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Police Provocateurs caught inciting Spain protest voilence

If You Elect Romney You're Electing Every...

Murgy says...

>> ^TangledThorns:

Maher really should stop smoking so much weed at the Playboy mansion and get some fresh air instead of pushing false equivalencies. A vote Obama is a vote for the same policies that are tearing down Europe like Greece and Spain. See what I did there?

Made an unsubstantiated claim? Equated the economic situation of a world superpower to countries with a fraction of the GDP? Blamed downturns in the global economy on an opposing political ideology, as opposed to an economic one? Pretended that America's economic degradation was something that began with, and would end with, your current administration?
Indeed, I saw these things quite clearly.

If You Elect Romney You're Electing Every...

TangledThorns says...

Maher really should stop smoking so much weed at the Playboy mansion and get some fresh air instead of pushing false equivalencies. A vote Obama is a vote for the same policies that are tearing down Europe like Greece and Spain. See what I did there?

God throws Romney from the Skies-Florida Blimp Ad crash

quantumushroom says...

This is only "good" progress for a 2nd-world nation. Obama can't run on his record.

The American people (those who vote anyway) aren't buying that this is the best that can be done.

President Mitt will succeed or fail based on how closely he adheres to conservative fiscal principles.

As for govt. spending, don't worry, it's always increasing.

>> ^bareboards2:

And progress has been made. Thanks for reminding us all of just how smart and aware President Obama is.
If Obama loses, all I can hope for is that Moderate Mitt shows up. Because if we get Tea Party Brown Noser Mitt, we are headed for an economic disaster. Mitt is fond of saying we are currently headed in the direction of Greece. If we go all Tea Party, we will head in the direction of Spain.
Moderate economic action based on economic facts is what will save us.
Take a moment to read about economic research. An excerpt:
The U.S. economy finally seems to be recovering in earnest, with housing on the rebound and job creation outpacing growth in the working-age population. But the news is good, not great — it will still take years to restore full employment — and it has been a very long time coming. Why has the slump been so protracted?
The answer — backed by overwhelming evidence — is that this is what normally happens after a severe financial crisis. But Mitt Romney’s economic team rejects that evidence. And this denialism bodes ill for policy if Mr. Romney wins next month.

>> ^quantumushroom:
Back in February 2009, President Obama told Today Show host Matt Lauer that he’d be a one-term president if he didn’t fix the economy in three years.
“I will be held accountable,” Obama said. “I’ve got four years and … A year from now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there … If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

God throws Romney from the Skies-Florida Blimp Ad crash

bareboards2 says...

And progress has been made. Thanks for reminding us all of just how smart and aware President Obama is.

If Obama loses, all I can hope for is that Moderate Mitt shows up. Because if we get Tea Party Brown Noser Mitt, we are headed for an economic disaster. Mitt is fond of saying we are currently headed in the direction of Greece. If we go all Tea Party, we will head in the direction of Spain.

Moderate economic action based on economic facts is what will save us.

Take a moment to read about economic research. An excerpt:

The U.S. economy finally seems to be recovering in earnest, with housing on the rebound and job creation outpacing growth in the working-age population. But the news is good, not great — it will still take years to restore full employment — and it has been a very long time coming. Why has the slump been so protracted?

The answer — backed by overwhelming evidence — is that this is what normally happens after a severe financial crisis. But Mitt Romney’s economic team rejects that evidence. And this denialism bodes ill for policy if Mr. Romney wins next month.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Back in February 2009, President Obama told Today Show host Matt Lauer that he’d be a one-term president if he didn’t fix the economy in three years.
“I will be held accountable,” Obama said. “I’ve got four years and … A year from now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there … If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bp holdings, bp holdings madrid spain, Fico unleashes new analytics for fighting' to 'redacted' - edited by KnivesOut

How Did Regulators Miss This Latest Broker Fraud?

gorillaman (Member Profile)

hpqp says...

Just because I condemn riot police ripping into peaceful protesters does not mean I adhere to the "fuck the cops/fascist police state" mentality. Moreover, it's useful to remember that the cops themselves are under a lot of pressure:

edit: completely unrelated, but I just had to say that I love your new avatar pic
In reply to this comment by gorillaman:
Your ignorance/paranoia speaks for itself.
In reply to this comment by hpqp:
Fuck everything about this. I usually am very pro- law enforcement but this isn't law enforcement, this is totalitarian oppression. And yes, it is mostly "the rich"'s fault. It's the fault of those who gamble with the funds and resources of whole populations and then get reimbursed when they lose their bets by robbing said populations blind. Spain is doing what the Rethuglicans in the US are doing and want to do even further: raise taxes on the poor and middle class and cut the most vital social spending (education and health) so they can pay debts caused by criminal banking shenanigans and fill their thieving pockets. Keep the people poor, hungry and uneducated so you can have an easily manipulated mass to generate riches for a tiny elite, who have the government solidly in their pocket. It's the middle ages all over again.

