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30 Minute Craziest Security Camera Captures

luxintenebris says...

didn't know better*...would have suspected the video poster was sharing videos he and the other insurance agents saved and sent to each other.

see a powerful argument for nat'l healthcare here. bankruptcy a real threat to any of these near-cathospophe 'fails'. one moment turning into a lifetime (or two) of hardship is nothing any sane human can Ayn Rand away.

*('tho they might enjoy seeing examples of some job security in these vids)

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

newtboy says...

1) in the 50’s, the time period MAGA wants to return to, colleges were often free with higher admission standards. Do you advocate free college for anyone qualified?

2) there’s a shock

3) that goes for abortions too, if you really want it you’ll find a way, but the “ways” left are all dangerous.

4) you said he was successful despite the fact that he left high school to support his family before…but ok, now he graduated public high school, and is the smartest man you know. Telling.
My mother graduated Rice university Suma Cum Laude then returned for a masters in English. Dad graduated in the top 1% of his class from Stanford with a chemistry major, then started a highly successful international high tech insulation company making insulation for nuclear power plants in the 70’s. (Your dad may have worked for my dad. Is his name Frank F?)

5) Neither could have succeeded as they did if they had to pay today’s rates for college, or if each had hundreds of thousands in debt to pay back. Both scored 1590 on their SAT. Neither got scholarships or loans (Rice was free, dad’s parents and part time jobs paid for Stanford). Neither “fucked around”.

6) Colleges charge more because people will pay it, because a degree is an absolute necessity to be successful in the business world (unless you inherit tens of millions). If you drop the amount people can borrow for school, they’ll just accept intellectually poorer students (like you) that CAN pay. Supply and demand….that doesn’t mean you discount your in high demand product because your preferred customer can’t afford it so long as someone can. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

1)Truly there should be a helping hand to bright students who can't get a scholarship, loans to to to higher education.

2) I was poor student , didnt care about it got low grades.

3) Dads motto -
IF you want something bad enough you will find a way.

4) Dad was a HS grad and was writing quotes for Navy Nuclear and many other million $ bids. Smartest man I know.

5) higher education should place a finical burden on you - You will work harder because you can't afford to fck around.

6) That being said college / universities are over charging and raping students more and more every year.

? do college charge more because they know that the student can get the loan? I think so.

I think If you drop the amount a student can get in loans I sure tuition will drop to that level --- Supply and demand.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

luxintenebris says...

the whole 'worthless degrees' is largely bogus. unless it's a DJT University ratskin, just the experience alone broads a person's mind (some more/some less).

a cartoon once read where a woman lamented to her girlfriend, that as a housewife, she didn't get to use her psychology degree. her husband interrupts them complaining about the cleanness of the floors. the wife tells him she just did them and the argument goes into overdrive. finally, she chides him w/"oh! big talk! as if you could do better!" oh, of course, he takes the bait, rolls up his sleeves...and the wife's friend smilingly says "you never use it?"

don't think it ever goes to total waste.

and bk33's contention that free education would be undervalued is largely bupkiss too: the desire to pay back is often a motivation; enhances the tax base; fills jobs that translate to greater national security...etc. the value is too great to be ignored. for the country or the individual.

even if it was worthless, it still can be appreciated. like the time Bob Newhart told the story of a tryst he had w/a woman he met at a party. both drunk, ending up in the back of his car - - as he put it, "it meant nothing. never saw her again. it was the cheapest, meaningless moment that i'll never forget for the rest of my life!"

btw: an idea of what a French citizen pays at the Sorbonne

newtboy said:

When my mother graduated summa cum laude from Rice University, it was one of the most respected universities in America and 100% free. Her degrees are anything but worthless. So much for that talking point.

In California, jr colleges are quite affordable, when I went it was under $250 a semester for 15+ units, all transferable to nearly any 4 year school. That’s a savings of about $80 k on freshman and sophomore years alone. The classes were small, the professors award winners, and they got to teach instead of trying to weed out 2/3 of the class like many 4 year colleges. Now in many cases 2 years of full class schedules are free in California at least. I don’t know why anyone would go to a 4 year college for freshman and sophomore year.

I didn’t care about a degree, so I stayed at jr college for 10 years taking whatever I wanted. More people should take advantage of them.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

bobknight33 says...

Truly there should be a helping hand to bright students who can't get a scholarship, loans to to to higher education.

