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What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

No...the gift of being violated is not precious. The gift of mistrust might have kept me out of trouble to some extent, but I could and would have learned that lesson without a gun to my head and knee in my neck, and without the threats to my freedom if I told on him.

I don't KNOW....I said I would bet. Please read more carefully before making assumptions and accusations. It's far more likely he's not remorseful, I said why I think that.

They wouldn't take a report or complaint, and I don't remember his name. That makes checking in on the thug a bit difficult. Your suggestion is like asking someone to look up their uncaught mugger to see if they feel bad decades later. I would love to face him as an adult, but he's not my white whale like you want him to be....he's just one more dangerous whale in a sea full of them, he just happens to be the one that bit me, they all bite. Nothing special about him.

I have zero need to give him forgiveness nor to take away the mistrust. I don't care a whit about him. Hate implies he's important to me, he's just not except as an example, an instance where I learned some harsh reality, that police are not there to serve and protect citizens as I had been taught.

Please don't presume to tell me what I need or how I feel. I find it insulting. You obviously don't know me a bit or you would never take that path. Assuming I'll react, think, or feel like an average, normal person is about as big an insult as I can think of.

I'm no cop. I'm not assaulting those I'm charged with protecting and serving. I'm not abusing anything by having an opinion.
Just stop, please, you're becoming dismissively insulting with your naive assumptions. Love isn't all you need...obviously....or you would be in line for your lobotomy right now and happily spend your life loving whatever you see without thinking. Remember, the group that told you that lie was broken up by love.

BSR said:

Do you not understand that he gave you a very precious gift. He gave you his problem whether you know it or not.

How do you know he's not remorseful now? It's been 30+ plus years.

You're a fact guy. Check the facts if that's what you need. But that means you'd have to face your fears. Find him. That's the only way you will know for sure if he remorseful. Do you have the guts to face him again? I doubt he would send you a greeting card.

But you still have another problem. If he's dead already you will still need to forgive him. You will still have his anger. His death will not take away the hate.

You need to do this for yourself otherwise you will pass the anger onto someone else to find the answer you're not capable of. You may even pass it on to the people you love the most.

In short, you're just another bad cop. You have become the very thing you hate. You are abusing the power you have.

Bodycam shows the fatal shooting of Danquirs Franklin

Mordhaus says...

Massive breach of procedure. We were taught in concealed carry school that the only person that should touch our concealed weapon in a police situation is the police. You keep your hands visible and NEVER touch the gun, even if the cops tell you to.

The ones that fired should be kicked off the force and banned from law enforcement. They should also get charged for his death and go to jail. This is just as bad as the cop that shot the drunk guy because they had him knee walking towards them and his pants were falling down. Guy reached to pull up his pants and got AR-15'ed to death.

New Math vs Old Math

RFlagg says...

I get wanting kids to understand what is going behind the scenes of the math problems. It's a good goal, but I do think they spend too much time on this portion. Show how to do it the shortcut way that most people know, show how it works, using the above, then back to the shortcut. Unless the person is entering a math field, they likely don't need the number theory.

It's not dumbing down, it's making it too complex for what most people need. Especially for those taught the old methods... of course "new math" is more like really old math, before we found shortcuts that we use now. The people who'll need number theory, will need to know how numbers actually work behind the scenes of what you are doing, will likely have a more intuitive understanding of the processes.

What needs to be done more is order of operations, so 6 / 2(1 + 2), isn't calculated as 1, and properly as 9... if I see somebody argue 6 / 6 is 1 ever again... There's another famous one that really messes up many calculators, because they do as entered, and don't wait for the equal sign to be entered. With a proper understanding of order of operations, they can use a calculator and get a correct answer. And that is more or less what "new math" is trying to teach in a very odd way...

Minute Physics covered Order of Operations well.

New Math vs Old Math

newtboy says...

They tried this crap in my geometry/pre trig class....they called it "proofs"....forcing us to do mental gymnastics to spread out a problem from maybe three quick steps into 20. Asinine.
My last high school math class was advanced placement B/C calculus....I never found this a bit useful, because I was taught real math. By second grade we were expected to know up to 12 X 12 multiplication tables without hesitation, if they taught us by this method, we would have been years behind.

Since next to no one today is doing even moderately difficult math without a calculator/cellphone, I can't fathom why they bother at all anymore with more than basic math skills for non math or science majors...that said, my cousin still can't add 3 digit numbers or multiply or divide at all thanks to Waldorf schools, and that's really sad.

