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Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show.

Doubt - How Deniers Win

newtboy says...

You gave a few examples, I did not ever disagree that it happens, I disagreed that it's happening today in Africa (or worldwide) at a level that's worse than the lack of water on a global scale. I will concede that, in certain areas, it is, but worldwide, even continent wide, it's less of an issue than useable water by far.
You give up pretty easily.
Historically, there have not been 'men with guns'. Guns are a fairly new construct. If it were historical fact that men with 'overwhelming force' (so forget the guns quip) drive farmers out of farming, why are we still here farming?

Yes, the two statements about technology are not mutually exclusive...your point? You 'give up' a lot.

Yes, and I clearly stated I believe they ignored some factors to get their numbers, as most 'predictions' I've seen in the last 20 years have done. I also clearly stated that even their lower range numbers were disastrous and unsurvivable and their high numbers even more so, I just went on to say my educated guess is that they are likely also on the low side because they don't account for everything AND they assume we'll stop rushing to make things worse at some point. I just think that's wishful thinking, based on my estimations of human behavior.

I do listen to fact, reason, data, hypothesis, innuendo, lies, insanity, and more (proven by the fact that I'm still here discussing this, and it's funny that you now wish to no longer 'listen' to facts or reason yourself because you 'give up'), then do my best with my degree in science and scientific mind to work out what hypothesis is closest to the data, and see if I can determine where it's imperfect and why. You can call it 'personal belief', I call it educated guess work, because I've paid attention and most models were on the low side of reality because they don't include all factors (they can't, we don't know all factors involved yet to program them into the models) and because they all expect humans to stop adding to the problem at some point in their equations, which I say from experience is wishful thinking and bad science/math, and I think it's nearly always added to actual science lately for political reasons on one side or the other.
EDIT: For instance, I've never seen a model that includes 'global dimming', but it's a factor that has kept up to 3 degrees C of warming from happening. it happens when particulates in the upper atmosphere deflect sunlight, stopping it from entering the system as light or heat. It has also added to a decline in global food production, but I've yet to see a climate study that includes it in their model. If we shut down all coal plants and combustion engines tomorrow, we would see a rapid spike in temperature as a result, another thing no one ever mentions.

I note you aren't defending your 'facts' about Texas producing more food than California, were you as certain of that as you are about these 'facts'? If so, perhaps more research could be warranted?

Oh, never mind, I forgot you decided to stop listening to facts and hypothesis and give up. I think your children would be disappointed you care so little about their future....I have none, so I have no dog in the fight. Nothing done today will effect things either way in my lifetime. As I see it, that means I'm one of the few with no agenda either way, I'm only interested in reality, and the data I have seen has consistently been worse than the worst predictions when everything is considered in totality (not cherry picked).

bcglorf said:

This is getting old.
If production were simple, ie not requiring extra water and fertilizer, everyone who's hungry would farm, and there would be 'bush taca' (wild food) to gather and eat. You can't make a living stealing from subsistence farmers, you go hungry between farms that way.
I point out that historically you are wrong. I cite specific examples illustrating that you are wrong. Still you come back insisting that somehow men with guns can't starve people out who want to farm. That somehow the mass starvations under Stalin, Mao, and North Korea weren't even related to the mass theft at gunpoint of farm crops and land from farmers. You insist that it's not what is today stopping farmland from productivity in places like the DRC, Liberia, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and many more. I give up.

the tech to replace oil and coal and gas exist today
But also
we can't get to the moon with NASA today, or get on a concord
I give up.

78% less glacier doesn't mean ...
I think those numbers are small, and it's likely that there will be less than 22% of glaciers left in 100 years
I cited the actual science from the IPCC with their own projections. You take the very, very worst of the multiple scenarios the IPCC run. Not content with that, you take the most extreme range of error within that extreme scenario. Not content with that, you then inject your PERSONAL BELIEF that even that position of science is likely to optimistic.

I give up. If you refuse to listen to fact and reason that's up to you. Just don't pretend your any better than the other side ignoring the actual science just from a different end of the spectrum.

It's Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Florida

rancor says...

I couldn't even bear to watch the video to listen for the audio, but I think it's likely you are correct. This is yet another context-less internet video which someone has placed in an inflammatory context. Obviously they're not being cited for giving away food. That's not illegal. Everyone's flailing about "LET THEM FEED THE HOMELESS" (including the post title) but if there's a food safety violation going on here, well, it's the job of the police to make sure they don't get a bunch of people sick, especially some homeless folk who probably don't have a good way to get to the ER if they get really bad food poisoning.

A responsible news crew (or anyone interested in providing context) would have followed up with a word from the guys being cited, and with a police spokesperson to get the real story from both sides.

With all of that said, the cynic in me is still here. He says "it can't be that hard to give safe (apparently catered) food away on the street for free, with or without a permit".

aimpoint said:

I can't even here what he's being cited for. Maybe he needs a permit? I've heard that some of the laws in play are coming from food safety laws.

Hello Sift. Just a Hello and Your Drag Me Back E-Mail Worked (Wtf Talk Post)

Cops Owned By Legal Gun Owner

chicchorea says...

