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Shuttle Launch from Commercial Flight

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^SSIops:
looks like it picked up more speed once the atmosphere began to thin out.
Damn! They say airplanes are the only way to travel, but I say find a way to use space shuttles to replace airplanes for international flights. The flight would be over before they could offer pretzels!

Well, thinner air helps, but the trick is that the higher it goes, the more fuel it's spent, so the less it weighs, so the same thrust will push it faster.

Shuttle Launch from Commercial Flight

11807 says...

looks like it picked up more speed once the atmosphere began to thin out.

Damn! They say airplanes are the only way to travel, but I say find a way to use space shuttles to replace airplanes for international flights. The flight would be over before they could offer pretzels!

Boarding a train that does not need to stop to pick you up

MINK says...

"How this solves teh problem of people bitching about something they have to wait on."

by running many smaller trains more frequently.

Actually Asimov had a similar idea, a series of conveyor belts getting progressively faster from platform to track, you hop across them to get up to speed, then board the train.

The principle is the same, that stopping and starting a huge train full of people who don't want to stop is incredibly inefficient.

Asimov's system was more for travel within a city as opposed to between cities, like an infinite metro conveyor.

Robot Battle: is spinning a good strategy?

mas8705 says...

The idea of spinning as a attack is very risking in these robot fights... You see, if you spin really fast when you collide (as shown here) it delievers a power hit, however at the same time, it stops your spinning and leaves you open to an attack until you get up to speed again... however most spinners usually have weight to that they don't go flying after they hit... this one though didn't have weight, therefore itself went flying after every hit...

If you use a spinner, you want to end the fight fast, for if you don't, there is a good chance the spinner will stop and thus you are really done for...

Parents Pray Instead of Visiting Doctor - Daughter Dies

Switching to Dvorak (Blog Entry by arvana)

Switching to Dvorak (Blog Entry by arvana)

arvana says...

There is a part of me thinking WHY did I do this to myself?!? I too have over 20 years of experience with QWERTY, and am lightning fast and almost error-free at it. But I expect to be even faster on Dvorak fairly quickly.

One of the things that convinced me to switch was an an article by a guy who said that it only took him two weeks to get back up to speed. My experience seems to be bearing that out -- I'm only five days in and I'm fully touch-typing, if slowly.

Part of the reason it's quick to switch is that you already have the movements down. You don't have to relearn how to move your fingers, how to type spaces or how to shift. And the number keys (and their shifted characters) are in the same places -- which for me took the longest to learn.

And there are real benefits. I can already feel how much less my fingers need to move around. If that translates to a 20% increase in my typing speed, it will give me a big boost in productivity. It is also supposed to reduce the risk of carpal tunnel and RSI.

I'm also finding unexpected pleasures. The hyphen is within easy reach, instead of being way off in a corner. The comma, period and quote are easier as well. And some common words that were awkward before are now a delight -- I will never again type 'teh' instead of 'the'. Except when it comes to "teh cuteness", of course!

As far as portability goes, it's a snap to switch any modern operating system to Dvorak, so I'm not worried about it. Some say you can retain the ability to type in both; that remains to be seen in my case.

The first thing I did to switch over was to pop off all my keycaps. Then I discovered that my ergonomic keyboard has non-interchangeable keys, so I put them back and just wrote the letters in with permanent marker. Which promptly rubbed off. But that's ok, it's all about the touch-typing.

Thylan is right about the keyboard shortcuts. That definitely adds another layer to the learning curve. But while some are less convenient, others are more, so it probably balances out in the end.

As to whether I would recommend it to anyone else, I'll let you know in a week!

Air Autobahn In Afghanistan

schnitzelboi says...

Um... That isn't YOUR tax money that's being "wasted" -- these are German helicopters. So what are you getting so upset about? I agree, it would be best if this war had simply never taken place, or if Germany hadn't entered it, but here we are doing every little bit we can to get Iraq back up to speed. In case you are wondering, Germany's role in the war on Iraq (note how I say "Iraq" and not "terror") is not a military one, but a supporting one. German troops in Iraq generally don't fight much; they supply.

