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Vice President Bidden Pwned at Press Conference

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

FOX's Wallace: Is Obama Really Prez After Bobbled Oath?

dannym3141 says...

He was cleverly tongue tying himself to fool everyone and get away with not saying the oath.

His next words were "Please welcome vice president akhbad ashim-adinnabad!" and had all the whities within earshot rounded up. That's why he cleared out camp x-ray. For the whities.

Stinkin whities.

(yes, it's satire, plz be offended)

The George W. Bush Time Forgot

9364 says...

Cant you guys tell he's been training and studying for this? How many times does he say the 'we should be humble' line. He was quite obviously saying what he was taught to say, not what he believed. Yes, he was clearly in over his head and after gaining office (after LOOSING, lets not forget that, and being voted in by a republican court,) and after 9/11, he stopped being in charge of this country and started just listening to his 'advisers' and his vice president and simply enacting what he was told.

Pro- & Anti-Israeli Protests at Vancouver's US Consulate

Krupo says...

A more detailed write up.

Vancouver, with its snowboarders and kayak tours and great produce and Benetton ad-inspired hipster scene, can seem on the surface a little removed from “global issues”. Issues such as Israel’s bombing of Gaza these last few days. Not to mention the worldwide fury stirred by conflict in the Holy Land.

But, for a primer on Vancouver’s connection to the “big picture”, you couldn’t beat this afternoon’s (December 29) pro-Palestinian protest on West Hastings Street.

Palestinian flags were out in force. So were those of Israel, across the street at the small counter-demonstration. The rhetoric was exact, pungent, fierce, furious, and emotional. Speaker after speaker encouraged the 250-strong crowd to shout.

“Free, free Palestine,” Omar Shaban, vice president of the Canadian Arab Federation, chanted. The crowd returned, “Free, free Palestine.”


Asif Husain, who attended the event to represent Muslim solidarity, explained to the Straight why he supports Hamas.

“They’re in a difficult position,” he said. “There is no solution to the peace problem so far. Sixty years have gone by with no end in sight.”

Across the street, a yarmulke-bedecked Stephen Burgher agreed there is no obvious solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“They [Palestinians] want to be ‘free to the sea’ so they want no Israel left,” he said. “I don’t think anyone over here is calling for the destruction of Palestine. For peace, you’ve got to start off with somebody who’s a partner. You’ve got to start off with someone who is willing to talk to you about coexistence. If they want to destroy you, it’s not negotiation time; it’s war time. And I think it’s necessary, it’s sad to say.”

Hanna Kawas of the Canada Palestine Association blamed the ongoing conflict on the United Nations and the U.S.

“Yesterday was the 43rd veto in support of Israel,” Kawas said. “No other country in the world has been protected as Israel. And they’re doing it basically to cover the war crimes of the Israeli government. The U.S. is complicit in these war crimes. The M16s are American, the ammunition is American, and Israelis doing it on behalf of the U.S. Without them, Israel doesn’t exist.”

9/11 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You

NetRunner says...

I don't particularly understand the lashing out at 9/11 truthers. I don't think at this time they have evidence to back up their claims, but unlike the UFO believers, there's nothing particularly outlandish that they're suggesting.

They lied about WMD and links to Al Qaeda to get us into Iraq, why not lie about the specifics of 9/11 itself?

Given the way the Bushies lapped up the aftermath, it wouldn't surprise me if 9/11 turned out to be done with American help -- possibly even with the President or Vice President's knowledge, or on their order, or on their boss's order (call 'em whatever secret society name ya like).

Nothing in any of that seems impossible to me, and now, 7 years past that event, I find myself much more inclined to believe those outlandish claims than I did 9/12/01.

That said, nothing in this video seems particularly damning to me. The "second Pearl Harbor" comment being said by "some Senators" is no surprise, the entire Republican party gets talking points fed to them on every topic, and PNAC had people embedded in the press (William Kristol), and the White House (Donald Rumsfeld) that were eager to frame the attack in that way: a surprise attack that leads to a long, globally scoped military conflict.

Music to the Military-Industrial complex's ears.

Countdown: Palin on Frugality - $22 000 on make-up

quantumushroom says...

It's bad that you use legal money to dress nicely to run for the Vice Presidency?

And yet the mainstream media and wannabes like the Olbyloon continue to deny they're all fking shills and bootlickers for the democrap party.

Breaking news to Videosift: Obama is a politician (Wtf Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

MG, you're super-late on this. This happened in July, and we pretty much plastered the sift with videos about it. Do a search for FISA.

