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Broken Twin - "Roam"

Broken Twin - "No Darkness"

Broken Twin - "Roam"

The news camera guy versus the fire bomber

SFOGuy says...

thank you!
Personal fantasy; in my next career, I want to be a fire bomber pilot (twin engine propeller would fine)---flying beat up old aircraft into giant smoke plumes...1000-2000 gallons on each pass

The DC-10 shown here is a beast of an entirely different nature. It can drop 12,000 gallons---

There is even, though I've not seen San Diego footage---a 747 conversion that can drop 20,000 gallons on each pass

kulpims said:


Emily's Abortion Video

lantern53 says...

Sure, I understand the other side of the argument, that a person should be able to do with his body whatever, which I can appreciate, however, we're talking about what rights the fetus has. At a certain point, the fetus has rights, which is why late term abortions are illegal in most places.

A friend of mine once got a girl pregnant, she went to have an abortion. He found out the girl would have had twins. He regretted the decision she made for the rest of his life.

My stepdaughter had a baby out of wedlock. She was pressured to have an abortion by her father.

Yesterday I attended her college graduation, double major, cum laude honors and the sweetest and most beautiful young lady you ever met.

My sister had a baby out of wedlock, she was pressured to get an abortion by the father's family. Now that baby is a physician's assistant, has two beautiful daughters whom my sister loves like nothing else.

So you can go and have an abortion, but what have you denied your own life...

I know a lot of you will just say 'it's her right, blah blah blah', but this world is not enriched by death, only by life.

BoneRemake said:

Yes it does, which is why logic dictates in most modern law what is and is not a functioning "human" or "embryo" or what have you.

You seem to really not want to understand... have you made any effort on your own to understand the other position in this fence post argument??

I do not want to offend but it seems so. a collection of cells gather into a certain stage.. at earlier stages it is just that. which is why I brought up the soul issue..

Angelo Badalamenti on working with David Lynch

Angelo Badalamenti on working with David Lynch

Pastor Manning Is Obsessed With Cenk & Ana's Boobs

newtboy says...

Damn it Cenk, you have to touch nipples to activate your breast twin powers, we know it, you know it. Stop being such a disingenuous homosexual sympathizer.

Food Channel Contest Time (Food Talk Post)

chingalera says...

and we Thank you darlin', from the very topper-most of the heart!

Won't you be the first to offer-up a tasty cookie-plan alien-gal??? Just like yer granny used to send ya in the mail should you be the first thru third to five and perhaps the only goer at this rate....-Love a challenge, and remember, "There's a prize in every package!"

Times-a-wastin' folks, I'd like to get this bakin' ball-a-rollin' downhill before June, got those summer evil-twin birthday packages to get out y'know....

alien_concept said:

*quality. Oh sift talk ain't what it used to be!

28 Reasons To Hug A Black Guy Today - SNL

lucky760 says...

In the immortal words of the Olsen twins on Full House...

You got it, dude!

eric3579 said:

My bad. Woke up to this thread of more annoying comments(imo) and killed the video immediately in frustration and annoyance. Not a good reason acceptable to sift me thinks. If I'm going to expect others to adhere to the rules then I must also. Sorry and @lucky760 can you please remove my kill from this video. Thanks and my apologies.

Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Teaser

chingalera says...

Come now wordsworth, that picture you've painted is worth a thousand harsh critics ....of the glaringly obvious reality of your poignant, yet eloquently simple phrasing!

(We'd throw some'o 'that cotton-candy money over to the carnival midway by the way to actually see that (if it was a twin sister's contortionist act) before we'd spend a DIME on any Transformer's flick!)

worthwords said:

i'd rather shit in my own mouth than watch this

Jim Gaffigan on Home Birth and Children

ChaosEngine says...

That same study reveals home birth death rate is 450% higher than hospital.

That is the study you want to use to defend home birth?

According to the CDC, the neonatal death rate for low risk white women* at term is 0.38/1000.

According to the Mana Study:
The overall death rate from labor through six weeks was 2.06 per 1000 when higher risk women (i.e., those with breech babies or twins, those attempting VBAC, or those with preeclampsia or gestational diabetes) are included in the sample, and 1.61 per 1000 when only low risk women are included.

I actually got that from "Citizens for Midwifery"

Their own figures show the death rate to be 4 times higher, even for low risk.

It's really quite simple as far as I'm concerned. After everything is else is said and done, you have a better chance of a healthy baby and mother in a hospital. Babies that could be saved at a hospital die because they are at home. Until you can argue the reverse, I'm still in the hospital camp.

* the majority of the participants in the Mana study where low risk wealthy white women, so it's a fair comparison.

Sniper007 said:

Here's some more information regarding the relative outcomes of planned home birth versus hospital births (in the US):

"Of particular note is a cesarean rate of 5.2%, a remarkably low rate when compared to the U.S. national average of 31% for full-term pregnancies. When we consider the well-known health consequences of a cesarean -- not to mention the exponentially higher costs -- this study brings a fresh reminder of the benefits of midwife-led care outside of our overburdened hospital system."

Full House Cast Reunite On Jimmy Fallon

Little Girl Double-Takes her Father's Twin

Little Girl Double-Takes her Father's Twin

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