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Japan Does Computer Commercials Better

The basics of BASIC, the programming language of the 1980s.

ant says...

Nice. My family donated it to a neighbor since we got Apple //c. for my history!

poolcleaner said:

Yes, i believe so. My family had a number of writable cartridge computers. There was always dozens of computers lying around spanning generations. After a point though, they ended up in the garage and now its the modern age. But back in the day, we had such a range of old computers lying around. it was like an episode of hoarders but all technology. lol

The Gift

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'adopt, not a toy, gift, adoption' to 'Dog, Girl, Sad, Car, Adopt, Gift, Hungary, Doll, Abandoned' - edited by Mordhaus

How to save 51B lives for 68 cents with simple Engineering

Lake Oroville dam spillway damage

ForgedReality says...

Yeah it's really easy. I'm impressed that you can fly those tiny office toys. They're way too fidgety for me because they're so small.

This one is ultra stable and easy to control. It has numerous flight modes that you can use to even partially or completely automate flight. I've only had it a couple of weeks and haven't had a ton of flight time yet, but I'm thoroughly impressed with it.

Payback said:

I've been thinking of getting a quadcopter w/camera. I understand it's fairly reasonable for what you get.

Is it easy to use for a noob? I'm pretty decent with those $50 USB-chargeable ones from a flying standpoint.


mr plinkett responds to comments on his rogue one review

JustSaying says...

I enjoyed past reviews from Red Letter Media a lot. They were insightful and detailed. They made me watch some movies in a new light and gave me a better understanding of them. However....

Go fuck yourselves, you whiny bitches!

You know what these people deserve? Everytime they turn on any screen of any kind to watch something even slightly related to sci-fi, it only plays Episode 1. They can't pause it, they can't stop it. And the Pod race as well as the 3-way lightsaber fight are edited out in their entirety. Just to make sure the relentless shittiness contains no form of relief.
We're finally getting decent Star Wars movies and all we get it 'But it ain't the original trilogy!!111!!'.
You people need more dialogue about the uncomfortableness of sand between your ass-cheeks. Or battle scenes characters only survive by entering slapstick-routines.
Sure, TFA and R1 certainly aren't perfect, maybe not even good, but they are surely much better than the awful shit Lucas shat down our throats the last 3 decades on the big screen.
The characters aren't likable enough? Have you met fucking teenage Anakin? I wanna slap the midichlorians out of that whiny bitch-face everytime he's on screen. He's so unlikable, the first time I didn't want to choke him until the Force left his body was when he murdered a classroom full of schoolchildren. That's what it took to make me go from 'I'm supposed to sympathise with this whiny-faced asshole?!' to 'Ok, he's the villian now. I'm supposed to feel this way about him'
There's not enough context? Go fuck yourself. Should we go and add extra flashbacks to Batman vs Superman on how Bruce Wayne's parents got shot? Just in case you don't get why he's Batman yet?
If you don't know what the Force is or who's Darth Vader, get the fuck out of my movie theater, mom! You're clearly here because somebody else dragged into this 'space war movie'.
I get it, the new movies aren't the perfect jewels of film-making your 5-year old self remembers the original trilogy to be ('Let's scrap the Wookies and invent the more Teddybear-like Ewoks, for the toy-sales!') but this is your response?
You're an teenage Anakin. A whiny, insufferable, bitch-faced asshole.
I welcome a healthy, critical discussion about movies any time. What I won't accept is this ridiculous display of ungratefulness after we suffered the prequel trilogy.
Star Wars is finally getting decent again. And you people shit all over it like the last 3 movies were even worth watching.
I'd rather watch Twilight than endure the creepy, awkward romance sub-plot of Episode 2 again. At least Twilight made laugh. And don't get me started on those tax disputes that started all that crap in the first place.
If you can't appreciate a Salami Pizza because there's no Pepperoni on it, you aren't worth any Pizza at all.

Tesla Predicts a 2 Car Crash Ahead of Driver

bareboards2 says...

Public Transportation. GOOD public transportation is what I always think of when I read all this amazement at self driving cars.

We need to reduce materials going into personal transportation and reduce fossil fuel use.

This is cool. And we need more public transportation, and not toys for rich folks.

Naughty Candy Heart Butt Plug -

Kids' Honest Opinions on Being a Boy or Girl

xxovercastxx says...

Have you met kids? It's pretty common for kids, even "normal" kids, to play with toys of the opposite gender. Boys play with dolls; girls play with toy soldiers. Boys put on sparkly dresses; girls put on football helmets.

When you've got a 4 year old boy asking how to kill himself, but putting on a dress makes him feel better, maybe he's on to something.

While I agree it's absurdly complicated, I suspect that gets worse as you get older and more firmly affixed in your pigeonhole. Plus, if Avery decides to undergo physical alteration, whether it be hormone treatment or full surgical reassignment, it goes a lot better if you start that process at or before puberty starts making its own changes.

Chairman_woo said:

So after a brief google-foo: The mother of the child is an active trans campaigner (what a co-incidence!). And the child in question began transition at.....wait for it.....FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD!


How To Make Chrismas Tree Play-Doh DIY - Jingle Bells Christ

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

ReverendTed says...

It's my understanding that it wasn't just a fad, but they were outlawed in the US. Choking hazard, don'tcha know.
Wonderballs do exist in the US, but the surprise inside isn't a toy; instead it's more candy or chocolate.

poolcleaner said:

We don't have Kinder Eggs in the US, but we did have Wonder Balls in the 1990s. It was only a fad however and we have yet to have anything like Kinder Egg or Wonder Ball since.

Best Rated Vibrator

Boy Catches Fish With A Toy Fishing Pole

Little Boy Catches Fish with Toy Rod

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