At the time, I took solace in the fact that his stated position was the right one, that the 4th amendment requires a court to issue warrants for this level of surveillance, and that we should bring it to an end. I was sore over the fact that he had a choice between making a big stand and having a knock-down drag-out political fight over it, or quietly acquiescing, and he backed down.

I'd chalk that up to political calculation, really, but I'd rather he back down on that one, and help his chances of becoming President (who controls those wiretaps in the first place), than stage the fight, maybe win, maybe lose, and have it cost him the Presidency, and put Grampy McSame, puppet for Republican thugs, at the listening end of those wiretaps.

With some distance, and now the certainty that Obama will be President, I'm starting to wonder if the issue of telecomm immunity was being overblown by the netroots. Now that we're going to have a Democratically controlled DOJ, investigations into the possible law-breaking done from the government side can be done, and since the telecomms are immune, they should be free to provide evidence/testimony for the criminal charges leveled at Dick & George.

All that said, I am a little puzzled at your use of "messiah", as many have pointed out, only his detractors call him that. Those of us who like the guy are excited because he's right on so many things we like, and he conveys the message in such a compelling way that we're excited to see what he can do.

We don't like the triangulation he does on gay marriage (says he's against calling it marriage, but wants legally equivalent civil unions). We don't like how he keeps being nice to Republicans, and treating them like they're human. We aren't too excited about some of the things he's said about foreign policy, or pumping up the military budget. But those are trifles compared to the large mass of things he agrees with us on.

So, in closing, let me lay out my response to the BS about "lesser of two evils" one last time (or at least until 2012): the 2008 election isn't a choice between the lesser of two evils, it was the choice between McCain who was 95% evil, 5% good, and Obama who's 98% good, and 2% evil. Sure, that's technically the "lesser of two evils" but it's not like it was a close call.

After all, had we lost, Vice President Palin's daughter's mother-in-law would be the top news story for her arrest on possible drug dealing, and no one would know how to pronounce or spell Blagojevich, and I'd be talking with an emigration lawyer, and shopping for a new country to live in.

Congressional Dems On Auto Industry Aid Timeline

deathcow says...

That dude is named Barney Frank AND has that voice?


FUCK the BIG3 automakers.. I want to know the extents of their executive excess and how those executives are taking BIG CUTS in all their own pork before the American people reload their bank accounts with our taxes. "Oh we gave up 2 or 3 of our jets." Wow, I am duly impressed. Have you sold your executive retreat properties as well?

Why is the CEO of GM earning a $2.2 million dollar salary this year? Why did he get a raise this year? Why is the COO earning $1.8 million? For tanking the company so bad that they need corporate welfare? The executive VICE president is earning $900k this year.

Why did the FORD CEO get a $2 million salary, $4 million in bonuses and $11 million in stock incentives this year? For tanking the company so bad they need our tax money to bail them out?

Conspiracy by liberals to ruin Dick Cheney

volumptuous says...

OK, ok, ok, ok...

I've got to watch this one another zillion times. I just can't seem to get enough of the words "has indicted the vice president of the United States".

This is surreal. I can't believe it's even made it this far, but what the hell is this case?


From the Department of Justice website: "The President cannot pardon a state criminal offense."

Ashton Kutcher's View of Prop 8 on Bill Maher's Show

Official Election 2008 Thread (Subtitled I VOTED) (Election Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...


It's not big government that results in subversive use of power, its the politicians who possess that power and what stance they take, it's the people who claim that for America to be free it needs to spy on it's citizens, that it can rewrite laws and impose torture.

Its not a symptom of big government, its a symptom of misguided and failed leadership. The day America imposed torture, spying and elimination of heabus corpus was when the president was a fiscal social conservative who ran on a platform of reducing government, yet over the next several years created new agencies, increased military and defense spending, and subcontracted government agencies to private firms (Blackwater and AEGIS), and increased the national debt.

Did his policies fulfill the single objective he put forward? The elimination of terrorism? Or even the capture of Osama Bin Laden.

I understand Bush came into a difficult times and situations, but your claim that his actions were because of big government is a misreading of history, it gives no voice to the actions of Dick Cheney and David Addington (John Yoo) who together had the view that the actions of the President are infalliable and should not be criticized, that documents regarding policy are secret, that all communications should be monitored, that torture is okay and the other 750 signing statements articulated by them that bypass the democratic process of the US.

Watch Addington claim that the Vice president's office is not part of the executive branch.

