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What Was That Black Goo? (Prometheus)

EvilDeathBee says...

I rather disliked this movie. So much was going on and you were never given enough time to properly digest what is happening in any one event as it's straight onto the next bit. Yet despite all that happened, it actually felt like absolutely nothing happens in the whole movie as it just went no where, goddamn sequel baiting. You can tell this was written by one of go-nowhere writers of Lost. If they are trying to set up for a trilogy or something, this is an extremely poor way to do it. All good series have some events begin and some events resolve in each episode. This one had nothing resolved.

The characters were simply fodder with no personality, not that you were ever given a chance to really get to know them as there were no dialogue scenes of any significance, the scenes they did have were all awkward and ultimately pointless. And of course that fucking ending, it seems it's trying to tac on bits to say "this is an Alien prequel" yet it doesn't sync up with Alien at all!

The Thing did a MUCH better job at being a prequel to an old movie.

It was however, fucking BEAUTIFUL visually

Scary Puppet

The (Totally) Phantom Menace - Lamest Fight Scene EVER!

Yogi jokingly says...

>> ^Xaielao:

I remember in the theater watching that fight and my jaw dropped. Such horrid choreography, all about flair and swinging a sword around like jackasses. None of the finesse, the emotional impact in every swing or the shear intensity of the original trilogy.
On that subject, RIP Bob Anderson. We'll never see good sword fighting in movies ever again now that you're gone.

You mean an octogenarian swinging tepidly at a german giant? Yeah the original trilogy was GREEEEAAAATTT.

The (Totally) Phantom Menace - Lamest Fight Scene EVER!

Xaielao says...

I remember in the theater watching that fight and my jaw dropped. Such horrid choreography, all about flair and swinging a sword around like jackasses. None of the finesse, the emotional impact in every swing or the shear intensity of the original trilogy.

On that subject, RIP Bob Anderson. We'll never see good sword fighting in movies ever again now that you're gone.

Mass Effect 3 Offical Launch Trailer

VoodooV says...

Yeah, I want to meet the guy who decided that the Mako needed to go and replace it with planet scanning....and then punch him in the throat.

I just think that if you know you're making a trilogy and your first game is a hit. You really shouldn't mess with it a whole lot. Sure, update the graphics and fix and polish things and definitely certain things should be expanded on. the XBox version of ME1 had that shitty inventory which they fixed in the PC version. And sure the shooter side of ME1 definitely needed some corrections as the Pinnacle Station DLC definitely highlighted the weaknesses of the shooter side of ME1

I just don't think you should totally re-invent the game and the core mechanics.

It makes me wonder though if they're going to pull a halo and go back and remaster ME1 and somehow make ME1 more in line with the gameplay of ME2 and 3. Hrm.

It's going to be interesting to see how the game feels if you actually play all three back to back.

PS. The heat sink clip system still infuriates me.

Mass Effect 3 Offical Launch Trailer

CrushBug says...

I think the game systems change between 1 and 2 didn't allow for a similar system, and thus the level 1 reset. ME2 and ME3 are closer, so it starts you out where you left off from ME2, pretty much.

Also, this might help you -
>> ^VoodooV:

The only thing you get to keep across the games is your decisions. Many of which I had forgotten from when I played ME1. Sure I remembered the big stuff, but then you'd get an NPC from one of the more forgettable missions and it's just....uhh...ok.
And yes I know they gave an in game explanation for it, but still, for me it just cheapens it going from a level 60 character in ME1 back to level 1 in ME2
>> ^CrushBug:
>> ^VoodooV:
The Reapers are supposed to be this super hyper-advanced threat that has wiped out entire civilizations on multiple occasions, but simply because Shep gathers a big enough fleet that will magically take them down? Bull.
What I really wanted was a game similar to the whole Pool of Radiance trilogy back in the day where your characters really did truly continue from game to game and not start over like they do in ME.

For the first part, I think once you play the game, it will make more sense.
For the second, I would like to hear more about what you mean. Characters import from game to game. You have the option to make certain changes like class and appearance, but everything else comes across. I am probably just missing something in what you are saying.

Mass Effect 3 Offical Launch Trailer

VoodooV says...

The only thing you get to keep across the games is your decisions. Many of which I had forgotten from when I played ME1. Sure I remembered the big stuff, but then you'd get an NPC from one of the more forgettable missions and it's just....uhh...ok.

