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A Ball Thrown Back 100 km/h From A Truck Moving 100 km/h

"Honor Killing"

choggie says...

Anyone ever noticed the difference between television in Mexico, and Television in the States??? The kind of sophomoric sheit in both countries media is rampant, but Mexicans seem to gravitate to a lower common denominator than the U.S.......comes with exposure to culturally significant dynamics, education, and the dynamic nature of Humans growing wiser with each generation(at least thats the hope)

Western cultures had a common reformation, not without struggle, sacrifice, and change.......

There are those in the world who have yet to come up to speed with a dynamic that will take humanity to another paradigm......

Islam represents a throwback to times past, as does fundamentalist Christianity in many similar ways......both have the filter of the perceiver as a fulcrum-this subjective filter more often than not, creates an impasse in the otherwise dynamic mind-the impasse of ego, of stubborn adhesion to tradition and practice, and unwillingness to change, above all........We are change-and to fight this is to atrophy........

"Trophy video" exposes private contractors shooting Iraqi Civilians

choggie says...

If we knew, all the complexities, the ACTUAL reasons and realities of why the US went to Iraq, then we would not at all be in any kind of disagreement....simply put, one can't make a valid observation without all the facts, and you and I will never have them, no matter what-

War will not end, until a new and improved paradigm unfolds-

Why do you think the French, Russians, etc., can get away with selling supplies and technology to the highest bidder?

Why do you think that the majority of humans on the planet being against armed conflict, does not manifest itself as peace?

Why do you think, that with the resources and enlightenment of countries who have been through reformation and industrial cycles, WON'T bring the rest of the world up to speed??

Why, in the honorable Elijah Mohammed's name, is starvation still a major issue, when the resources are in place to feed the planet?

How many more obvious questions can be ignored, while blame is placed conveniently on the backs of "pick a world leader"???

Yeah yeah yeah, Bush sucks...blah blah blah....He ain't The reason for the season, idgits....but somebodies are.....

Change comes with sacrifice, and all the editorializing in the world amounts to dick at this stage in the game.....and it is a game, be very sure of that......we's all pieces on a chess board....

Hail Eris, the Empire never died....

Religion is bad, Drugs are Good

choggie says...

Bulbous also tapered.

Welcome to the New Third World Order. If we continue in the spiral downward socially, economically and demographically, the dillution of culture will make this place (USA) look like the cheese from space.....No sense of style, class, taste, evrything made from plastic in Taiwan, and the universal language will sound like construction crews at the Tower of Babel........Oh, not to metion a large segment of societies worldwide who are centuries behind the reformation in their sensibilities and cultures.......But of course, we have to be sensitive and caring, and bring countries up to speed slowly, like poor Kim Jong Il, and "wouldawannagettAhmadinejad" mad.......And Folks with some common sense and love for the planet that surpasses carbon emissions, get curt,clever little come-backs from crotch-scatching, cut-and-paste college kids, who think driving a hybrid car will solve the worlds ills.........

But, Chomsky saw this bullshit coming 40 years ago, lotsa folks did

Oh yeah and Bill Maher is a snipeish little twerp, whose irritating tone and timbre is not unlike Nosferatu's fingernails on a chalkboard from Bill's elementary school he never graduated from.......

Olbermann breaks new ground

choggie says...

thanks for shoving it up choggs' ass aaronfr.....Yeah that was a stretch with for France... if the children of north African muslims are a barometer for the brilliant idea to bring in cheap labor, then to have required them to become French citizens through a process that would make them proud, thankful, and energetic to become French, would have gone a long way to alleviate the stress of a nation now diluting the culture. Here in the U.S., brilliant thinking and lack of legislation and enforcement of existing laws, has brought the same dilution to America, who used to have a singularly unique culture, of immigrants who were excited to be American, rather than excited to be IN America, but not having to "become" American, with a sense of pride and nationalism.....

Most folks in the US, have enough cultural awareness to know, that letting Mexico osmose into America, is a pathetic trade-off economically, etc. Most Hispanics in this country that have naturalized through proper channels, are livid about the influx.....Come to America, retain your culture and heritage, yet become American, not Mexican-American

Learn the Language
Pay into the System
Build assets, and invest here.
Being American must be a pathetic prospect for most of the world and who can blame them....??

