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Liquid Sand Hot Tub

newtboy says...

Probably, on top of eyes and ears packed with sand.
I thought it looked like a great new spa treatment, full body exfoliation bath, once they solve the flying sand issue.

My_design said:

Wouldn't inhalation of silica be really bad for those kids?

Liquid Sand Hot Tub

STARSHIP TROOPERS PT.1 Creating Warrior ADI BTS 20th Anniv.

cosmovitelli says...

Take heart, there is a lot of welding and sanding between these fun bits..

Payback said:

I always feel like my life is completely boring every time I see a video like this and realize that these people are making money doing this.

Say nay to Nonsensical Rifle Addiction (NRA)

bobknight33 says...

Still ZERO Russians / TRUMP linkage of trump colluding to win the election. Keep dreaming --

There is Russian meddling but to mess with Clinton and to stoke the fires of discontent of black lives.

Russia/ Anti Clinton / BLM division YEP.

Southern strategy was Nixon attempt to gain black vote in the south. Wow Newt 1 instance of poor republican crap .... Yoo hoo -you got me there Newt 1 Bob 453. you still loose.

Democrats are littered with history destroying the black race. And you continue to push that agenda by keeping you head in the sand.

I hold the different opinion on this site but it is the correct opinion.

Troll-- I think not..Foolish ones like who believe their progressive elitist ideals are above reproach are the trolls.

newtboy said:

Bob, you and the Russians played your hand. It's clearly obvious that you are simply a troll. Imagine, a real right wing nutjob like you pretend to be, spending all his free time trolling what he calls a liberal snowflake website talking with liberals. Imagine, a person with enough knowledge to bring up historical politics, but ignorant enough to ignore and deny the Southern strategy and any other thing that might contradict your ridiculous, ignorant stances.
Imagine, an American right wing nutjob that accidentally blames Americanski for voting for people who block gun legislations....apparently forgetting which side he's supposed to be on in this culture war he's fostering.

I know you see it, it's your job, Dimitri.

Why We Constantly Avoid Talking About Gun Control

newtboy says...

America. I really don't know that they've made any meaningful changes to rentals, but I recall they made some. I don't rent semi trucks to know what. I do know they now surround crowds with dump trucks full of sand to block trucks. Those bollards, they're regulators too of a sort, regulating vehicular access to certain areas at certain times.

If systems were designed that way, sure public transport could do it all, but ours aren't....and to make that work outside of metropolitan areas gets prohibitively expensive.

Including all the negatives (economic detriment, need for protection from others that have them, injuries and deaths, property damage, lead pollution, mitigation programs, etc), I doubt guns are a net gain....all depends on what you value though. They are mostly considered essential to protect from other guns, without other guns it's really hard to make the case that they're essential if you don't hunt to eat.

Civilization could work fine without autos, but it would require a revamp of all transportation systems. Revamping police to deal with an unarmed populace seems far easier to me.

Sticks? You've heard of swords, right? ;-)

harlequinn said:

I don't know where you live, but you can hire or steal a truck pretty easily here in Australia (one of the most heavily regulated countries in the world). And our regulations haven't stopped recent idiots mowing down people with cars on purpose (Melbourne!!!). They're thinking of putting bollards in place in strategic locations - because you can't regulate away what we don't want happening.

Yes, some things kill at lower rates than the examples but I had to end somewhere.

Vehicle ownership is not essential. You can have public transport service everyone just fine (e.g. Singapore). Of course, some people argue that what is good for Singapore may not be suitable for themselves (i.e. it is essential in my scenario because I say it is). And you can extend that same argument to firearms (that they are essential in someone else's scenario). Firearms have a measured economic benefit, protection benefit, health benefit (active outdoor sports), military benefit, etc.

Modern civilisation works fine (I'd argue it works better) without private vehicles. Try having a civilisation without firearms - you'll have to have awfully large mobs of bobbies armed with nothing but sticks. Good luck with that

Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

bcglorf says...