What if the government was your worst enemy

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

For the same reason a kid gives the bully his lunch money.
The American people are sitting on an estimated 2 trillion dollars. They will not invest, hire or start new businesses with Obama in the White House. And rightly so. The parasites--however you choose to define them--just want their MTV.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Spain is in serious trouble because it spends too much money, money it does not have...
>> ^volumptuous:
QM, Pennypacker et al... They will respond to this in one of two ways:
1- "That's what these Spanish OWS losers get! go get a job!"
2- "This is what Obama is going to bring to America!"
Both are equally repulsive, and fictions of their imagination.

If the Market didn't like Obama, why does it support him soo much monetarily? You need to do your homework man, it's the Rich against guys like us, join the proper side.

Any evidence for any of this will be welcomed.

What if the government was your worst enemy

quantumushroom says...

For the same reason a kid gives the bully his lunch money.

The American people are sitting on an estimated 2 trillion dollars. They will not invest, hire or start new businesses with Obama in the White House. And rightly so. The parasites--however you choose to define them--just want their MTV.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Spain is in serious trouble because it spends too much money, money it does not have...
>> ^volumptuous:
QM, Pennypacker et al... They will respond to this in one of two ways:
1- "That's what these Spanish OWS losers get! go get a job!"
2- "This is what Obama is going to bring to America!"
Both are equally repulsive, and fictions of their imagination.

If the Market didn't like Obama, why does it support him soo much monetarily? You need to do your homework man, it's the Rich against guys like us, join the proper side.

hpqp (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

Your ignorance/paranoia speaks for itself.
In reply to this comment by hpqp:
Fuck everything about this. I usually am very pro- law enforcement but this isn't law enforcement, this is totalitarian oppression. And yes, it is mostly "the rich"'s fault. It's the fault of those who gamble with the funds and resources of whole populations and then get reimbursed when they lose their bets by robbing said populations blind. Spain is doing what the Rethuglicans in the US are doing and want to do even further: raise taxes on the poor and middle class and cut the most vital social spending (education and health) so they can pay debts caused by criminal banking shenanigans and fill their thieving pockets. Keep the people poor, hungry and uneducated so you can have an easily manipulated mass to generate riches for a tiny elite, who have the government solidly in their pocket. It's the middle ages all over again.

Aussie Prime Minister rips Opposition Leader on sexism

What if the government was your worst enemy

hpqp says...

Fuck everything about this. I usually am very pro- law enforcement but this isn't law enforcement, this is totalitarian oppression. And yes, it is mostly "the rich"'s fault. It's the fault of those who gamble with the funds and resources of whole populations and then get reimbursed when they lose their bets by robbing said populations blind. Spain is doing what the Rethuglicans in the US are doing and want to do even further: raise taxes on the poor and middle class and cut the most vital social spending (education and health) so they can pay debts caused by criminal banking shenanigans and fill their thieving pockets. Keep the people poor, hungry and uneducated so you can have an easily manipulated mass to generate riches for a tiny elite, who have the government solidly in their pocket. It's the middle ages all over again.

What if the government was your worst enemy

What if the government was your worst enemy

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Spain is in serious trouble because it spends too much money, money it does not have. The Spaniards are rioting over ginormous tax HIKES, which is what American taxocrats continue to demand at every turn.
Obama has already brought market chaos and uncertainty. However you want to polish his crown jewel, the turd known as Obamacare, the results are/will be huge tax hikes, reduction in services, continuing skyrocketing medical costs, and STILL, by their own admission, 30 million without health insurance.
Even if reelected, Obama is a fool and will be forgotten as a symptom of a larger malaise that began a century ago.
At this point, no president is capable of stopping out-of-control government spending. President Romney will only buy us a little more time before imminent revolution; it won't be an MTV version of revolution either, with underwear models with little smudges of black on their multiculural cheeks beating back government stormtroopers with the force of love. It's going to be blood up and over your knees, cities leveled, hell on earth.
Hey, sometimes it's necessary.

>> ^volumptuous:
QM, Pennypacker et al... They will respond to this in one of two ways:
1- "That's what these Spanish OWS losers get! go get a job!"
2- "This is what Obama is going to bring to America!"
Both are equally repulsive, and fictions of their imagination.

If the Market didn't like Obama, why does it support him soo much monetarily? You need to do your homework man, it's the Rich against guys like us, join the proper side.

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