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Nasty Food Factoids

chingalera says...

Can't imagine not using everything possible from a beaver-So many pelts were used for winter gear with that rodent that some trapper probably figured that one out all alone, near a frozen river.....Nom, nom, nom.

brycewi19 said:

Whomever discovered that beaver anal gland juice could be extracted for consumption is a true champion of industry (and imagination)!

Nasty Food Factoids

"Trouble is a Friend" by Lenka

Ultra HD 4K Porn - Kiera Winters Teaser

chingalera says...

Less time under the vag-laser and more sunlight and meat on your thighs sister, and yeah, fuck HD-tech discussions, someone sneaked a screaming shorn-porn beaver onto the Videosift, and one attached to a woman in desperate need for less attention and more cheeseburgers.

Sax guy provides riot police with suitable background music

Top 10 Most Paused Movie Moments

All Time 10s - Embarrassing Place Names

Bella the Dog Mourns the Death of Beavis the Beaver

Nice Beaver

Angry Beaver

Angry Beaver

Angry Beaver

Angry Beaver

Angry Beaver

Angry Beaver

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