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Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show.

MilkmanDan says...

I know that Jon himself doesn't really think of himself or his show as competing with the "real news".

...I agree, he hasn't competed with the real news. He and his show were way better than the "real" news. To such an extent that to say they were in "competition" is laughable.

The "real" news blathers on about drivel that corporate interests and juggernauts like Murdoch and Trump want us to hear about. And when it isn't doing that, it trying to shovel and spin enough horseshit to fill a 24-hour "news cycle". Garbage in, garbage out.

In trying to be a satire or parody of the "real" news, Jon Stewart has actually helmed a show that really informs, yet does it with wit, logic, and some amazingly real insight.

So, thanks for being my primary source of "news", be it fake or real, for the past 10+ years Jon. Enjoy your retirement or whatever comes next -- nobody deserves it more than you.

Dude Where's My Car? Kitimat Gets 2 Meters of Snow in 2 Days

Sagemind says...

Yup, and while it snows, you need to be out there shoveling four - five times in a day, cause if you don't keep up with it, it will overwhelm you and win

PalmliX said:

You wouldn't be *envious* if you had to live through winter after winter after winter in a northern climate country. Sure it looks fun, and it is for a few minutes, then you have to shovel your driveway for the 15th time and try to get to work on time. I'm in Canada right now and I'm just counting the weeks until spring...

Dude Where's My Car? Kitimat Gets 2 Meters of Snow in 2 Days

PalmliX says...

You wouldn't be *envious* if you had to live through winter after winter after winter in a northern climate country. Sure it looks fun, and it is for a few minutes, then you have to shovel your driveway for the 15th time and try to get to work on time. I'm in Canada right now and I'm just counting the weeks until spring...

ChaosEngine said:

So much snow! so jealous....stupid summer and lack of snow

Snow shoveling, West Virginia style

Coca Cola vs Coca Cola Zero - Sugar Test

korsair_13 says...

No. Aspartame is not bad for you. Sugar, however is absolutely bad for you. The purpose of this video is to show people how much aspartame is in Coke Zero vs the amount of sugar in Coke. Sugar, the number one cause of obesity, heart disease and other health issues, is far less sweet so you need a much larger amount to get the same level of sweetness as aspartame. The tiny amount of black stuff left over at the end of the Coke Zero pan is the aspartame. You need milligrams of aspartame compared to 30 grams of sugar.

All of the studies that have "shown" damaging effects of aspartame have given RATS not milligrams of aspartame, but GRAMS. This would be equivalent to a human being shoveling a pile of aspartame powder into their mouth, something that no one could even do because it would be too sweet to ingest.

Aspartame is a very simple chemical that when it enters the human body breaks down into three things, phenylalanine, methanol and aspartic acid. Once again, the amounts that these things break down into is smaller than you would get from eating comparable "natural products." You would get more methanol eating a few grapes or an apple. Aspartic acid is an amino acid that is good for you and you would once again find more of it in an oyster than in Coke Zero. And finally phenylalanine is the only thing that is of any danger to anyone. And even then, it is only dangerous to those who have phenylketonuria, a sensitivity to phenyl-groups that you would know if you have. Otherwise it is a hormone that only affects infants and is present in breast milk, one of the healthiest substances on earth for a human.

Sure, aspartame is one of the most complained about items by consumers at the FDA. But does that mean the science is wrong? No. It simply means that someone gets a headache and they blame it on the diet soda they just drank instead of the fact that they are dehydrated. Or someone has a dizzy spell because they got up too fast and they blame it on the diet soda they just drank. Aspartame has been investigated by every Federal Consumer Product group around the world and none of them have found a sufficient link to any health danger in order to take it off of the shelves. If you believe that this is a conspiracy, you are wrong. The bigger conspiracy is the rampant disregard for the danger of sugar in processed foods.

If you are curious about the dangers of sugar that are backed by solid nutritional and molecular biology, you should watch "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" on Youtube, or the movie Fed Up.

the Elizabeth warren speech that has everyone talking

scheherazade says...

Unfortunately, small local banks partner with big banks.

When you deposit money into a local bank, within minutes it's been shoveled off to god knows where. It changes hands every few minutes. There's a frenzy going on in the background. Nothing stands still.