@Payback, I was accused of cheating in trig because I refused to show my work or do homework. I was separated from the class for a big test, and my score remained an A while the class average dropped by around one full grade. I never had to do homework or show my work in that class again, but did have to separate myself for tests so the class wouldn't cheat off of me. That was in boarding school.

Mordhaus said:

It's part of common core. Supposedly it makes it easier to understand the theory behind math so later in higher level classes (algebra, trig, etc) they can easily break the harder equations down.

Beats me, I learned the old way and it worked for me through algebra 1/2, and geometry.

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

skinnydaddy1 says...

as an ex apple iphone support employee your not taught technical issues as much as how to be empathetic which as a very technical person drove me nuts because to be empathetic does not fix the issue your there to sell not support... i did not last long at the job... as such i do not own a single apple product or will ever recommend them..

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

newtboy says...

Sadly, it's because these "good cops" all but never police their criminal brothers in blue, and the excessively few who have stood up are almost always threatened until they are run out of law enforcement.

Right now police departments are fighting tooth and nail against a new California law requiring them to disclose records of criminal misconduct committed by police and the investigations of that misconduct, and they are terrified that information is about to be public....only one reason for that.

When they catch a gang member who didn't pull any trigger but stood with those who did, alibiing them and hiding evidence for them, driving the getaway car and being a lookout, they gleefully call him a bad actor and charge him like the rest. Turnabout is fair play.

Don't get me wrong, I do not advocate murdering police, but I understand why many people would. They do not resemble the people who protect and serve all too often, and far worse imo the "good ones" ride or die with the worst ones. I only advocate avoiding them as much as possible, and if stopped, answering any question with "Am I suspected of committing a crime? Then kindly ask my attorney, I have nothing to say." as my brother's lawyer taught me, and trying to not be can always sue over the civil liberty violations later.

I also believe 1000 good deeds don't erase one criminal one as they often argue....especially when it's your job.

That's why....but hey man, it's just, like, my opinion, man.

BSR said:

You realize you're condemning the good cops for lack of a better answer, right? Why would you steer me or someone else that way?

president trump announces a new and better national anthem

BSR says...

I would like address a few things...

1. This is a game. Do you know the name of the game? We call it "Riding The Gravy Train". Once you realize you've been played, the rules will become clear. Until then you are like a child with a loaded gun.

2. I assume nothing. I know a cry for help when I hear it. And I invite you to continue to prove me wrong. I understand.

3. I did have the equation wrong once or twice. But that was years ago. Now I know the rules of the game. I was taught by best.

Love. There is no greater force. Don't be afraid to use it.

Does any of this sound reasonable enough to bring us to an understanding?

And now, a page ripped from the bible of Paul McCartney and John Lennon

enoch said:

this assumes a few things.
1.this is a game.
it is not.
2.that the person being engaged is a rational,reasonable human being.
they are not.
they are ideologues.
and ideologues only come from ONE,singlular perspective:
their own righteous certitude.

and any engagement with this ideologue only serves as a vehicle for them to prove how wrong you are,not to actually engage and come to a reasonable and mutual understanding.

you have the equation all wrong my friend.

the force is strong in me.

Let's Talk About Teaching the Bible In School

newtboy says...

Lol. I actually found both incredibly interesting.
Comparative religions taught me tons about other cultures and why they might act differently on top of some great mythology. Algebra taught me that math COULD be used in the real world to solve real problems, not just to waste 6th grader's time.

BSR said:

I would fall asleep in that class like I did in algebra class.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

BSR says...

I don't know for sure, but I hear they do teach respect and manliness in prisons.

I also think respect is taught in the home. Something as simple as respecting those who can kick your ass because those people are always right. And if you buck that logic you get sent off to military school to be regimented.

wtfcaniuse said:

I don't understand the mentality that respect equals weakness.

So many questions, why didn't they teach me this in school!?

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

I was raised to respect other people, regardless of race, gender, creed or religion. I was taught that it was right to not give differential treatment to others because of race and gender, and to reserve differential treatment for other people facing differential circumstance, ability or behaviour. I believe in these as important fundamental values, and I consider those values worth defending.

When I see somebody painting an entire race or gender as the 'same' and as a problem, I get defensive of them. Here's how the commercial portrays men:
"It's been going on far too long... Making the same old excuses"
Entire line of men ALL chanting boys will be boys
"But something finally changed...And there will be no going back"

That isn't just a statement against bad behavior of men, it's a statement that ALL men have been participating in or excusing the bad behavior. At best, the message is urging men as needing to take an especial roll in rooting out violent and sexual harassment. That's identical to the logic of urging menmuslims as needing to take an especial roll in rooting out terrorismviolent and sexual harassment. Albeit, arguably worse in that your religion is at least a choice(trigger non-binary proponents).