[however, the muslims never really integrated within the french society.]

Is this not a symptom of the same type of scenario?? Muslims have been a non-integrating element in England as well haven't they?? The fact that they were given citizenship for indentured labor doesn't really matter, they still never became French, in the true sense...(are not the French sticklers for preserving the language and culture?...they used to be)
Canadians do not let the children born on their soil, automatically become citizens....they saw Chinese doing it, and nuked that shit!!
No nation, if they want to remain a nation, should do this.
Wish we'd used a similar model, but powers have other things in store, for a once great Nation.
France was a once great nation, but they have been bitched slapped from without and within for so long, well,......the 3 countries that provided Iraq with most of their sheit, Nuclear power techs, WMD's (that, incidentally, were there and were moved), were France, Germany, and Russia.......

Why won't they be held accountable??? Because the bastards that are allowed to play games with humans, have governments by the short and curlies......

Eliminate hunger, educate evryone to get them up to speed with the 21st century, and get off the grid/teat by giving the cheap, and/or,free-energy technology that has existed
for decades, and watch a world change very drastically...
no war, no currency, no shit.

World's fastest bicycles set a land speed record of 81mph!

'Boyz Allowed: The New Voices of Islam' - BBC Documentary

choggie says...

See no place for the retrograde and the progressive-love the music that comes from humanity, except for the music of man, beaten on drums whose skins are worn and losened, played on pipes rusted and atonal.....
These guys would do better to tell Allah, and his snail-paced putties, to take a long look at coming up to speed with the 21st century, by eliminating altogether, the symbols of bondage to ignorance and violence....that violence referenced here, is the first step.....Ban the Burkah, or any such coverings for the women of Islam.....a symbol of species decay, subjugation, and demeaning inhumane treatment.....unless its simplly for protection from UV, then be damn, do it!

But it is in fact, not an instrument for protecting anything but a dying breed of humans, bound to tradition for the sake of stasis, and a stubborn unwillingness towards change...

Gwann, for all your well-intentions, address this for choggie and all if you will:

What is it like for a muslim woman in Afghanistan, as it compares to any country in the western world, that took part in a reformation, and democratic governments, etc? Are they treated equally, with dignity?
Are they able to avail themselves of rights and privelidges granted to the men of that country?

Fix the fundamentals, then start a new religion of yer own.....Mohammed did it in similar troubled times, and Islam is way overdue for an enema!!! This is on the sift somewhere, we need more women of Islam not afraid to speak, for that matter, more female Imamas might do the freekin' trick!!

OK, so the Saddam video is officially "out there"... (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

Now that Sogoddamn Insane is gone, wouldn't it be tits, if we would excise two more Human schizms from the Big Blue Mole, KiM Jong and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and do so with such swift and righteous spectacle, with complete disregard for the reactions from th'nay-sayers?
Makes no since to most sane folk, that these two should continue to breathe the same air, or pollute one more mind, and distract us from progress as humans, one more millisecond.....Tell China to kiss our asses when they bitch, Russia can suck Uncle Sams cock, and France can just piss the fuck off....The United Nations should be dressed in clown suits and made to march seven times around Manhattan, should they offer anything but praise. Choose a surgical black op, or a nuke down the throat that we all find out about, AFTER these diseased, throwbacks are eradicated.
In choggies' perfect world, problems are solved, when they are tiny, and large ones are burned, the ashes to be sifted through later, for salvagable material.....
The alternatives include, the bull shit we engage in now, and another generation of programmed, imprinted, hate, in the form of tots whose souls are being stolen from them, at birth.
Allah is a cocksucker, belonging to a large segment of unfortunates, who are just not up to speed with the program of what it means to "Be Here Now"!
"Oh just let them all believe what they want to" may just prove to be the most destrutive form of denial we indulge in. Wherever a lie or illusion is embraced, every action, sentiment, and expression, is tainted with the original lie, and in the end, destruction.
(singing) America, "Fuck Yeah", ....
Oh, and when they die, we must make public spectacle of them, for whomever would rise up to take their place. Prefer doused in petrol, set alight, then catapulted into one of the still-standing sections of the Berlin Wall, or fuck it, That flat, smooth curved United Nations Building.