Pretty much have to go cash and be debt free to actually be rid of them.


newtboy said:

Vote with your wallet.
If you have an account with any Citygroup company, close it.
Same thing goes for B of A.
Small, local banks serve you better and don't lobby congress for bailouts and immunity.
If you give them your money but hate how they use it, take your money back. That simple.
If you like bailouts, wall street immunity, and the status quo of being under the thumb of big banking, keep your money where it is and vote republican.

EDIT:One might also lobby their congressman/woman for a constitutional amendment stating clearly that corporations are barred from government and are NOT citizens, so can't vote, lobby, make political 'statements' (as in commercial campaigns), or donate to political campaigns. I've written many a letter suggesting the same.

armored skeptic vs that megan fox

Stormsinger says...

She's not a skeptic by any reasonable definition. She's a denier. There's a difference, which you yourself cover. I believe we do everyone a disservice by considering arguments such as she makes to be valid in any way. Let's call a spade a fucking shovel, and avoid some of the (often intentional) confusion.

Russian motorists rescue car from a ditch

Ashenkase says...

Dear non snow drivers,

In the absence of a winch, preferably a tow truck winch, this a great example of how to get unstuck.

- Keep the wheels straight, or as straight as possible. The more the wheels are turned the more difficult it is to extricate out of the stuck position.
- DON'T spin tires. They guy in the video didn't even have the car on. The more you spin, the more you dig, the more you dig the "stucker" you get. As soon as you hear tire spinning back off and try again.
- Rocking is good. The more you can gain momentum from rocking the better. It will let you spin the tires less and avoid digging the car deeper into the snow.
- Dig a trench for the tires if you can. The deeper the snow the better chance you have of catching the car on excess snow which then makes it even harder to get out. Digging trenches for the path out will help not build up snow on the way out. Foot, shovel, anything you can get to help the car out.
- Sand or kitty litter will help the drive wheels get some traction on the way out. Better yet chains will get you out of most anything, but you only usually see chains in mountainous areas or back country scenarios.
- Two words... Snow Tires (but they only make sense if you live in a temperament climate that receives snow fall, but man do they make a difference).

From the video it looks like first snow fall of the year. The tire tracks expose leaves and dirt underneath. First snow fall in my city means about 80-100 accidents in one day, its horrible. Changing mindsets from non-winter driving to winter driving is an exercise in observation and patience.

Overwatch Gameplay Trailer

Jinx says...

So apparently if you are an FPS that looks like it was made by Pixar then you're a TF2 clone.

I mean, the similarities are obvious. They both have guns, they both have (mostly) humanoid characters, there appears to be a control point...and, my god, was that a healing beam!?!?! "One of the characters even turns into a turrent" - Hey now, the heavy is certainly slow and fat but he's not _completely_ immobile.

I spotted something else. That Tracer girl is TOTALLY using Weaver's Time lapse. That's another shameless copypaste from another game that Valve created from a mod made by somebody else. What next, Portals? Silent crowbar wielding protagonists? Waiting almost a decade for the next installment of a hotly anticipated IP?...hold on, I think Blizzard invented that with Starcraft and Diablo. nvm.

Honestly, it's been over 7 years. I played TF2, I loved TF2. When somebody tells me "Hey, Blizzard are shoveling all their money and expertise into creating a new game based on that other game you loved" my reaction isn't "HOW DARE THEY INTRUDE UPON GABEN'S HOLY GROUND!". I am looking forward to playing Overwatch and continuing an age old tradition of whining about how Bliz can't balance games.

Call the Cops - Rob Hustle ft. Liv

newtboy says...

Every time a disagreement with my (or your) spouse leads to violence, yes, I (or you) should receive counseling at least. That has NEVER been the case for me and mine. I have the ability to not become violent when frustrated, it sounds like you may not.
Don't know what the F you mean about the deer, but Michael Scott (whoever he might be) sounds like another unbelievable asshole if he would spend an hour torturing a wounded deer to death with a shovel instead of 'wasting' another bullet in it's head/heart to stop it's suffering.

lantern53 said:

Perhaps you could take some counseling each time you have a disagreement with your spouse? Those can be stressful times.

This conversation is starting to remind me of the time Michael Scott admitted to shooting a deer. "I only wounded him. Had to finish him off with a shovel. Took about an hour."

Call the Cops - Rob Hustle ft. Liv

lantern53 says...

Perhaps you could take some counseling each time you have a disagreement with your spouse? Those can be stressful times.