BSR said:

If someone gets defensive, then a change HAS taken place.

What do you have that's worth defending?

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

Mordhaus says...

It is about blaming things on something someone made up called 'toxic masculinity'. Please explain to me why we have so many 'issues' with it here in the USA when there are countries like Spain and others where it is considered OK to be masculine?

I feel we can narrow it down to one simple factor, a collegiate system in which we are now taught that everything white is bad, everything male is bad, and everything conservative is bad. There is no backlash on this because if you complain, YOU ARE THE TOXIC PERSON!

Let me give you an example and bear in mind that I think Trump may be the worst president we have had. Jim Carrey, who is notably liberal and PC (lately anyway) created a painting comparing people who voted for Trump to apes. A de-evolution artwork. Hardly a peep from anyone, but if you compared other groups to apes you would be branded a racist and more. It's perfectly fine to take potshots at anything liberal people consider to be bad, but god help you if you do it to something they care about.

tl;dr I think it is a stupid fucking commercial that they put out to increase sales with Proctor & Gambles female slanted brands. They might lose a few razor related sales, but there are a shitload of white knights out there that will fall in line to argue that men are just assholes and should be beaten down to accept their new role. Since I use an old fashioned safety razor from Merkur, I can't boycott them, but I would if I could.

BSR said:

It's not about Trump.

This is about changing the course of men who have been following an outdated map.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

mentality says...

"There is plenty of scum to go around on both sides."

Ahh the classic false equivalency that Trump supporters often resort to.

First of all, every child should be taught at a young age that just because other children may act like little shits, that doesn't mean they can. The amount of functional adult Trump supporters who use "the Democrats are bad too!" as an excuse for Trump's behavior is just astounding. It's really just a pathetic diversionary tactic used to avoid discussing the issues at hand.

Second, your claim that Democrats are just as cruel is simply not true. Blaming Democrats for the very thing Trump is guilty of is a common smear tactic employed by extremist right wing propaganda.

Take Trump's zero tolerance policy which separated minors from their families for example. Right wing propaganda outlets like OAN love showing pictures of children housed alone in Obama era detention facilities and cry foul at the liberal media at the lack of coverage. The reality is that Obama faced a huge surge of thousand of unaccompanied minors from south america in 2014 who were detained. So yes, thousands of children were detained, but they were NOT separated from the families in the first place.

And while some families were separated during Obama's tenure, Obama's policies tried to limit this as much as possible. It is a far cry from what Trump's zero tolerance policy accomplished. The "liberal" media did not report this under Obama OR Bush simply because it was not an issue. If you believed that there was unfair media coverage for Trump on this issue, then you were lied to and manipulated. Its part of what we discussed earlier how Trump uses lies to discredit the media and further erode our democracy.

The point is that right wing propaganda and Trump himself routinely uses lies and deception to paint himself as the target of a "liberal media bias" that they themselves manufactured. And his gullible supporters like yourself love believing in his victim complex. If you don't believe me, then just refer to non partisan international sources like the BBC and you'll soon discover that Trump is just as shitty from an impartial view as the "biased liberal media" portrays him.

Both sides are not the same, no matter what lies Trump and Fox News et al. tries to tell you. And there are plenty of respectable media sources which are not CNN which also exposes Trump for the lying scum that he is.

Briguy1960 said:

It has nothing to do with what I personally like.
This is the issue here.
You despise Trump and so does the liberal dominated media so they gloss over shit the Left do and come down harder on Trump etc.
There is no excuse for the garbage reporting going on.
I suppose you think Kavanaugh was treated fairly too.
The Fusion thing is all just a pack of lies concocted by Alex Jones etc too right?
Blatant showboating about how cruel Trump is when it has been proven time and time again the Democrats held the same views and would never let caravans in...
Funny how things are viewed when you are a religious fanatic as the left is becoming in their
rage against all things Trump and GOP.
Keep looking at things through rose colored glasses my friend.
There is plenty of scum to go around on both sides.

Piggyback Planes

Texas mom spanks teen son after he took off in her BMW

Pizza Delivery Guy Surprises Family With Piano Performance

makach says...

okay, so how do we know this is not just some random guy playing the piano? the story surrounding it is cute enough, but it´s just a guy playing the piano. he seems to have great technique, self taught? need more data...

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