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The Best Caller Ever on The Atheist Experience

Volvo crash - amazing in-car camera mount

The Best Caller Ever on The Atheist Experience

Volvo crash - amazing in-car camera mount

Volvo crash - amazing in-car camera mount

spoco2 says...

Yeah, how the hell is this EIA? Who knows if he could have handled the situation better, but he was purely trying to avoid a crash, how that is EIA I don't know.

Also, they're driving a Volvo for god's sake, they're the least EIA car there is.

Volvo crash - amazing in-car camera mount

Volvo crash - amazing in-car camera mount

rottenseed says...

good advertisement for seat belts. The only reason why I wear mine isn't to prevent death, rather to prevent serious maiming. I'm more afraid of being dismembered and/or paralyzed than death

*knocks on wood* if only I could afford a volvo

Car Commercials are Bullshit.

Car of the Future - Plug In

In the market for a new car (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

choggie says...

MINI Cooper? Same gas mileage as you get in your volvo and highest horsepower to weight ratio of anything you can afford.....Then put a Marine Corp bumper-sticker on the back, and wait for someone to heckle the way, also a chick magnet-for when yer med-school gf trades you in for a doctor.....

The Volvo Recharge - Hybrid car with 4 in-wheel motors

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^spoco2:
That's some a-grade engineering right there.
It seems so slow in the uptake for these better versions of hybrids and electric cars (the Prius isn't even as efficient as some similarly sized diesel cars), I get quite frustrated that these things are out there already.
Same goes for renewable energy sources... if money was invested and we all had solar panels and wind generators on our homes we could SERIOUSLY reduce greenhouse gases (and electricity costs).
It's all bloody political... sometimes I think we need a dictator with a heart of gold who does things for the greater good against the whinging and whining of the masses who can't see past their next paycheque.

We might reduce green-house gases, but the electric companies wouldn't make as much money off of us. Marketing and profit are the downfall of new technologies that make things cheaper and cost-effective.

They'll trickle out new technologies little-by-little to get as much profit out of them as possible. Just take a look at the iPhone and any other Apple product.

The Volvo Recharge - Hybrid car with 4 in-wheel motors

MarineGunrock says...

Volvo's ReCharge Concept, a plug-in hybrid with individual electric wheel motors, can drive an estimated 62 miles (100 km) before the vehicle's four-cylinder Flexifuel engine is needed to power the car and recharge the battery. When driving beyond the car's battery life, fuel consumption may vary from 0 to 1.45 gallons(5.5 km) per 62 miles (100km) depending on the distance driven. Volvo researchers say the ReCharge Concept can lower carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 66 percent compared to other hybrids. In addition to operating on battery energy, the ReCharge Concept can also accelerate from zero to 60 (100 km)/h in 9 seconds and reach top speeds of 99 miles (160 km)/h. The vehicle, which will debut in a specially-designed Volvo C30 at the IAA motor show in Frankfurt, was developed at the Volvo Monitoring and Concept Center in Camarillo, CA.

Crazy People - The Sony Ad and Pitch - Honest Advertising!

spoco2 (Member Profile)

Crazy People - The Sony Ad and Pitch - Honest Advertising!

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