I was poor student , didnt care about it got low grades. -- A year of washing dishes made me think find a white collar job. Dad refused to pay / help. I ended up getting student loans.

Dads motto -
IF you want something bad enough you will find a way.

Dad was a HS grad and was writing quotes for Navy Nuclear and many other million $ bids. Smartest man I know.

Paid my way through Penn State, slept on the floor, no heat 1/2 year ---- but I did it . Paid back my student loans and I am a better person for it.

higher education should place a finical burden on you - You will work harder because you can't afford to fck around.

That being said college / universities are over charging and raping students more and more every year.

? do college charge more because they know that the student can get the loan? I think so.

I think If you drop the amount a student can get in loans I sure tuition will drop to that level --- Supply and demand.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

noims says...

Unfortunately the republican party seems to excel at convincing a huge percentage of their membership to vote against their best interests. The less educated republican voters you refer to have been manipulated to benefit the 'club' that Beau talks about in the video.

This holds for education, but also for plenty of other subjects, like universal healthcare, taxation, and even foreign military policy.

draak13 said:

I think this argument is invalid from the standpoint of what groups of people he is talking about. The people who tend to value free education by supplementing with tax dollars tend to vote democrat. People who want to keep education expensive and withhold tax aid tend to be republican. Particularly in these modern times: the exit polls show that the more educated you are, the more likely you were to vote democrat. The most educated people seem to be electing those who would like to make education low cost.

Given this, the argument that 'education is kept expensive to keep competition down' is unlikely (though not impossible) to come from an educated person...because the statistics show that this tends to not be the values of an educated person. The educated 'club' tends to value exactly the opposite, and wants everyone to be educated.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

newtboy says...

When my mother graduated summa cum laude from Rice University, it was one of the most respected universities in America and 100% free. Her degrees are anything but worthless. So much for that talking point.

In California, jr colleges are quite affordable, when I went it was under $250 a semester for 15+ units, all transferable to nearly any 4 year school. That’s a savings of about $80 k on freshman and sophomore years alone. The classes were small, the professors award winners, and they got to teach instead of trying to weed out 2/3 of the class like many 4 year colleges. Now in many cases 2 years of full class schedules are free in California at least. I don’t know why anyone would go to a 4 year college for freshman and sophomore year.

I didn’t care about a degree, so I stayed at jr college for 10 years taking whatever I wanted. More people should take advantage of them.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

spawnflagger says...

I think there should be free Community College for anyone that wants to go, but I also think college isn't for everyone, and Trade schools should also be free (I've seen plenty of plumbers that charge hourly rates more than lawyers).

As far as other colleges, there should be merit scholarships for anyone who does well at Community College can transfer to those for years 3 & 4.

I had a merit-based scholarship for my undergrad, but it was conditioned on maintaining a 3.0 GPA (B average or higher). If it went under 3.0 for two semesters, scholarship gone. Also required finishing in 4 years, so I had to take 15-18 credits every semester. I also worked part-time during semester and full-time in summers to pay down the loans (that the grants & scholarship didn't cover), so graduated debt free. I also can see I'm an exception rather than the norm.

I wouldn't begrudge anyone getting higher education. I also think some people who drop out when they are 18-22 years old, could go instead when they are older and more mature and totally succeed, so don't force it immediately after high school. Part of that is pressure from being allowed on your parents health insurance if you're in school up to a certain age... universal health care coverage (public option) would fix that and should be a higher priority than universal college. I voted for Bernie.

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

newtboy says...

Exactly…if the militias were to be “well regulated”, it’s insanity to believe individuals aren’t.
Since there are no “well regulated militias”, the second amendment is meaningless, outdated, and moot. It needs rewriting with universal regulations enshrined in the body, codified in the constitution, to shut the ignorami up once and for all.
I also note, no where does it say citizens can OWN arms…only keep and bear them. My interpretation is that only well regulated militias may own arms, which they may lend to their members to keep and bear…under strict regulations. The founding fathers knew well the difference between ownership and possession and wrote it that way on purpose.

luxintenebris said:

on the 2nd Amendment, personally interpreted this way... (imagine that).

Fox Is Right?!?

luxintenebris says...

parallel universe stuff there.

low hanging fruit.

also points out how often the Right uses the "naw - uh - uh - you are" defense. the Democrats need to start trademarking phrases. "The Big Lie" would have made them millions.

