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People Like Us: Social Class In America

It's 4:40 in the morning.... do you know if YOUR car alarm is going off? [MAJOR UPDATE] (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

MarineGunrock says...

1) I daydream often, but retain full situational awareness
2) There's a 90% chance that I can kill you from 500 yards.
3) I have very little patience for stupid people on the road.
4) I have what are probably the world's flattest feet.
5) I can make farting noises with my neck/shoulder.
6) I can puff my neck out like a bull frog.
7) I can grab my uvula and pull it to the front of my mouth. It grosses people out.
When car alarms go off, I often fantasize about taking my rifle and shooting them.
9) PTSD is a bitch.
10) I'm only 23 and have owned four vehicles.
11) Two of them were/is a Volvo.
12) Children annoy me.
13) Except for my nieces and nephews.
14) I hate big cities.
15) I graduated in the bottom 12 percent of my High School class.
16) I was #9 in my MOS school in the Marine Corps. (Suck on that, Blankfist )
17) I love video games.
18) I'm a huge fan of Star Trek TNG and Voyager.
19) The first internet connection I had in my house as a kid was through, and I had to hide it from my parents and drag a phone line across the house to use it.
20) I'm a firm believer that all people who regularly buy bottles of water need to be punched in the face.
21) Won 2nd place in a NASA/Nat'l Science teacher's assc. "Design a spacecraft" contest when I was in grade school.
22) Got pissed that I didn't win first to get that trip to space camp.
23) People thought I was going to shoot up the school in High School. It worked to my advantage because the assholes that congregated in the middle of the hallway would part like the Red Sea when I walked down the hall.
24) I often get irritated at people and proclaim that I should be Supreme Chancellor of the World so that I could outlaw fat girls in belly shirts, guys in skin-tight pants with white plastic sunglasses, Emo, cheap beer, bottled water, cigarettes, slow drivers, people that don't pay attention to cyclists and anyone/thing else I am currently pissed at.
25) I didn't know I could count this high.

Snow! (Blog Entry by dotdude)

dotdude says...

@ swampy - The snow hung on until evening. The snow on My lawn took longer to melt than other lawns on my block. Been there, done that on snowman - back 1973. I haven't decided on snow dot art, yet.

@ bill - I went with a Volvo wagon because it's really a wagon. What the other car manufacturers call wagons now are too short for my art display boards. Also, I need the solid flat space for art transport.

This video was embed disabled, so I'm posting a link here. It shows photos taken around the city last Thursday.

Snow! (Blog Entry by dotdude)

Snow! (Blog Entry by dotdude)

Eagle Talon goes 140 in police chase

Chevy Volt: the most important American car... maybe ever?

Reporters getting blown around by Hurricane Gustav.

Cars nostalgia (Wheels Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

My first car was Daisy May. She was a beauty of a 1987 Volvo 240 GL (Mine was blue). I had that while I was in high school, and sold it for parts (266,000 miles) when I went into the Marine Corps.

When I was in the Marines, I bought a green '96 Explorer. Shitty on gas, but it wasn't that big of a deal, because it was cheap enough. While I had that one, I picked up an '05 Malibu for my now ex-wife. Don't. Ever. Buy. A. Malibu. It's not that it was a piece of shit. I never had to get any work done. It just didn't hold any value and was a very booooorrrrriinnnnggg car.

Then we split, she took the Exploder (because it was worth less) and I splurged on my new baby.
I traded the Malibu in for a 2004 Volvo S60 2.5T.
I LOVE this car. They payments hurt, but overall, it's worth it. I have 250 ft-lbs of torque and 208 HP from my 5 cylinder 2.5 L engine, so it's plenty fast, but because of the in0line, I also get great mileage (~22 city 30 hwy)

It's luxurious, has plenty of bells and whistles, and it sure is a looker. I love this car.


New Channel! (Wheels Talk Post)

Who Killed The Electric Car? (Full Version)

MarineGunrock says...

Too bad the EV1 was so hideous.

Other than that, I'm holding out for the Volvo ReCharge. The way I see it, that is the BEST choice. incredible mileage, and you have an unlimited range because you can always fuel up.

I guess we can take solace in the fact that GM is probably kicking their self in the asses because the main consumer drive is mileage now.

I'm ready to go get a degree in mechanical and electrical engineering so I can build my own damn electric car.

And O NOES! Americans live like youropeeins!?!?! Heaven forbid we not use 85% of the world's oil.

New Car! (Blog Entry by lucky760)

lucky760 says...

Very nice, MG. I've always appreciated the safety of Volvos, but in the last few years they've continually made them look more and more kickass.

Charms will definitely enjoy driving it. I've inherited her old car, so I'll just enjoy driving that.

Volvo crash - amazing in-car camera mount

MarineGunrock says...

Owned by Ford, yes. Still engineered and built in Sweden though. I'm a two-time Volvo owner (An old 240GL in high school and an beautiful S60 now) and they are as safe as they have ever been. Then only difference now is that they are a hell of a lot better looking.

Volvo crash - amazing in-car camera mount

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