And yes I know they gave an in game explanation for it, but still, for me it just cheapens it going from a level 60 character in ME1 back to level 1 in ME2

>> ^CrushBug:

>> ^VoodooV:
The Reapers are supposed to be this super hyper-advanced threat that has wiped out entire civilizations on multiple occasions, but simply because Shep gathers a big enough fleet that will magically take them down? Bull.
What I really wanted was a game similar to the whole Pool of Radiance trilogy back in the day where your characters really did truly continue from game to game and not start over like they do in ME.

For the first part, I think once you play the game, it will make more sense.
For the second, I would like to hear more about what you mean. Characters import from game to game. You have the option to make certain changes like class and appearance, but everything else comes across. I am probably just missing something in what you are saying.

Mass Effect 3 Offical Launch Trailer

CrushBug says...

>> ^VoodooV:

The Reapers are supposed to be this super hyper-advanced threat that has wiped out entire civilizations on multiple occasions, but simply because Shep gathers a big enough fleet that will magically take them down? Bull.
What I really wanted was a game similar to the whole Pool of Radiance trilogy back in the day where your characters really did truly continue from game to game and not start over like they do in ME.

For the first part, I think once you play the game, it will make more sense.

For the second, I would like to hear more about what you mean. Characters import from game to game. You have the option to make certain changes like class and appearance, but everything else comes across. I am probably just missing something in what you are saying.

Mass Effect 3 Offical Launch Trailer

VoodooV says...

now that trailer has me at least a little bit excited for ME3

I gotta say it though, they really fucked up. ME1 was a hit, it was actually something unique. Then instead of improving on it, they turned ME2 into another chest-high cover shooter and instead of delving deeper into the Reaper Mythos, they distract us with the collectors which was a waste of time and now they're going to play catch up to finish the story

The Reapers are supposed to be this super hyper-advanced threat that has wiped out entire civilizations on multiple occasions, but simply because Shep gathers a big enough fleet that will magically take them down? Bull.

It's the same sad story I've heard countless times. They did it to the Borg. They created this insanely powerful enemy, but then realized, oops, we can't make them too powerful because then how will the good guys win? So then they proceed to dumb em down. They didn't learn their lesson and did the same thing with the Dominion, but that time they literally did do a Deus Ex Machina and had the prophets intervene to knock the Dominion down to a more manageable size. The Clans from Battletech was the same thing. They create a force with unbalanced technology so they have to dumb them down and make them act like idiots to balance it out.

I'm going to play this game and I'm sure im going to enjoy it, but just really honks me off that they dumbed the game and the enemy down and meddled with something that was a hit

What I really wanted was a game similar to the whole Pool of Radiance trilogy back in the day where your characters really did truly continue from game to game and not start over like they do in ME.

Avengers Assemble

mxxcon says...

This story is way too big for it to be a single good movie.
This is gotta be at least a trilogy.
I think they will spend too much time on the "assemble" part and then rush through the rest of the story.

What If "Star Wars: Episode I" Was Good?

artician says...

Yeah, good, experienced points all around.

I always felt that the most redeeming, amazing plot-twist that could have come out of this trilogy would be that, at the end of the third film you discover than Amidala and Obi-Wan were lovers behind Anakins back, and that Obi-wan was actually the father of Luke and Leia.

Would have blown some minds.

After the first two films I was really wishing there would be something like that to make up for all the trite shit.

What If "Star Wars: Episode I" Was Good?

The Amazing Spider-Man - Trailer

Payback says...

>> ^Reefie:

Really? Oh dear... The first two Spiderman films were pretty damned decent, it was only the third one with that black goo stuff that spoiled the trilogy. Toby Maguire was perfectly cast for the role, he was almost exactly what I anticipated from the comics.
Next up: Lord of the Rings - Back to Middle Earth.

That "black goo stuff" gave us Carnage. Don't diss on the BGS just because you only got to meet Venom.

Just sayin'.

The Amazing Spider-Man - Trailer

Stu says...

Tobey McSuck was awful for this. If you look in the comics, he has no resemblance to spiderman at all.>> ^Reefie:

Really? Oh dear... The first two Spiderman films were pretty damned decent, it was only the third one with that black goo stuff that spoiled the trilogy. Toby Maguire was perfectly cast for the role, he was almost exactly what I anticipated from the comics.
Next up: Lord of the Rings - Back to Middle Earth.

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