Behind The Voices - Celebrities Collection

StukaFox says...

I have a complaint to register here, gentlemen, about a CERTAIN LACK of recognition for the single greatest accomplishment of mankind since the invention of language; the very reason carbon self-assembled; the reason a tiny speck of nothing exploded into a universe simply waiting for that golden moment on March 4 2016 when the fruition of all that is good and hopeful in the human -- nay, UNIVERSAL -- race was unveiled! How soon they forget! How soon do they receive their salvation than they turn their backs on it, forgetting the hypernova of joy and laughter that burst upon the world on that Day of Days! Such woe to thee, oh Babylon, for turning your back on the 1 hour and 48 minutes that banished all doubt of man's reason for existence! DAMNATION ON TO YOU WHO HAVE FORGOTTEN THE GREATNESS YOU SHOULD FALL TO YOUR KNEES AND BLIND YOURSELF LEST TO SEEK TO BEHOLD SOMETHING GREATER! ALL HELL AND TORMENT! ALL EVIL AND VILENESS FOR THOSE HORRID, HORRID SOULS WHO HAVE LEFT THIS SO-CALLED "VIDEO" INCOMPLETE! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!

Look, I just like Zootopia a lot, alright?


Astrophysicist's reacts live to multiple new JWST images

Ruby on Tuesday

robdot says...

Republicans are a cancer on the universe. Willfully ignorant violent lunatics. Who think covid is safe and vaccines are dangerous. And trump is a dead jfk. And democrats drink baby blood.

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

moonsammy says...

Greed knows no specific political affiliation, nor does charitability. We should all insist on policies that do more to help those in actual need of it, and to reduce rampant profiteering at the expense of human suffering. Squeezing your captive customers just because you can is a pretty universal "dick move." Imagine if we had solid policies in place that actually encouraged giving a hand up to those who've encountered misfortune, rather than treating them as suspicious and dangerous.

I think a big part of the problem, which I was sad to see go entirely unaddressed by the show, is that owning rental properties is such an appealing option for wealthy private investors. The long-term (and generally short-term) returns on real estate in the US have been absolutely bonkers for many years, and it's a much more stable investment than the stock market can prove to be. Professionally, I've been in a position to have an understanding of the finances of many wealthy people, and damn near everyone with net worth of more than a couple million ends up having quite substantial real estate holdings.

How about we instead find a way to award stable profits to those investing in schools, or public parks, or the arts, or... I don't know, anything else which doesn't ultimately take people out of their homes?

I Asked AI To Make A Music Video - This Is The Result

newtboy says...

Tuning out of star-light, the innocent lifetime flickers and flashes onto a canvas. But no, nobody seems worth it

And while the feeling's sophisticated, the view is so restrained. The past is nearing closer, and closer I fear.

So let's just cut the bullshit, and tell me who's independent. Thumbs twiddling' and your life's escaping your mind

Keep In mind, well the air ain't as free as it used to be but that's quite alright while you're still eighteen

It seems, to be, and i'll tell you who's over-rated. What's a beautiful person with some hideous dreams?

And while the lining isn't silver, we're verging on the side of the road, that'll take us home.

The edge of us is getting weighed, read about your life in your local papers.

Realize, the end of us is getting near, you're just a droplet of paint trickled off your canvas.

Delirious, illusions flowing backwards through the river of colour while we analyze to try to see it clearer. Secretly appealing to a lonely prisoner. Now what's your vision?

Initiate your shading, blend the universe together in time it only gets a little easier. Suddenly you piece yourself back together. Now what's your vision?

And I don't wanna have to give a damn about you or your inhibitions.

After all, you're the one who taught me love was not for every body.

However, I'm starting to see this world in the right light, yet still gets darker.

You see, it's just a simple symphony, or a painting? Whatever

This unnatural path, it spans infinitely, but my world is crumbling.

Let it collapse into the abyss, in the midst of summer it won't exist.

This emptiness, it's just a blank slate, waiting for a painter to interfere.

It's quite complex, but what do I know?

Amish response to covid

robdot says...

New research from West Virginia University sociologists suggests this face-to-face interaction, coupled with a distrust in preventative medicine, led to “excess deaths” among the Amish population in 2020.

The death rate for that year soared above the baseline average from 2015 to 2019, with the largest spike – 125% - occurring in November..

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