David Addington on torture:

There is thousands of hours of testimony, documentary, news and papers and articles that outline the failure of leadership and subversion of America's legal stance by a small cadre of hawks in the Bush Administration.

It was not simply because it was BIG government. It was a implementation of a policy views held by those in power.

PS: Al qaeda may watch CSPAN.


Your basic criticism is that a socialist state equals a imperialistic state based on government expansion over the last 70 years of American history.

Some socialistic states (to various degrees) in the world currently include: Japan, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and many others.

They are not imperialistic and have high social and economic indicators. Japan happens to be one of the largest self contained economies in the world. All the countries possess a system of subsidized health care provided by the state.

Are they invading nations? Taking out the rights of their citizens? Are they failures socially and economically because they have socialistic principles like universal healthcare? Welfare?

Pranked Palin

joedirt says...

Transcript from dailykos:

SP Assist: This is Betsy.
MA: Hello, Betsy. This is Frank l’ouvrier (Frank the worker], I’m with President Sarkozy, on the line for Governor Palin.

SP Assist: One second please, can you hold on one second please?
MA: No problem.

SP Assist: Hi, I’m going to hand the phone over to her.
MA: Okay thank you very much I’m going to put the president on the line.
SP Assist: Ok he’s coming to the line.

SP: This is Sarah.
MA: Okay, Governor Palin?

SP: Hellloooo...(long drawn out, like Well, hellooooo)
MA: Just hold on for President Sarkozy, one moment.
SP [To someone in the room]: Oh, it’s not him yet, I always do that. I’ll just have people hand it to me right when it’s them.

FNS: Yes, hello, Governor Palin? Yes, hello, Mrs. Governor?
SP: Hello this is Sarah., how are you?

FNS: Fine, and you, this is Nicolas Sarkozy speaking, how are you?
SP: good, it’s so good to hear you. Thank you for calling us.

FNS: Oh, it’s a pleasure.
SP: Thank you sir, we have such great respect for you, John McCain and I, we love you and thank you for spending a few minutes to talk to me.

FNS: I follow your campaigns closely with my special American Advisor Johnny Hallyday (the most famous French singer, looks like and sings like Elvis), you know?
SP: Yes! Good!

FNS: Excellent! Are you confident?
SP: Very confident and we’re thankful that the polls are showing that the race is tightening and--

FNS: Well I know very well that the campaign can be exhausting. How do you feel right now my dear?
SP: Ah, I feel so good. I feel like we’re in a marathon and at the very end of the marathon, you get your second wind and you plow to the finish—

FNS: You see, I got elected in France because I’m real and you seem to be someone who’s real as well.
SP: Yes, yeah, Nicolas, we so appreciate this opportunity.

FNS: You know, I see you as a president, one day, you too.
SP: [Muahaaa...weird laugh], maybe in 8 years. Haha

FNS: Well, ah, I hope for you. You know we have a lot in common because personally one of my favorite activities is to hunt too.
SP: [Giggle]o h very good, we should go hunting together.

FNS: Exactly! We could go try hunting by helicopter, like you did, I never did that.
SP: [Giggle]

FNS: Like we say in France, "on pourrait tuer des bébés phoques aussi" [Translation: We could also kill some baby seals.]
SP: [Giggle] Well I think we could have a lot of fun together as we’re getting work done, we can kill two birds with one stone that way.

FNS: I just love killing those animals. Mm, mm. Take away a life, that is so fun!
SP: [Hahahaha]

FNS: I’d really love to go as long as we don’t bring your Vice president Cheney, hahaha.
SP: No, I’ll be a careful shot, yes.

FNS: You know we have a lot in common also except that from my ass I can see Belgium. That’s kind of less interesting than you.
SP: Well, see, we’re right next door to other countries that we all need to be working with, yes.

FNS: Some people said in the last days, and I thought that was mean, that you weren’t experienced enough in foreign relations, and you know, that’s completely false, that’s the thing I said to my great friend, the Prime Minister of Canada, Stef Carse [Stephen Harper is the PM and Stef Carse is a Quebecois country singer who covered Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy Breaky Heart in French in the 90s].
SP: Well, he’s doing fine, too, and yeah when you come into a position underestimated, it gives you the opportunity to prove the pundits and the critics wrong. You work that much harder-

FNS: I, I was wondering because you are also next to him, one of my good friends, also, the prime minister of Quebec, Mr. Richard Z. Sirois [a famous Quebec radio host], have you met him recently? Did he come to one of your rallies?
SP: Uh, haven’t seen him at one of the rallies, but it’s been great working with the Canadian officials in my role as governor; we have a great cooperative effort there as we work on all of our resource development projects. You know I look forward to working with you and getting to meet you personally and your beautiful wife, oh my goodness, you’ve added a lot of energy to your country, even, with that beautiful family of yours.

