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Angry Beaver

WTF Japanese Bikini Waxing Commercial - (Wait for it)

WTF Japanese Bikini Waxing Commercial - (Wait for it)

chingalera says...

"Hey ladies, remember how good it felt down there when you were eleven?"

Thanks to internet porn, even your fucking grandmother trims the beaver hutch nowadays....Quite frankly, we miss the thigh furbies......can't stand stubble and ingrown hars down thars, OH, and tell me this ladies..

Does rendering your snatch hairless make that particular area of your anatomy more desirable or aid in her proper function? NO. Hairless beavers are tantamount to corsets and high heels-It's a discomfort endured, touted by horny douchebag males as a hip, new style. Not so thinly-veiled pedo-bear new rules....

Notwithstanding my personal tastes, some nappy dugouts are quite hard to regard with relish.....Maybe YOU should consider the laser, hon....

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

rychan says...

Yeah, but still, he's literally laying on top of their home.

I've been to a very popular park lake which had a beaver family and they were somewhat used to the teeming tourists (and their dogs), but not at all to this degree.

Fletch said:

Lots of houses in the background, so they may be used to gawking humans, although this guy gets pretty close. Cool video. I like how he changed from triple rainbow guy into Marlin Perkins at about the two and a half minute mark.

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

"What knockers" - once a compliment, now a restraining order

"What knockers" - once a compliment, now a restraining order

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