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Hula Cam at Burning Man 2012

Harry Harrison (March 12th, 1925 - August 15th 2012) (Scifi Talk Post)

Zero Punctuation: Half-Life

NASA Lands Car-Size Rover Beside Martian Mountain

deathcow says...

I know the rover has the equipment to perform intercision, but they are still not sure if they can find any little Martian kids. >> ^hpqp:

I've just read the most excellent His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman, so every time they say "Dust" it takes on a whole different meaning in my mind.

NASA Lands Car-Size Rover Beside Martian Mountain

LOTR Forced Perspective Moving Camera

darkrowan (Member Profile)

deathcow (Member Profile)

Lord of the Rings: Groaning Voiceover

The Movies Of Christopher Nolan

Yogi says...

>> ^Payback:

My top five:
Ridley Scott - Alien, Blade Runner
Kubrick - 2001, Clockwork Orange, Dr Strangelove
Christopher Nolan - View video above
The Whedon - Firefly, Buffy (TV), the Avengers
Nicholas Meyer (Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country)
-Interesting tidbits
-I knew Nimoy Directed The Voyage Home, but didn't know he directed 3 Men and a Baby. - hmmph.
-I don't include Lucas, as he was a (3 movie) one hit wonder. Seriously, what else has he done thats's memorable?
-JJ Abrahms has WRITTEN and PRODUCED a ton of stuff I love, but he hasn't really directed anything.
-The Buffy episode "Hush" is the best, most original, scary, stand-alone story I have ever watched on television.

Whedon is amazing that goes without saying. You're right to not include Lucas, all you have to do is watch Indian Jones trilogy to see how he shouldn't direct and Spielberg should!

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer - The Prestige Style

Spider-Man: The Original Trilogy Summed Up in 6 Minutes

Spider-Man: The Original Trilogy Summed Up in 6 Minutes

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^ant:

Meh for that third movie!

First movie: nicely done origin piece, but suffered from "originitis" i.e. after you've established the characters, you need to give them a challenge and that just felt tacked on here.
Second movie: well executed blockbuster fare. enjoyable for what it was (Alfred Molina was excellent)
Third movie: too many villains, confused plot and ultimately, boring.

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer - The Prestige Style

ant (Member Profile)

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