FNS: Thank you very much. You know my wife, Carla, would love to meet you. You know even though she was a bit jealous that I was supposed to speak to you today. [Hahahaha]
SP: [Hahahha] Well give her a big hug from me.

FNS: You know my wife is a popular singer and a former top model and she’s so hot in bed. She even wrote a song for you.
SP: Oh my goodness! I didn’t know that.

FNS: Yes, in French, it’s called "Du rouge à lèvres sur une cochonne" [Translate: Lipstick for a sow literally (but not properly) but it actually means an uninhibited girl] or if you prefer in English Joe the Plumber, [sings] It’s his life, Joe the Plumber..."
SP: Maybe she understands some of the unfair criticism but I bet you she is such a hard worker, too, and she realizes you just plow through that criticism like

FNS: I just want to be sure, I don’t’ quite understand the phenomenon "Joe the Plumber," that’s not your husband, right?
SP: Mmhmm, that’s into my husband but he’s a normal American who just works hard and doesn’t want government to take his money.

FNS: Yes, yes, I understand, we have the equivalent of Joe the Plumber in France, it’s called, "Marcel, the guy with bread under his armpit, oui."
SP: Right. That’s what it’s all about, is the middle class, and government needing to work for them. You’re a very good example for us here.

FNS: I seen a bit about NBC even Fox News wasn’t an ally, an ally, sorry, about as much as usual.
SP: Yeah that’s what we’re up against.

FNS: I must say, Governor Palin, I love the documentary they made on your life, you know, Hustler’s "Nailin Palin."
SP: Oh, good, thank you. Yes.

FNS: That was really edgy.
SP: [Laughs] Well good.

FNS: I really love you. And I must say something, so, Governor, you’ve been pranked.
By the Master Avengers. We’re two comedians from Montreal
SP: Oohhh have we been pranked? And what radio station is this? [tries to force herself to sound nice but you can tell she’s pissed]

FNS: This is for CKOI in Montreal.
SP: In Montreal? Tell me the radio station call letters
[SP leaves phone, continuous griping in background, sounds like, "For chrissakes...that was ??? Just a radio station prank...chrissakes..."]

MA: Hello? If one voice can change the world for Obama, one Viagra can change the world for McCain.
[Man’s voice in background: hang up, hang up.]
SP Assist: Hi, I’m sorry, I have to let you go. Um, thank you.

Sarah Palin pranked by silly french Canadians

joedirt says...

Transcript from dailykos:

SP Assist: This is Betsy.
MA: Hello, Betsy. This is Frank l’ouvrier (Frank the worker], I’m with President Sarkozy, on the line for Governor Palin.

SP Assist: One second please, can you hold on one second please?
MA: No problem.

SP Assist: Hi, I’m going to hand the phone over to her.
MA: Okay thank you very much I’m going to put the president on the line.
SP Assist: Ok he’s coming to the line.

SP: This is Sarah.
MA: Okay, Governor Palin?

SP: Hellloooo...(long drawn out, like Well, hellooooo)
MA: Just hold on for President Sarkozy, one moment.
SP [To someone in the room]: Oh, it’s not him yet, I always do that. I’ll just have people hand it to me right when it’s them.

FNS: Yes, hello, Governor Palin? Yes, hello, Mrs. Governor?
SP: Hello this is Sarah., how are you?

FNS: Fine, and you, this is Nicolas Sarkozy speaking, how are you?
SP: good, it’s so good to hear you. Thank you for calling us.

FNS: Oh, it’s a pleasure.
SP: Thank you sir, we have such great respect for you, John McCain and I, we love you and thank you for spending a few minutes to talk to me.

FNS: I follow your campaigns closely with my special American Advisor Johnny Hallyday (the most famous French singer, looks like and sings like Elvis), you know?
SP: Yes! Good!

FNS: Excellent! Are you confident?
SP: Very confident and we’re thankful that the polls are showing that the race is tightening and--

FNS: Well I know very well that the campaign can be exhausting. How do you feel right now my dear?
SP: Ah, I feel so good. I feel like we’re in a marathon and at the very end of the marathon, you get your second wind and you plow to the finish—

FNS: You see, I got elected in France because I’m real and you seem to be someone who’s real as well.
SP: Yes, yeah, Nicolas, we so appreciate this opportunity.