@newtboy and @scheherazade,

I think I may have come up with a shorter line of evidence for a well armed population being protection against tyranny.

Granted, a poorly armed population with strong arms control laws doesn't necessarily devolve into tyranny. We can all demonstrate this with counter examples like up here in Canada. However, can anyone name an oppressive dictatorship that had 2nd amendment level freedoms for every man and woman in their state? I can't think of a single example myself.

As I said before, that doesn't lead me to immediately declare zero restrictions on guns are thus worth any cost to forestall future tyranny. However, I have to acknowledge that the NRA style argument for protection against tyranny isn't entirely without merit.

That leads to my objections with declaring that it is objectively obvious that gun freedoms must morally be pulled back, while at the same time objectively obvious that idealogical/religious practice freedoms must not. We have ample examples of extremists gathering together to plot violence, mayhem and death on a grand scale and putting some extra lines in the sand of when that becomes unacceptable is no more obviously immoral than restricting gun ownership.

Why a storm surge can be the deadliest part of a hurricane

notarobot says...

Storm surges will be more damaging in coastal areas where sand dunes are disturbed or removed.


The math problem that stumped thousands of mansplainers

ChaosEngine says...

The reason this confounds people is that they look at it from the wrong end.

Let's say I told you that on this beach, 1 particular grain of sand is actually worth a trillion dollars (and I know which one it is).

I get you to pick a grain of sand. Your odds are trillions to one, right?

Now, after you pick, let's say I remove one more grain and ask you to pick again. Should you switch? eh... your odds are still trillions to one.

But now let's say I removed all other grains of sand EXCEPT one. Which is more likely? That you picked the trillion to one grain, or that I've shown you the correct answer?

Counter Protest Attacked In Charlottesville, Va

bcglorf says...

I would like to think "punch a nazi" isn't especially extreme though, certainly not extremely leftist. You can certainly pickup a large number of right leaning people who are on board for punching nazis.

It's other things from the left that I fear are needlessly driving away right leaning folks.

Calls for halting parts of the economy to save the world from catastrophic climate change, be that banning coal or oil or to a lesser extent carbon taxes. Instead taking the positive approach of promoting non-fossil fuels on the power grid and electric vehicles accomplishes more and doesn't directly attack the industry and livelihood of a large part of middle America.

Anything that amounts to calling it immoral to define a man as a human with a penis and a woman as a human with a vagina. How many voters do you really need to alienate over semantics?

Anything that amounts to demanding everybody accept and encourage your life choices, sexual or otherwise. The notion of judging one another based on our decisions and behaviours is a big deal to right leaning people, telling them that certain behaviours or choices are not only unquestionable but must be approved of is again pointless and needlessly drives away voters. There is common ground in love and let live, pushing beyond that to get back at the old guard is driving away potential allies at a time that can't be afforded.

Labelling any criticism of Islam as Islamaphobia. For that matter, use of pretty much all the morality-a-phobias should be done away with. Go back to demanding people live and let live without the requirement everyone embrace or endorse other people's decisions without being shouted down as immoral.


Refusing to allow rational discussion of statistically factual trends or differences between populations because it's racist or sexist. Those differences are a part of our reality and just demanding everyone put their heads in the sand drives many people unwilling to do so away. It also is damaging because many problems in society that we need to fix are informed by that data.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Well put. Spreading the "punch a Nazi" message is counterproductive. You don't need to encourage more people to hate Nazis. You need to stop making others feel physically threatened. All that will accomplish is provoke sympathy for those being attacked, and grow their numbers.

Fear of heights will not deter this dad

Payback says...

My friends growing up were the type to grab onto you and scream while you're at the edge. I'm always certain it will happen again whenever I get into these situations. Probably has more to do with the time they screwed up and I went down a 100ft sand embankment.

Spoiler: I survived.

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