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Don't Mess With A Hemlock

Live and Let Die Stuntman Jumping Crocodile Attempts

Steel Mill Workers Sling Ribbons Of Hot Steel

CALIFORNIA THANKS TRUMP! Patriots at Walk Of Life, San Fran

newtboy says...

No surprise these morons think a few thousand anti choice extremists are a bigger crowd than the millions in the pro women's march, just as there's no surprise Bobski would label this minuscule march against women's rights "California thanking trump". Women at this rally held signs saying "My husband is going to force me to vote for Trump again in 2020"
Keep dreaming buddy.
Trump will be lucky to get 15% in California. He is universally despised here, and his constant attacks, smears, frivolous lawsuits, threats, and lies about California haven't gained him any votes. Better toughen up buttercups.
Sad that there are some people this delusional who aren't institutionalized.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

newtboy jokingly says...

You're asking people, including some who don't have a lot, to give up something. And not actually promising them anything in return, except a generally "habitable world". Tough sell.


vil said:

Youre asking people who dont have a lot to give up something. And not actually promising them anything in return, except a generally "better world". Tough sell.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

vil says...

Greta is more of a hammer to a screw for me. I get the message but have to cringe intensely.

Youre asking people who dont have a lot to give up something. And not actually promising them anything in return, except a generally "better world". Tough sell.

BSR said:

When it comes to tools, you can't drive a nail with a screwdriver. Right tool for the right job. And if you're marketing a better world I don't see a problem.

Diatoms: Tiny Factories You Can See From Space

newtboy says...

Trump, and all other people.
Even then, it's going to be a tough time for life if trends don't reverse quickly. Far more than an inconvenience. I heard (unconfirmed) data that suggests Iceland will lose all of it's ice even if all greenhouse gas emissions stopped today. Enough feedback loops are kicking in sooner than expected that we may be in a runaway situation already no matter what we do.
This business will get out of control, it will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it.

BSR said:

So, in a nutshell, what you're saying is, Trump needs to go?

Cop Lying To Obstruct Newsman From Filming

BSR says...

If they are legally allowed to do it, I think they should. The job is tough enough but it's also tougher on the public when police make wrong decisions either inadvertently or deliberately. In both cases it helps to record the event when possible. News crews do have limits on how close they can get to scene before overstepping their bounds.

Jesusismypilot said:

Like the police don't have enough of a tough job, now they have douche-reporter chasing them around and getting in the way.

Cop Lying To Obstruct Newsman From Filming

President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

BSR says...

BAM! You nailed it Dude!

Trump has always believed that money BOUGHT him love. His father raised him that way. He loved his father so he followed his father's teachings.

Trump would lie, cheat and steal for money as long as it BROUGHT him love.

Now, many years later, Trump has gotten angrier and angrier. He wants something else but he doesn't know what it is. Over the course of his life, little by little, he has attracted many people that kissed his feet and his ass.

This pacified him for a while making him feel special, great, "loved."

But something was missing. Could it be people really loved his money and not him? If that's true then he has fallen into his own trap. He can't trust anyone other than himself. They will always walk past him to get his money.

Now he finds himself having to sell himself as a great, great man. The best! The one and only. Top shelf saviour!

Best used car salesman EVER!

But what about his followers? They love him. Not for his money but for his anger. His anger against those pussy dems and anyone else that doesn't know how to change brakes on a car or plow a field or throw sod or repair a roof or work real hard.

Trump might not make them richer but he can punish them there weak snowflakes. Make this country tough again! Make the world submit again! Make 'em all fear us again.

Make us destroy each other again until he gets the love and happiness everyone else talks and sings about. How can those peasants be so happy without money?

"V'ger is a child" -Spock

bobknight33 said:

Name a humanitarian project Trump has been involved in ... Female anatomy inspector.

StukaFox (Member Profile)

C-note says...

Truthfully speaking I've been going thru a tough situation these past few months. All the problems of the world lost any significance to me due to what I have to resolve within my own backyard. I use to keep up with global news, politics and current affairs. Now I'm completely wrapped up in settling the affairs of my own house. So the latest videos I've been posting are just me aimlessly filling time getting my mind off heavier issues I'm dealing with.

StukaFox said:

C-Note, thanks for posting this. It's the perfect antidote to all the "world is horrible, people are awful, and we're all gonna die!" videos.

Cop Tries To Ride Dirty On Confiscated Bike And Crashes

Drachen_Jager says...

I know many Americans have a tendency to put cops on a pedestal, politicians and media outlets talk about how "dangerous" policing is and how they have to do a tough job under constant threat of violence while completely ignoring that part of the threat of violence comes because of police misbehaviour. It's also not a very dangerous job. Statistically, being a gardener is more dangerous than being a cop. You don't see gardeners stabbing random black shrubs with shovels and quoting the dangers of their profession to justify it do you?

Most of the problem of out-of-control policing is because they're held up as holy warriors, haloed in glittering samite, when they're just people, and many of them are BAD people.

The whole hero cop myth just needs to die, but it won't because Americans, by and large, are cowards. Afraid of the shadows, afraid of black men, afraid of foreigners, muslims, anything or anybody "different". You think you NEED cops to be tough, rugged heroes to save you from the things that go bump in the night. You NEED cops to be brutal and without remorse, killing at the slightest provocation because they're "just doing their jobs". Otherwise every street corner would have a mugger ready to rob you blind.

Truth is, the vast majority of Americans have been the victim of a crime. They probably didn't even know it, and you can be sure the cops never investigated. Wage theft in America amounts to far more than all other criminal activity combined. It's intentional and ongoing. Until the Walton family is in chains the cops will never truly be in your corner. They are a tool of people like the Waltons. Their job is not to protect you, it's to protect the status quo. If protecting you helps maintain that status quo, then that's what they'll do. If not.... well, ask Willie McCoy about that.

deedub81 said:

Tell us how you really feel.

A Message From Alex Trebek | JEOPARDY!

Swim training in Russia

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

BSR says...

When I was a kid, I was like you are now.

I was showing off, thinking I was impressing the kids around me. After a short while a girl came up to me. Her name was Sandy. She looked me right in the eye and said to me, "You think you're strong?"

She then spit on the ground and said, "Pick that up."

That's when I learned about tough women. If you don't see the strength in that, grow up.

bobknight33 said:

When the average woman can change a tire or brakes on the car, then maybe then Ill teach my son to be less of a man.

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