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How to share games on the PS4

Darkhand says...

I can't find the article offhand but it was from reddit was Jack Tretton flat out said they are rejecting any sort of DRM that prevents people from reselling the disc.

He went on to say they cannot control everything a publisher does like charging to play multiplayer ala onepass etc) but this is really a key point for publishers to not be able to tell you that you can't sell the game to a friend.

I'm not saying you are 100% wrong and it will never happen but Sony is pushing pretty hard in the Anti-DRM direction. I think they realize it's one of the things that set them apart from Xbox.

Payback said:

Anyone here suspect, as I do, that Sony is merely saying they aren't requiring DRM? They will probably support any and all DRM systems the publishers come up with...

Not sure its any different from MS at the end of the day.

How to share games on the PS4

RFlagg says...

The current XBox allows you to borrow, rent games. You can buy and sell used games without any issues as well. The upcoming XBox One however allows a title to be resold only once through a very specific process that they haven't revealed yet. You can't borrow a friends copy of a game, and I'd presume you can't take your game to their house to play there unless the game is tied to your account not just your XBox One... Either way...

As Jinx noted, this was likely done to appease the publishers. They've been wanting to get rid of the used game industry for some time (an industry I don't get anyhow, you'll give me less than half the used price of a game, then sell it for $5 less than a new copy... why buy used if it is only $5 less?).

The question becomes, as noted before, if the publishers make it worth Microsoft's time and losses due to that policy then it will work out, but if they support Sony just as well, or even after a short delay, then Microsoft gambled wrong. They are going to lose sales over the policy. That, the fact the system needs to connect every 24 hours or it will lock down even single player use until it connects again...

To play games online with XBox Live you need a paid Gold account. You can play games on the PS3 without a PS Plus account, but there are rumors that the PS4 will require a paid PS Plus account to play multiplayer. That will just be leveling the playing field, and if you still don't need a paid account to access Netflix (you need a paid Gold account on XBox to get Netflix or Amazon videos... and I think to access your YouTube account fully) on the PS4 then they'll still have an edge on the multimedia front.

Another of Sony's big upsets was pricing the PS4 $100 under the XBox One price... now I'm going to hazard a guess they had a couple prices ready to roll based on the XBox's price and decided to undercut, it could have been the planed price from the start, but I'd guess they wanted to scare Microsoft. I'm also guessing Microsoft will announce "new cost saving measures" right before the holidays and adjust theirs down, they are already behind the 8 ball with the used and borrowing game limits, I can't see them letting Sony getting a huge boost from price as well... if they reverse course on borrowing/used games they might be able to keep the price up "we've heard the complaints from our users and have decided not to implement that feature at this time" sort of thing, but I'm guessing they are too far into that to reverse that and will just price match.

EDIT: I should note that I'm mostly a PC Gamer, followed by XBox games then PS3... well iOS games are probably after PC Games but before console games... I like XBox better as a gaming platform, but my PS3 has better networking for Netflix and Blu-ray support (XBox One gains Blu-ray support) so it is my multimedia machine of choice. I don't think I'll upgrade either system at this time though...

eric3579 said:

I don't play video games, but for some reason i find this kinda interesting. So, for the xbox is it that your friend is not able to play your copy of any xbox game if you lend it to him? Also do you have to be online with your xbox to get a game to play, and does that mean you have to pay an additional monthly fee to be online with your xbox?

How to share games on the PS4

eric3579 says...

I don't play video games, but for some reason i find this kinda interesting. So, for the xbox is it that your friend is not able to play your copy of any xbox game if you lend it to him? Also do you have to be online with your xbox to get a game to play, and does that mean you have to pay an additional monthly fee to be online with your xbox?

How to share games on the PS4

Fred_Chopin says...

Yeah, but on Steam, you'll keep your games library going foward to a new PC or a new OS. Maybe the next Xbox (Xbox "Two" or whatever) will be backward compatible but I won't take that chance, based on their track record about BC...

It's just a bad deal. Too much control.

Although, they (MS) showed great games! Too bad.

For me, this generation will be PC-Steam first, then PS4 and maybe I'll buy a Xbox One if they change their policy.

Jinx said:

Presumably Microsoft made their decision as a result from pressure from publishers. I'm sure in time those same publishers will scratch Microsoft's back in return. If XboxOne nets a decent catalogue of exclusive titles then I'd wager that most will simply forget this.

Since I mostly purchase games through steam I did away with used games yonks ago, and I don't miss it. In Steams case I think the benefits outweigh or at least equal the cons of not being able to sell my games on. If Microsoft manage it too then most people won't miss used games either.

We'll see anyway.

How to share games on the PS4

NSA (PRISM) Whistleblower Edward Snowden w/ Glenn Greenwald

Fletch says...