Wired News' Year in Online Video (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

That wired article got this sifter up to speed on the phenom...So the question may be..What will "we" do with a power that bears wielding? Will the originators share the tangible fruits, or just give us members all simply flashy-blinky, when they can afford more toys. Personally think we should create our own currency, or perhaps a scepter, which we may all vie to possess for a year at a time as, "King or Queen or Androdgenom of the Sift. Siftbot is not eligible!

Man-Made Avalanche - Awesome Footage

Man-Made Avalanche - Awesome Footage

Michael Ware on CNN: if Iraq is not a civil war, what is?

choggie says...

...duhhh, of course its a civil war, if we had not stepped into the middle of it, they might have stabilized into the clusterfuck that culture and region are able muster, given the stage they are, in their cultural progress, with relation to the rest of the world..

Can we please bring these people up to speed with
the 21st century??? The sift folks love to make fun of the christians....I guarantee, that if mainstream Christianity, had their women walking ten steps behind the males, covering them from head to toe in Bark-as, and teaching their children to kill the infidel, all you human rights and "horrible injustice" types, would nuke the freekin' religion, on those grounds alone....

And Mike Ware, you have some Marines, that will not forget your bullshit!! Mike Ware is the worm of a sub-human who followed the Iraqi sniper, and filmed as he, sniped a US Marine.....that's just shitty....he's gonna dissappear-

Seriously flawed to me, the basics

Treatment of Women and Children-Botton line, if a culture treats the most helpless of induviduals
like trash, what beneficial contributions can they make to the rest of the world at large, who for the most part, are much further along into the process of a healthy cultural evolution??

Answer?? None-so .....
Take these folks and make them comply, for the sake of their women and children,cause the men are too far gone,...democracy in Iraq, give me a break!

Seem harsh? Or ignorant?? How about common sense-Women and children first in a sinking ship....the sinking ship of Large Groups of Monkey's Perceptions of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, or any ism that becomes a schism......

Again, Asshole, Traitor, Mike Ware, you deserve the death penalty.....

Accused-of-gay-affair Pastor Ted gay bashes in "Jesus Camp"

choggie says...

...most of the gays i have known or spent any amount of time around, all have had an aura of self-hate, hard to describe to folks determined to beat the human rights gong so loud that it drowns their sensibilities...
This christian has the disease of the machine...power, wealth...itll' fuck the best and worst of us up-to use him as an example of what fundamentalist b-thumpers are like, is as sophomoric as any other blame-game.

The disease is mentioned in a verse from the bible "my people perish for lack of knowledge."

All this banter serves mostly to stroke one's own convictions.

Brain Storm This: How do we bring 200 million people up to speed with the rest of the civilized world, so bombs don't go off in London, NY, etc, so women can uncover their faces in public, so practices of teaching self-hate, race hate, clitorectomies, etc. will cease?"

Screw the queers-are they really worth paying attention to??

O'Reilly TAKES BUSH DOWN about Torture in the No-Spin Zone!

choggie says...

The next big 2 and 2 for terrorists is gonna be the human bomb, with homicide bombers outfitted with modifications to walk like an Egyptian, and explode like a tanker truck,without the vest of ball bearings t' weigh ya' down.
Oh yeah, heard today that Office of Homegrown Secrutiny passed a decree that all citizens of the U.S. traveling to Cananda or Mexico are gonna have to have a passport to do it with....better get ya'lls up t' speed. For all you cross the pond, disregard.

One of the Biggest Cats in the World (900 lbs, 12ft tall)

swampgirl says...

hey sowatsurpointdude, where have you been? The big news has been VS new look and features. The past week or so's blog posts should bring you up to speed.

New Members have a probationary period before being accepted as "one of the body" So far that's working alright. :-)
There's a link to a queue just for them where we can vote them in or out so-to-speak.

Our latest 100th post Sifter is SnakePlisken. He took a break from political videos, but religious ones are fair game. He had a very insightful comment thread with me over one about a week ago.

There's been about ten 100 stars awarded in the last month.

A lot has happened that I can't recall tho. Read the blogs. I've been busy selling my house and buying another one. I'm moving this weekend.

I might be out-of-the loop for a few days myself :-)

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