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A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

lucky760 says...

>> ^jonny:
Can you people read? Try Lucky's comment again. Here, I'll make it simple:
"he got the copyright holder/videographer to request that we remove the video"
He, Ryan, did not ask to have it taken down. The copyright holder did.

To be clear about the take-down for any interested parties, Mr. VP did request that we remove the video, but since he only appears in the video and does not own the copyright, he had no right under the DMCA to lawfully compel us to comply. After informing him of that fact, he had the actual copyright holder make the same request, leaving us no choice in the matter but to abide by the law.

And for the record, they were both very cordial about it (unlike lots of other angry requests we've received in the past). Apparently the video was supposed to remain private, but someone got their hands on it and gave it permanent residence spread across the Interwebs.

blankfist (Member Profile)

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

Edeot (Member Profile)

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

blankfist says...

>> ^jonny:
Can you people read? Try Lucky's comment again. Here, I'll make it simple:
"he got the copyright holder/videographer to request that we remove the video"
He, Ryan, did not ask to have it taken down. The copyright holder did.

Talk down to people much?

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

spoco2 says...

>> ^dag:
Kind of lame, but I guess I don't blame him - he's probably graduated and out looking for work, and our post is 3rd from the top when anyone googles his name.
Must suck that a single moment of douchebaggery makes you a douche forever on the Internet.

I can blame him, he was a complete dick then, and he wishes that he wasn't... but you know what, this is a perfect character reference. There should be zero case for him being able to get this taken down... zero. I would hope anyway, and if there is, then that's friggen sad, that people can be a complete dick and then get all reference to that incident being taken down because they wish they hadn't done it.

Take it like a bloody man and face up to your dickery. Him trying to get this taken down I think speaks very highly of him not having grown out of this stupid mindset of his, and not being able to take a joke to this day. How can it possibly be a DMCA case anyway?

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

blankfist says...

Here's the transcript for posterity.

super: On Sunday, April 2, 2006, USC Vice President Ryan Holt traveled to Washington, DC to voice students' concerns to Congress. On Monday, April 2, 2006, members of the Student Senate purchased $80 worth of balloons. What you are about to see may be disturbing to people without a sense of humor.

Ryan: This is the kind of unprofessionalism that characterized student government years ago, and it's not going to happen now. If I have to there's gonna be-- okay that's it. Email to Ann, and people getting keys taken away and everything. Because this is not a joke.


Ryan: Okay, look, this is a waste of student activity [unintelligible]... and the people who did this are gonna pay for every single one of these! It's not a joke! It's not a joke, Alex!

Alex: Chill.

Ryan: Look at me being serious! We were off doing good work and you come to do something like this!

Alex: Okay. Alright. Geez.

Ryan: And I want to go to bed, and you've come and fucked up my office!

Alex: Calm down.

Ryan: NO ALEX! I am not going to calm down, because this is inappropriate! I am disappointed with you!

Alex: It's a joke.

Ryan: No this is not a joke. Who is going to pay for these balloons?! Out of your pocket?

Alex: We paid for them. Yes, we paid for them out of our pocket.

Ryan: Where did the air come from?

Alex: [befuddled] Wha-- the air? Over there.

Ryan: You used the air that costs money for us to do that stuff.

Alex: No.

Ryan: No, that's not appropriate, Alex.

Alex: [SIGHS]

Ryan: It's not appropriate. And this is not cleaned up [BALLOON POPS] by eight in the morning [ANOTHER POP] I'm going to come in here, take pictures, and there's gonna be hell to pay!

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

lucky760 says...

>> ^dag:
Wow - that guy is a bit uptight...

You said it. So uptight in fact that he got the copyright holder/videographer to request that we remove the video. And so, we comply under the terms of the DMCA.

No real need to *discuss, but let's let her fade into history in Sift Talk...

Cheney Assassination Squads - The Dark Lord's Fist...

Fox News: Palin Threw Tantrums - Made Staff Cry

MINK says...

what is this? past-o-rama? i fell into a time machine and was transported back into a dark age where it was still technically possible for sarah palin to be vice president (after she "gets up to speed" with that world map)

Obama: We Inherited A Great Deficit

rougy says...

"O'Neill said he tried to warn Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits-expected to top $500 billion this fiscal year alone-posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he said, according to excerpts. Cheney continued: "We won the midterms (congressional elections). This is our due." A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired."


The cons got us into this mess and the last thing they're going to do is either admit it or keep their fat mouths shut.

Make Me Laugh Saturday (pilot episode) (Parody Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

McDonald's Drops 'Hammurderer' Character From Advertising

March 6, 2002 | Issue 38•08

OAK BROOK, IL—Bowing to outcry from consumers and parents groups, the McDonald's Corporation announced Monday that it is discontinuing its new advertising mascot, "The Hammurderer," a mischievous, homicidal imp who kills McDonaldland characters and takes their sandwiches.

Developed by Chicago advertising agency DDB Needham, the Hammurderer made his debut two months ago and has since appeared in a series of Saturday-morning television commercials, as well as on Happy Meal bags and activity placemats. All appearances by and references to the violent, ill-tempered prison escapee will be dropped.

"Over the years, McDonald's has successfully introduced a number of new characters whose defining characteristic is a certain measure of comical, criminal intent," said Andrew Perlich, McDonald's vice-president of promotions. "Such shady characters as The Hamburglar, The Goblins, and the bloodthirsty pirate Captain Crook have all fit nicely into the McDonald's advertising universe. We had every reason to believe that the Hammurderer, with his long rap sheet of burger-related crimes and his signature cry of 'Stabble Stabble Stabble,' would take his place in this proud lineage of McDonaldland mischief-makers."

Vice President Bidden Pwned at Press Conference

Vice President Bidden Pwned at Press Conference

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