Likely that America will breathe out a collective "meh" in a few weeks as their attentions become, once again, waylaid by Twitter, Facebook, XBox, cell phones, Minecraft, Duck Dynasty, VideoSift... It's as if the ability of a society to resist the oppression of its government is inversely proportional to it's advancements in distraction and entertaining itself.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of citizens of Turkey are risking, and ocassionally paying with, life and limb over a few trees.

Zero Punctuation: Next Gen buyers guide

Xbox One: A Space Odyssey

Zero Punctuation: Next Gen buyers guide

RedSky says...


I'm getting the impression people are getting a little overly bent out of shape about the Xbox One's convergence features.

Spec-wise it's all but identical to the PS4 so no apparent compromise has been made on performance. Hardware similarity will also all but guarantee easy ports. If anything I reckon this gen will be the closest we get to platform neutrality because of this.

For all its focus on non-game features MS must know that games sell consoles. They would be foolish in divesting away from first party titles or exclusives. If they get more purchases via spruiking their TV integration that will put them in a better position to pay for these.

Force bundling Kinect will surely inflate the price but it remains to be seen by how much. If they price themselves outside the PS4's range and people feel like it's an unnecessary accessory they won't use then it will hurt them obviously. Having said that, it's functionality actually looks genuinely interesting (and powerful) unlike their first Kinect beta test.

At least for me what's always turned me off Xbox and eventually convinced me to get a PS3 is the paid multiplayer. Coming from a PC I reckon it's flat out outrageous to charge people for what is effectively P2P quality multiplayer, let alone to them smother the hub with advertising. This will obviously not change for the One so I have no intention of giving them my money.

Zero Punctuation: Next Gen buyers guide

VoodooV says...

I want a game console, not a multimedia internet device. I already have that, it s called a PC.

And thus the pendulum swings back. The Xbox made me love consoles I'm back to playing mostly PC games again.

People want convergence. With all the cross platform games out there, I hardly matters anymore if you've got an Xbox, Wii, or PS. They only buy specific consoles for the exclusives, but if there are only one or two of them, it's not worth it.

What gamers what is what these companies will never give them: convergance. The ability to play any game on any platform. games need to become platform neutral. or make a single platform that can be loaded on any OS

Xbox One unveil highlights

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

It's true. Years of being fucked in the ass by catholic priests have left me bitter and angry at a god who I claim not to believe in, but deep down I just want his shiny white love.

It's certainly not possible that any of the people here were at one point religious and came to their atheism over many agonising years of self-doubt, internal and external reasoning, and frankly, horror at what has been (and continues to be) done in the name of god.

There's no chance that it has seen some of us estranged from our families or communities, but in the end, we just couldn't go with the hypocrisy anymore.

Nah, we're all just whiny rebellious teenagers screaming "I hate you! You're not my real parents! God doesn't exist because I didn't get an xbox from santa!".

shinyblurry said:

I garner hostility here because most of the sifters here grew up in Christian households and they've rebelled against their parents and God and they don't want to hear anything about Him. This is their sanctuary where they enjoy mocking God and Christians without any dissenting voices. I'm here because I care but I wouldn't be here unless God told me to be here. I've tried to leave a few times and He keeps sending me back. Although not so much lately.

Xbox One unveil highlights

spawnflagger says...

I prefer FPS on the PC - using a joystick is just frustrating. But then again I couldn't imagine playing Little Big Planet on a PC. (although the Xbox 360 controller works great for many PC games, and it's nice that Steam is trying a joystick-friendly interface for big-tv-attached-PC-gaming.)

The thing I really hate is that both Xbox 360 and PS3 support USB keyboards and mice. It's completely up to the developers to include that in their game or not. I got a reply once from the makers of Resistance, and the reason they said they didn't include it was because it would make it unfair for multiplayer... well how about Single Player? or have a server setting that would allow/disallow keyboard+mouse?

EvilDeathBee said:

Thank you. Nice to know there is someone else online that isn't a dick about consoles and PCs. It's possible to appreciate both

spawnflagger (Member Profile)

Xbox One unveil highlights

00Scud00 says...

They pretty much always play coy when it comes to announcing whether or not there will be a PC version of major AAA title like GTA. It's all about seeing how many people they can sucker into buying a new system just to play that one game. Honestly I don't really care what you play your games on, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, PC, an abacus, I really don't give a fuck. I think people are just tired of being jerked around by manipulative assholes and being treated like chumps, that's where a lot of the anger comes from.
There are also certain games I don't find fun on a console, like FPS games, you can make the worlds most awesome FPS ever and if it can only be played with a control pad then I will not touch it, ever.

Yogi said:

There's certain games I don't find fun on the PC. Also yeah I think they announced it's only gonna be on consoles, that could change.

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