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The Worst Beaver Experience Of My Life

The Worst Beaver Experience Of My Life

The Worst Beaver Experience Of My Life

Angry Beaver

Mobius says...

It is a developer,a builder that holds family dear. A genius with a big flat tail. The majestic Beaver is the perfect being to use as a Canadian Symbol. Not only is it a hardy survivor of the winter elements but also ferocious and offensive when times call for it.

The Beaver in all its hairy wonder, is nothing to be ashamed of.

bcglorf said:

As a Canadian I was always a little ashamed that we chose a beaver as one of our national symbols, while America chose an eagle. If beaver's frequently attack and chase off Russians all day, I may have to reconsider.

The Worst Beaver Experience Of My Life

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

The Worst Beaver Experience Of My Life

Angry Beaver

Beaver attacks man!

Angry Beaver

Beaver attacks man!

Beaver attacks man!

Angry Beaver

Angry Beaver

Angry Beaver

bcglorf says...

As a Canadian I was always a little ashamed that we chose a beaver as one of our national symbols, while America chose an eagle. If beaver's frequently attack and chase off Russians all day, I may have to reconsider.

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