Rather, some moronic miscreant transforms a simple encounter into felony charges by spewing Its baboon red butt out of Its filth drooling mouth and then persistently but characteristically blames and vilifies the system that far more often than not, but not enough, protects people from....

Obviously...It's still here to spew Its insipid...

Insipid...word of the day...brought to us by Swirlry

chingalera said:

...The point being, that with increasing frequency, a routine police-encounter because of someone's 'suspicion' may quickly and more often than not, escalate into an innocent citizen being FUCKED into a state-system of the state-sanctioned organized criminal business of keeping people in a state of fear of arrest and incarceration, oh ye clueless dumb-asses who think the world works or should work in some universally, equitable fashion...

...The entire justice machine is broken and needs fixed-

The Cranberries: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

ChaosEngine says...

You're kidding, right? You do realise even in Ireland that accent is considered to be somewhere between herpes and being crushed by a falling piano on the list of bad shit that can happen to you?

Best review I've read of them.

The world was doing just fine. I mean there was that global recession thing that just won't go away - doesn't matter how much new money you print up to throw at it! And there have been a series of earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and storms around the world, seemingly more devastating as global warming is either the culprit or just some wishy-washy idea the government would have you believe so that the chem-trails can continue. ...So there were those things.

But the world was still here - at least. So from that point of view things were okay. And then The Cranberries had to blow it and end 11 years of silence (ah, that sweet, sweet silence) and return with more of Delores' vocal strychnine and another round of pedestrian pub-rock prancing.

Awful, awful band.

Remembering Some Of the Most Notorious Videosift Shills (History Talk Post)

chingalera says...

They're invited??....The difference between them and me (as choggie) is that I WAS here and available to defend myself, and some of the more egregious violators of civil discourse, simply hit the convenient "ignore" button, which is for pussies and the spineless. They stayed, I was outed. AND...they are still here and choose not to rear their heads. Any questions??

NOw...Back to culling the Sift of some dead, tired, shit.

Runaway Truck Causes Brutal Crash. 22 Dead.

Fatal crash Daiton airshow

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

The Simpsons - A Day in the Life With Yeardley Smith

What To Do While Waiting For Police

chingalera says...

I take offense at the assumptions you made here and on several other posts, assumptions you seem fine with that help to define your presence online-I come off as a terse, bitter asshole on certain offerings here often due to the slanted banter but mostly when my smug meter pegs the red too many times after reading smegma like,

"So they need skills like this to walk around and shoot up rapists?

"Knowing how to walk around and shoot stationary targets is not that useful in real world situation...unless you are walking through a school shooting up kids laying on the ground".

"you gun crazies"

"these delusional gun crazies"

"Did you get those stats from NRA's PR department?"

"Ok, i'll bite your troll bain"

Your comments on threads that take offense at the direction of Congress on this issue sound EXACTLY like the creature Feinstein as she clucks and embarrasses herself daily in these hearings regarding another ineffectual attempt to standardize worldwide, the availability of boomsticks of any kind to citizens anywhere-I have been watching the slow train-wreck of U.S. politics for 40 years with the help of the massive disinformation/indoctrination mechanism of the media's offensive, as are those living in an insular and idyllic world of fantasy and delusion, not unlike yours.

Especially detest the smug, holier-than-thou bullshit tone (as I have stated hundreds of times before when someone crawled-up my ass on this site), and ESPECIALLY on issues of police vs. citizenry, firearms, and left vs. right (two meaningless labels that have nothing to do with the mechanism of how the game really works).

I am happy to remain a voice crying in the wilderness here but I won't take asshole or douchebag lying down- ...I am a very gracious, and reasonable person otherwise-

I promoted this video for Buck, a recent addition to the users here, because the issue is fundamentally connected to the reason the U.S. is still here and get's swept aside in favor of kitty-cats, Russian car wrecks, and people fucking themselves up....

Oh, and because I like the cut of Buck's jib-I regard ANY new user who actually embeds videos here, votes and comments who offers an alternative to the regular fare here a breath of fresh, fucking air-

You appear to me to be another person deluded by their own world view enough to use labels, stereotype (which you have obviously done with myself) cry racism, or employ a similar tactic when faced with common sense or reason colliding with your ideals. It's sophomoric and offensive and unimpressive.

Don't sweat it-If You creep-through my past comments I'm sure you'll find many examples of my own foot-in-mouth-Peace

mxxcon said:

Further proof of how delusional you gun crazies are. You have no fucking idea on my position on domestic surveillance, warrant-less wiretaps or redefinition of US citizens as terrorists.
As a matter of fact, I guarantee you 1000% that I actually proactively do more to protect YOUR civil liberties against those things than you do by waving your penis-compensator around!

As for "mein freund", wtf is that supposed to mean? Is that a subtle hint at nazis? If so then you are an even bigger fucking idiot than I realized.

But whatever, talking here is obviously pointless. Ignorance is bliss.

Catching Wild Rabbits using Snakes: Barehanded

Tom Waits - I'm still here

Zawash says...

You haven't looked at me that way in years
You dreamed me up and left me here
How long was I dreaming for
What was it you wanted me for

You haven't looked at me that way in years
Your watch has stopped and the pond is clear
Someone turn the lights back on
I'll love you til all time is gone

You haven't looked at me that way in years
But I'm still here

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