ANYWAYS, anyone know what kinda music that was? Sounded good.

Proper grammar and spelling (Sift Talk Post)

arvana says...

I think it's amazing what a nice place VideoSift has become to hang out -- it's a real tribute to its founders. I would say that it's up to all of us to kindly and gently bring new users up to speed on what makes VS tick. Though they'll figure it out for themselves soon enough.

Westy is a special case -- he's one of our unique characters who gives the site some extra flavour.

Bugs in v3.0 (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Twiddles, only your first view of a queued video applies toward it's "ranking" in the queue. So, that first view could definitely apply toward moving a video down, but subsequent loads have no effect. You mean that you've reloaded a video a few times and it kept moving in the queue? If that's the case, please inform which video so I can investigate. Thanks.

And to reiterate our mantra, we're working very hard day and night at getting the site back up to speed. Thanks for bearing with us, friends.

How to make an Angry American

joedirt says...

"Last year I went to Iraq. Before Team America showed up"

Dude.. ask any Iraqi which was better. Hell ask any foreign policy wonk that isn't a neocon, which is better. A secular Iraq or a soon to be extremist religious state torn apart by civil unrest. Just look at northeastern India or Pakistan (who have advanced armies and police states and stable economies) how fun it is.

The statement about Saddam killing millions is false, because in all instances it was condoned by the US and weapons (biological and other) were provided by the US, so it's kind of odd to be running around saying what a monster he was without first condemning the foreign policy that created it.

And just so you are up to speed with the rest of America, people want troops out of Iraq, which the Decider refuses to even think about. The impeachment has nothing to do with ending war. The impeachment issue is about "high crimes and misdemeanors".. which entail violation of FISA, other illegal domestic spying programs, misleading Congress with known false information, (in Cheney's case) disclosing the identity of an undercover CIA agent, violations of oath of office in particular perversion of DOJ regarding Congressional appointments, violations of PRA and using partisan email to conduct official govt business, using official govt meeting places and speakers to conduct campaign activities, such as Drug Czar (Surgeon General?) and DOJ to make visits to announce local federal program which just happen to coincide with campaign stops and speeches... Oh yeah, advising staff and WH chief legal counsel that they do not have to adhere to Congress subpoena power (it is absolute), refusing to testify to Congressional committee without stating a valid reason (like Fifth Amendment, executive privileged, Gonzo "i-cannot-remember" defense)... You can show up and say nothing, but you cannot refuse to show up. Likewise WH counsel cannot actively advise people not to adhere to subpoenas.

Trust me there is a ton more, but Munchound won't address or even hear what the rest of us have come to realize in this massive grab of power.

Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train (Sift Talk Post)

Woland says...

OK, after posting the following privately to lilitu, I received this response: "Woland, you need to eat shit." I think it's clear I no longer have any interest in seeing her / him back:

Hey, just wanted to say that I'm just as confounded by the self-link rule as you are, but I don't think you're gonna get out of this without a ban. Just roll with it, say you're sorry, create a new account and come back. They will welcome you back.

You obviously have phenomenal insight into art, and you can find most of your current clips on YouTube without having to "self-link."

People on VideoSift clearly like what you like, so you can get back up to speed quickly. Don't take it personally: old-time VS folks have been through this debate many times, and it's been decided to be pretty harsh on any sort of self-linking, even if it isn't self-promotional in any way.

Hope to see more of your videos on VS soon!


Guy Doing some dare-devil drifting on His Bicycle!

Bigboomer says...

jspath I was gonna say the same thing. I BMX'd my whole life and that isnt exactly hard to do. We use to have competitions to see how many fish tails (back and forth with the read tire) you can do after getting up to speed, have skid patches that lasted for many many feet.

If they make this some sort of sport im breakin out the old BMX.

Dog Massacre in South Korea

choggie says...

Yeah, man, let's feed these folks, kill Kim Jung Dill-weed,and get these folks up to speed with the 21st century!!

Fuck the shock value, lets shock jungill outta the north, so the north and south, can wake the fuck up!!

A Ball Thrown Back 100 km/h From A Truck Moving 100 km/h

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