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Black Sabbath with Disney's Fantasia

FreddieW: Mexican Standoff (ft. Key & Peele)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'freddiew, key and peele, mexican standoff' to 'freddiew, key and peele, mexican standoff, law and order, wizard city' - edited by xxovercastxx

FreddieW: Mexican Standoff (ft. Key & Peele)

My Sister Gets Her First Tattoo

poolcleaner says...

Sun is shining, clouds have gone by
All the people give a happy sigh
He has passed by, giving his sign
Left all the people feeling so fine

Except her. Stupid wizard.

Best Reaction Ever to a Magic Trick

Bloc Party video by Cyriak

Top 10 Most Paused Movie Moments

newtboy says...

Did anyone else notice that in the Wizard of Oz one it's obviously been changed and was not a 'giant bird' in the original, you can see through the tree the bird is in front of in the HD version and it's not in the same place as the 'hanging munchkin', there's just no way it's the same scene unaltered. I debunk their debunking!

Link's Shadow (The Legend of Zelda)

This is Why You Can't Outrun a Cheetah

ulysses1904 says...

The universe is "just right"? Instead of too hot or too cold? Your tiny lifespan in this tiny fragment of the cosmos is only possible because the local conditions happen to be just right to sustain human life for the time being. That's easier to believe than some all-powerful sky-wizard waving a wand and creating stuff.

Gutspiller said:

Believing the universe just happened to come into existence just right, is harder to believe than a creator created it. That's just me tho.

Engine Start Up Fail.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Stephen Colbert schools James Franco on Tolkien knowledge

Sagemind says...

Are you kidding me?
Real life doesn't even have Elves, Dwarves, Wizards & Magical Beasties.
(or spaceships, or new worlds, aliens, or dragons and so on)
Real life history is about as dry as hay.

For me - I have little energy to spend in memorizing the ongoing mistakes of human history.

You're thinking, "But knowing our history lets us learn from our mistakes - It's so important"
Me: I will never have any influence, nor do I want to have, on the direction humanity will take. Some people make policy, laws, go to war, sign treaties, make deals etc. Those are the people that should benefit from human historical facts. I'm just a guy who doesn't want any part of it. So loosing myself in fiction works just fine for me - It's a lot more interesting to explore in one's mind the creative possibilities of something than to just regurgitate the facts that actually happened.

Yogi said:

It's fucking terrible. It's just obvious that you're reading a history of a place that never existed. Why not read some real history and at least know something useful?

What most schools don't teach

lucky760 says...

They're totally right. Coders are geniuses and the most incredible specimens of awesomeness on Earth. Rockstars. Wizards. Super powers. Yep. Couldn't agree more.

Objectively speaking, of course.

Video of New Pinball Game

The Wii Didn't Start The Fire: A Brief History of Video Game

PlayhousePals says...

No need to feel dumb ... for some reason they are not there. I even tried switching to an alternate embed code, but that didn't fix the problem either. I've never seen one like this. Perhaps our Mr. Wizard @lucky760 can enlighten us.

raverman said:

wanted to stop to replay certain bits but now i feel dumb... am i doing something wrong... where are the controls at the bottom for this embed?

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Beggar's Canyon