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SDGundamX (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

BP is Sorry

Mordhaus says...

Hardly a good metaphor for what happened, given the investigations into the incident. Newt sort of fixes the analogy, but I don't think he took it far enough.

It's not like it was an illicit deal with a shady prostitute, but more of a wedding to a supposed good person. We thought everything was above board and that our significant other was true and faithful. While, in reality they were shagging every person they could behind our back.

One day we go to donate blood, only to find out we have HIV. In the aftermath of this discovery, it becomes apparent of our spouse's perfidy and the fact that they have HIV from their careless affairs. We find out they weren't wearing proper protection. Now we have to live with their mess.

gorillaman said:

Stewart Lee:

"It seems unfair, doesn't it, given that America is the largest consumer of oil per head in the world and they seemed annoyed with the bloke from BP for merely trying to provide them with the oil that they craved. Americans, picking on the bloke from BP. It's ridiculous. It's like a furious customer punching a prostitute in the face because he's sickened by his own desire"

Knife Types & Techniques with Alton Brown

kevingrr says...

My wife and I went from a hodge podge of dull knives (Ikea, Target, etc) to some Shun knives from our wedding.

I have to say it does make cooking easier and more enjoyable. Good technique is helpful with cheap or expensive knives.

If you take care of good knives they should last a lifetime.

2015 White House Correspondents' Dinner - President Obama

Weezer - Island In The Sun

The Daily Show - A Million Gays to Deny in the Midwest

newtboy says...

It's sad that so many people have intentionally confused this issue by claiming that not passing it means people can force others to do their bidding, against the beliefs and wishes of the business owners.
That is patently false.
The law (and the argument against it) was not about stopping others from forcing anyone to create anything they're uncomfortable with, it's about allowing people to refuse their normally provided service to those they dislike.
With or without this law, no one has to make a penis cake for a gay wedding, no one has to make a satan cake for a Satanist wedding. No one has to make a star of David cake for a Jewish wedding. No one has to make a Nazi cake with a swastika. They simply can't refuse to serve those people based on their sexual orientation, religion, race, age, or sex. It's called civilization people...try it.

The Daily Show - A Million Gays to Deny in the Midwest

Marriage Proposal - Thug Life

ChaosEngine says...

This has been a PSA from the Society for Prevention of Public Wedding Proposals.

Public proposals: they're cheap, tacky, and attention-seeking. Allow your partner to turn you down with some dignity. Now you know!

Little Boy Really Likes FROZEN!

You call that dancing?

artician says...

And wedding cake frosting comes to the rescue of another horribly bored youth with an amazing sugar-induced, psychadelic seizure-trip. Those were the days.

the Elizabeth warren speech that has everyone talking

newtboy says...

I'm fairly sure she did that on Wed and Thurs when she talked to democrats and republicans about the bill.

Lawdeedaw said:

Should have tied it more to Obama and republicans and democrats who want to hate and/or get away from him. Name some republicans by name--and say they voted hand and hand with Obama. That is a true slap. At least to them.

Record Crown Range Pass in a Porsche GT3 Cup - /DRIVER'S EYE

ChaosEngine says...

That is nuts! I love the Cardonra valley; know that road really well; my wife and I had our wedding reception just past where the video ends.

The climb is tough, but the descent is terrifying! That section normally takes about 30-40 minutes to drive.

*quality driving!
Although for realisms sake, they should have added in some asshole in a camper van doing 30kph and refusing to let anyone by...

Cinderella 2015 Looks Really Good

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

newtboy says...

My advice would be to take them on an individual basis. If they look like this woman, already quite bothered and unhappy, just don't bother. You won't get a good response. If they are happy, look comfortable in their surroundings, and don't give you a dirty look when you catch their eye, just be a gentleman and not a smarmy least that goes for any woman I would have liked to hang with.

As to 'marking yourself unavailable', I have to say, wearing a wedding ring (what I would call 'marking myself unavailable') actually had the opposite effect for me. Before I wore one, I was never hit on by a woman in an obvious way, afterwards it was almost silly how often women (and even totally inappropriately aged girls) just walked up to me and offered sex. Perhaps it's not the same for women, but I can't imagine most catcallers would care they were 'taken', and might actually be encouraged by it, oddly and sadly.
IF men and women would recognize and respect such a 'marking', I would wholeheartedly advocate it. It could eradicate a gaggle of issues.

scheherazade said:

So, as a practical matter... how do you approach a stranger on the street when you're interested in them?
Or is it simply that people 'out and about' are categorically off limits to approach?

I get that this looks bad - when you condense a day's worth of calls into a few minutes. But she prolly passed 100k people in that day just walking around.

(There were 3k kids in my high school, it didn't look like a lot when you see them all together at a rally. It isn't hard to imagine walking past 30 high schools worth of people on busy streets like NY has in a 1 day period).

All this video makes me think is that Indian women are onto something with that forehead dot business. Marking yourself as available/unavailable would not only spare yourself the pointless calling, but would also not waste the men's time on approaching women that have no interest in being approached.


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