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One Year Old is a Video Game Character Genius

SpaceOddity says...

>> ^spawnflagger:
can someone give the whole list, along with what game the character is from?

Solid Snake - Metal Gear Solid series
Mushroom - Mario series
Alucard - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Goombah - Mario series
Yoshi - Mario series
Mega Man
Pikachu - Pokemon series
Kratos - God of War series
Link - Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker / Phantom Hourglass
Cloud - Final Fantasy VII & spinoffs
can't make this one out
Samus Aran - Metroid series
Kirby - Kirby series
Donkey Kong
Big Daddy - BioShock
Master Chief - Halo series
Triforce - mystical object from Zelda games
Dante - Devil May Cry series
Sackboy - Little Big Planet

Legend of Zelda Movie - Trailer Debut

Angry Video Game Nerd: CDi Part 3

Croccydile says...

Am I the only one who finds these videos unwatchable? These Zelda games are not even laughably bad, they are just utterly boring and stupid.

His complaint about load time must have forgotten about all the Final Fantasy games on the PSX. It's about the same delay and it was not THAT bad. Come on.

Angry Video Game Nerd: CDi Part 3

Zelda Theme with a Tesla Coils

ROAST X: ITS XTREME!!!! (Parody Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

^ dotdude's last comment had more links than a Zelda gaming convention.

And if you want to find spam, don't look to my "First" comment; look to blankfist's pocket pussy. He's got to be the only person who buys sex toys in the canned meat aisle.

Oh, and I forgot to mention how I see rasch187's future in law. I see him getting Michael Jackson off. Then helping him with his court case.

Wouldn't It Be Cool If US CEOs Were Like This

Microwave Grape PLASMA

ScrewAttack - Top Ten Videogame Themes EVER!

Mario Rescues The Princess

Top 10 Most Difficult Games

BillOreilly says...

I can't upvote this horrible list.

Obviously these posers have never played MDK2, Target Earth, Contra Hard Core, etc...

And putting a Zelda game on the list is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time...

Zero Punctuation - Prince of Persia Retropective

How Do You Define Geek (Geek Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

I think geek is a term of degrees. I often refer to myself as a geek, but there are people who'd make me looking like an abercrombie and fitch wearin jock frat boy in comparison.

Art and literature generally seem much more concerned about the aesthetics of something, while geekdom seems more concerned about concrete information, performance etc. Of course the lines blur, like all things, comic books, mac users, etc.

I think you're certainly right about its etymology changing. It used to be a lot more derogatory, now at times its almost complimentary or used more in terms of *fondness. We've taken back the word and made it ours

*see kronos/gorgon responses

EDIT: A mistype can quickly change Gorgonheap into a Goronheap.

MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

Shepppard says...

Alright, this is basically home territory to me because I've had this argument with my step-mother about videogames for YEARS.

I'd like to start off however by saying >> ^tonyandronda:
Jesus christ they're tracking us down from youtube, better start to watch what we say about their videos lol.

Now, This is in no way, shape, or form bad parenting. My dad left when I was 5, so I didn't have someone to go out and do the "Fatherly Stuff" (Catch, swimming, ect.) with, except every other weekend.

My time was spent on videogames. My first game was Tomba on the playstation where you went around and killed cartoon pigs. We'll then move onto games like legend of zelda, where you used a sword/bow/slingshot. Final Fantasy series using weapons. Area 51. GTA.

I'm glad to say that in the 15ish years i've been playing videogames that not once have I shot someone (apart from paintball) i've never weilded a sword. I've never got into a car and run someone down, and yes, I tried using magic. BUT! Who among us hasn't?

The reason i'm explaining all this? again, i'd like to point out that I was no older then this boy was when i started killing pigs in tomba. I'm not a mass-murderer, i'm not twisted, dark, or scarred. I live a normal life, and have no criminal record.

I do, however, have an amazing glove hand and hand-eye co-ordination. Weather or not that's because of videogames really can't be said, but it's true. But no, videogames don't turn kids into murderers, they don't teach people that killing is ok, or funny.

You wan't your proof? Go ahead and look at me. Because i'm it.

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