trying for a while to get mintbbb to try some of my console games. She's interested, since she knows they're very pretty looking games, and given the way that I rave about some of them, she knows they're fun too. She's an EQ/WoW vet, so I know she can play complex and difficult games, that's not what's holding her back. It's the controller.

She simply isn't used to making quick, precise movements with her thumbs, especially when the damn controller has some 16 different buttons that you need to accurately locate and press, often with a precise degree of timing.

I've been trying to find her a good onramp for a while, but she mostly just gets frustrated. Katamari Damacy is a good one, but, well, the King of All Cosmos can be a real ass, and there's not a tight enough feedback loop to really help her learn. I tried Overlords, but the game concept was tough for her to grasp, and past the first level it became clear its difficulty was tuned to be a challenge for someone like me, which made it nigh impossible for her.

We have a Wii, but that controller won't teach her how to play a 360 or PS3 game. I admit I haven't plonked her down in front of Zelda or Metroid which have traditional-ish control schemes, but I don't know that it'd get her comfortable enough with the controller to pick up something like Mass Effect or God of War on a more traditional controller.

This vid has me thinking I should give the new Prince of Persia a try for her. I'd crossed it off my list after hearing the reviews, since I don't want to pay $60 for a game I'd finish in an afternoon without breaking a sweat, especially when they didn't rate it as being some sort of must-see story or gameplay experience along the way.

At a minimum, a rental might be in order.

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