FNS: You know, I see you as a president, one day, you too.
SP: [Muahaaa...weird laugh], maybe in 8 years. Haha

FNS: Well, ah, I hope for you. You know we have a lot in common because personally one of my favorite activities is to hunt too.
SP: [Giggle]o h very good, we should go hunting together.

FNS: Exactly! We could go try hunting by helicopter, like you did, I never did that.
SP: [Giggle]

FNS: Like we say in France, "on pourrait tuer des bébés phoques aussi" [Translation: We could also kill some baby seals.]
SP: [Giggle] Well I think we could have a lot of fun together as we’re getting work done, we can kill two birds with one stone that way.

FNS: I just love killing those animals. Mm, mm. Take away a life, that is so fun!
SP: [Hahahaha]

FNS: I’d really love to go as long as we don’t bring your Vice president Cheney, hahaha.
SP: No, I’ll be a careful shot, yes.

FNS: You know we have a lot in common also except that from my ass I can see Belgium. That’s kind of less interesting than you.
SP: Well, see, we’re right next door to other countries that we all need to be working with, yes.

FNS: Some people said in the last days, and I thought that was mean, that you weren’t experienced enough in foreign relations, and you know, that’s completely false, that’s the thing I said to my great friend, the Prime Minister of Canada, Stef Carse [Stephen Harper is the PM and Stef Carse is a Quebecois country singer who covered Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy Breaky Heart in French in the 90s].
SP: Well, he’s doing fine, too, and yeah when you come into a position underestimated, it gives you the opportunity to prove the pundits and the critics wrong. You work that much harder-

FNS: I, I was wondering because you are also next to him, one of my good friends, also, the prime minister of Quebec, Mr. Richard Z. Sirois [a famous Quebec radio host], have you met him recently? Did he come to one of your rallies?
SP: Uh, haven’t seen him at one of the rallies, but it’s been great working with the Canadian officials in my role as governor; we have a great cooperative effort there as we work on all of our resource development projects. You know I look forward to working with you and getting to meet you personally and your beautiful wife, oh my goodness, you’ve added a lot of energy to your country, even, with that beautiful family of yours.

FNS: Thank you very much. You know my wife, Carla, would love to meet you. You know even though she was a bit jealous that I was supposed to speak to you today. [Hahahaha]
SP: [Hahahha] Well give her a big hug from me.

FNS: You know my wife is a popular singer and a former top model and she’s so hot in bed. She even wrote a song for you.
SP: Oh my goodness! I didn’t know that.

FNS: Yes, in French, it’s called "Du rouge à lèvres sur une cochonne" [Translate: Lipstick for a sow literally (but not properly) but it actually means an uninhibited girl] or if you prefer in English Joe the Plumber, [sings] It’s his life, Joe the Plumber..."
SP: Maybe she understands some of the unfair criticism but I bet you she is such a hard worker, too, and she realizes you just plow through that criticism like

FNS: I just want to be sure, I don’t’ quite understand the phenomenon "Joe the Plumber," that’s not your husband, right?
SP: Mmhmm, that’s into my husband but he’s a normal American who just works hard and doesn’t want government to take his money.

FNS: Yes, yes, I understand, we have the equivalent of Joe the Plumber in France, it’s called, "Marcel, the guy with bread under his armpit, oui."
SP: Right. That’s what it’s all about, is the middle class, and government needing to work for them. You’re a very good example for us here.

FNS: I seen a bit about NBC even Fox News wasn’t an ally, an ally, sorry, about as much as usual.
SP: Yeah that’s what we’re up against.

FNS: I must say, Governor Palin, I love the documentary they made on your life, you know, Hustler’s "Nailin Palin."
SP: Oh, good, thank you. Yes.

FNS: That was really edgy.
SP: [Laughs] Well good.

FNS: I really love you. And I must say something, so, Governor, you’ve been pranked.
By the Master Avengers. We’re two comedians from Montreal
SP: Oohhh have we been pranked? And what radio station is this? [tries to force herself to sound nice but you can tell she’s pissed]

FNS: This is for CKOI in Montreal.
SP: In Montreal? Tell me the radio station call letters
[SP leaves phone, continuous griping in background, sounds like, "For chrissakes...that was ??? Just a radio station prank...chrissakes..."]

MA: Hello? If one voice can change the world for Obama, one Viagra can change the world for McCain.
[Man’s voice in background: hang up, hang up.]
SP Assist: Hi, I’m sorry, I have to let you go. Um, thank you.

Girl living full, happy life with only half her brain!

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