This conversation is starting to remind me of the time Michael Scott admitted to shooting a deer. "I only wounded him. Had to finish him off with a shovel. Took about an hour."

Clown Panties

dannym3141 says...

No problem. I've got a few jokes for you straight off the bat - what's brown and sticky? A stick. What's ET short for? He's only got little legs. Did you hear the one about the constipated mathematician? He worked it out with a pencil. Doctor doctor, i feel like a pair of curtains. Pull yourself together! What's black and white and eats like a horse? A zebra. What's black and white, black and white, black and white? A penguin rolling down a hill.

Hell, Tim Vine does hundreds of one liners in half an hour and the majority of them are not at anyone's expense.

I think you've confused what you find funny with the term "humour" as it were. You may only find shadenfreude funny, and so you think all humour is shadenfreude, but it is patently obvious that things can be humourous without being at someone's expense and i find it almost petulant to be asked to prove it when it is so obvious. You almost certainly know loads of jokes like that. How does Bob Marley like his donuts? Wi' jam-in. I stood there, wondering why the frisbee was getting bigger and bigger..... and then it hit me. What did the fish say when he swam into the wall? Dam.

From what i remember of Lenny Henry's standup (like him or not) in the old days, he didn't often tell a joke at someone's expense. Tommy Cooper used to make people laugh by doing bad magic tricks. Les Dawson used to make people laugh by playing the piano badly as only a good pianist can. Terry Pratchett makes me laugh by conjuring up funny situations in a fictional world. I laughed at the Big Lebowski when he shaded the pad of paper to see what secret notes Jackie Treehorn was making and it turned out to be a doodle of a man holding his own cock. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh. I bought some new viagra eye drops, cos they make me look hard. What do you call a man with a shovel on his head? Doug.

I could go on and on and on, but i don't get paid for this and i have other stuff to do, but i hope i've opened your eyes to whole new realms of comedy where people don't get hit in the face with stuff. Where are the Andes? At the end of your wristies. Why didn't the skeleton go to the party? He had no body to go with.

I'm so confused by your request for proof that i feel like someone's asked me "Air? What air? There's no air, i can't see any!"

I'm utterly dreading to read your reply if it says anything along the lines of "That ET joke is offensive to short people! That skeleton joke is offensive to people with eating disorders! The penguin joke is offensive to the penguin you pushed down the hill!" Please don't embarrass us both by doing that, we both know those jokes aren't offensive. (Or very funny, to be honest.)

newtboy said:

Name it. Or try reading Stranger in a strange land for a better explanation of my point.
When analyzed thoroughly, all humor is at someone, or something's expense. I've never seen an exception...but I'm open to one if you have it!
EDIT: As I see it, all humor is schadenfreude (enjoyment taken from the misfortune of someone (or something) else. )

LA Newsroom's earthquake reaction

artician says...

They're so used to shoveling out tripe and non-information that experiencing something real for once makes them nearly shit themselves.

Mom Tries to Teach Adorable Girl Life Lesson

Mammaltron says...

C'mon, there is absolutely nothing wrong with cookies or icecream, provided you're not shoveling a tub of icecream or a packet of cookies down your kids several times a week.

Too much = bad. None = a different kind of bad.

Sniper007 said:

If you've read any of the recent (or ancient, or any) literature on diet and health you may wonder why the girl isn't asking, "What the heck is a cookie, and what the heck is ice cream?" - Because there's no reason to feed that crap to children in the first place!

radx (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I've been here 30 years and in the good ole days, it would snow maybe every year and a half. Lately, it has snowed every year, sometimes twice or three times. What is scary is -- the MOUNTAINS still aren't getting much snow.

It isn't much snow, but I have a very steep driveway that is in the shade of 20 foot tall laurel hedges. If I don't shovel it off, I won't be able to drive out of my garage for a week or so. So the thinnest sheet is shovel worthy at my house.

We're in trouble, this world. I think our species will survive, because we are very adaptable. But it is going to be ugly ugly ugly.

We as a civilization always looked to Nero, fiddling as Rome burned, as the ultimate in self-absorption and mental illness. Now we have a planet full of Neros.

It is bad. And getting worse.

radx said:

About time, isn't it? Is it just a thin sheet or are we talking shovel-worthy amounts?

Weather is completely bonkers this winter. Southern England is drowning, Germany has 12°C (53°F), Austria/northern Italy has 2m of snow, central/southern Italy is drowning.

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