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radx (Member Profile)

Security Camera Footage of Tupelo, Mississippi Tornado 2014

The Origins of Dragons in Middle Earth

gorillaman says...

Tolkein doesn't seem to have given a detailed origin for dragons, beyond their having been bred by Morgoth. The explanation in the video isn't entirely inconsistent with the legendarium; as a matter of policy Tolkein didn't want evil to be capable of independent creation, so orcs were originally twisted and tortured elves, trolls were corrupted ents, etc.

Glaurung and the rest of the first dragons, however, couldn't fly. That would seem to be a bit of a knock-out punch for the eagles theory. Ancalagon and his winged brethren wouldn't appear until centuries later, in the latter days of the first age.

Traditionally the answer to any unexplained creature of substantial power in Tolkein's works, Tom Bombadil excluded, has been that like the eagles, wizards, balrogs, etc. they were maiar of one kind or another.

Contact Juggling with Rings by Lindzee Poi

Tumbleweed Tornado of FIRE!

How It's Unmade

To J.K. Rowling, from Cho Chang

andyboy23 says...

I'm asking this out of curiosity, not to be snide -- I really don't follow the HP stories closely at all -- don't children come from all over the world to attend this wizard school and thus the demographics of its students should have very little to do with the demographics of Scotland? I remember them taking a fairly long journey to get there in the first movie...

brycewi19 said:

Really? I understand racial insensitivity, but is this a fair expectation of diversity in a fictional place that takes place in Scotland? Sure, the name is completely off, but it feels like the rest of this anger is misplaced on an author who is not trying to tell a story on themes of racial diversity.
To top it off, crowds react strongly and positively to enthusiastic and impassioned anger, further building the bravado of this poetic "slam" piece.
If Rowling is trying to tell and cast a story reflective of the local demographics, it doesn't appear inaccurate.
Scotland isn't the same type of "melting pot" America has come to be. Again, perhaps the expectation has been created that all cultures must have the demographic diversity that America has established. Remember, the character she is referring to is actually Scottish.

Scottish population by ethnic group (Scotland 2011 Census)

Percentage of total
White Scottish - 84.0%
White Other British - 7.9%
White Irish - 1.0%
White Gypsy/Traveller - 0.1%
White Polish - 1.2%
Other White ethnic group - 1.9%
White Total - 96.0%

Pakistani - 0.9%
Indian - 0.6%
Bangladeshi - 0.1%
Chinese - 0.6%
Other - 0.4%
Asian Total - 2.7%

Caribbean - 0.1%
Black - 0.0%
Caribbean or Black Other - 0.0%
Caribbean or Black - 0.1%
African - 0.6%
African Other - 0.0%
African Total - 0.6%

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - 0.4%
Arab - 0.2%
Other - 0.1%
Other ethnic group Total - 0.3%

Picking up a Hammer on the Moon

Chairman_woo says...

That's not what I was saying at all though perhaps I explained poorly.

So imagine you are in a 0 gravity environment. You have 2 balls (lol) one has a mass of 1 kg the other a mass of 100kg. You throw both equally hard. What happens?

One ball travels away from you at 100x less the velocity of the other. This is intertia, it is an effect of mass not gravity. Gravity is an additional force but it's absence would not change the fact that a big heavy space suit requires a significant force to move at a usefully velocity in the 1st place.

It was perhaps misleading to use the example of a fulcrum (lever) but in this context it's quite illustrative. If it was 0 gravity you could apply a tiny force to a massive object and just wait however long it takes to get it where you want (like an infinitely long lever). When gravity becomes a factor duration becomes more and more of a concern (like the fulcrum of the lever gets shorter and shorter).

Concequence: the lower the gravity the easier (less work/deltaV) it is to move an object. However a massive object still requires a proportional large force to move in a useful way (in this case fast enough to overcome 0.16g for long enough to get upright).

I'm not saying gravity has no effect (quite the opposite) I'm saying big heavy thing requires big heavy force to shift even in reduced gravity environments.

As for bases on the moon, mars, stargates, ueo's, void whales, phobos being hollow (phobos is some crazy shit), hexagon on Saturn etc. Etc. I'm not outright dismissive, but to treat it as anything but food for thought/entertainment is a little worrying to say the least. What do you have to go on there other than the testimony of other people who claim to have been involved or whatever?

There's no hard data avaliable to the likes of you and I on such things. Many of these ideas cannot be entirely refuted, but nor can they be confirmed either. That puts us squarely in the realm of superstition and religion.

I'm a part time discordian/khaos magus/git wizard so I do have more time than most for superstition and flights of fantasy but I steer well clear of treating any of that kind of think as objective fact.

The realms of materialism and idealism should stay entirely separate except when they converge and compliment each other e.g. If I can imagine a black swan and then go out and find one (after performing the necessary experiments to disprove any other possible explanations for why it might seem black) then I can tell others that black swans are definitely a real thing. The same cannot be said for say the flying spaghetti monster or the chocolate tea pot orbiting the sun even though believing in such things makes my life more interesting under certain circumstances (and such liberated thought processes can eventually lead to as yet undiscovered ideas which may indeed prove to be "true" or helpful).

"Given all theories of the universe are absurd, it is better to speak in the language of one which Is patently absurd so as to mortify the metaphysical man." -Alaistair Crowley

Translation: if your going to indulge stuff like this don't take it or yourself too seriously or you will go mental!

Praise be to pope Bob!

MichaelL said:

So you're saying on Jupiter or any other super-giant planet, we should have no problem walking about, lifting the usual things such as hammers, etc with no problem because the mass is the same as Earth?
Hmm, didn't think gravity worked like that. I always read in text books that on the moon, you should be able to jump higher because gravity was less than earth... but you say no.
Damn scientists always trying to confuse us...
(Pssst... weight and mass are different things. Weight measures gravitational force... the force that you have to overcome to lift something... less gravity = less force to overcome)

As for the conspiracy thing... you do know we already have bases on the dark side of the moon and Mars right? Look up Alternative 3...

H P Lovecraft-the Cthulhu mythos explained

Grimm (Member Profile)

WOW! Just wait for it

RFlagg says...

Yeah, saw this ages ago... and there is clearly an Ohio State banner behind her, so the Knicks and Wizards had nothing to do with it, but that is what a recent Reddit thread said... she may have been at the Knicks/Wizard game, but this was from when she was at Ohio State...

News Anchor Doesn't Believe in Santa

Chairman_woo says...

I kind of think its healthy to lie to them so long as its blatantly untrue. Stuff like Santa and the tooth fairy helps to teach them how to think critically, They are after all going to be lied to about much bigger and more dangerous things for the rest of their life.

It's only bad if you keep up the lie/unsubstantiated assumption past the point where they start to question it.

Learning for myself that the mythical characters from my childhood were fabrications made it all the easier for me to deal with the later revelation that almost everything else I was ever taught was a lie also.

Plus, the hilarious crap you can get children to believe is half the pleasure of having them. As a practicing Discordian/Chaos "git" wizard I'm downright envious sometimes of how easily they can slip into the "magical state of mind".

It takes me serious effort and repetition to create a convincing delusional experience, these little gits can do it without even trying!

artician said:

I'm okay with that. In our culture we seem to start the lying at the earliest age possible.

Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Surreal, Cereal, Wizard of Oz, Hard to find, Raisin girl, Never was a, Cornflake girl' to 'Surreal, Cereal, Wizard of Oz, Hard to find, Raisin girl, 1994, Cornflake girl' - edited by deathcow

Top 10 Worst Movie Casting Choices

Sarzy's review of "Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft"

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