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Nasa Astra Test Flight Goes sideways

spawnflagger says...

Love Scott Manley, but not sure why he's started trying to add comedy bits to his videos... stick to the rocket science.

Good explanation though- 1 of 5 engines failed, so instead of thrust:weight ratio being 1.25, it was 1.0. Only when it burned enough fuel did it get light enough to start lifting.
Could've ended much worse.

eric3579 said:


Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

newtboy says...

Is there anything that doesn't antagonize the brain dead morons who disagree with him (and science, medicine, civility, common good, etc)?

Those people are antagonized by reality. No one should hold back a single syllable to avoid antagonizing them. They should be antagonized as much as possible every waking second until it becomes too much and they drop their hyperpartisan insanity in a self preservation move. Their idiotic positions and actions are dangerous and deadly, and based on fantasy and partisan lies. They don't deserve your sympathy or empathy any more than a school bomber or child molester does.

vil said:

If he is against mandatory masks he is arguing against his own case by pretending to break other mandatory requirements that make sense.
If he is for mandatory masks his (sarcastic?) argumentation style is going to antagonize people who do not already agree with him.

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

newtboy says...

Texas held a similar rally in late July....the organizer, 30 year old Caleb Wallace, showed signs of covid by July 30 but refused testing or treatment, opting for vitamins and ivermectin, a horse dewormer conspiracy theorists have decided is some kind of covid medicine (it's not), and was hospitalized shortly thereafter and has been in icu since Aug 8 near death. His family, pregnant wife and three young kids, is begging online for funds to pay home and medical bills. The hospital has asked his family to sign a do not resuscitate order because they have no treatment options and are running out of oxygen thanks to so many anti vaxers filling the hospitals.
So far they have refused to sign, forcing the hospital to continue to treat him, meaning someone else with a chance to survive can't get a hospital bed and they will die too.

This guy spouted some of the most dangerous, anti science, anti medicine conspiracy theories and lies for a year, and worked hard to stop any actual medical advice from being followed.

No one deserves this outcome more. If only he had to live with it...death seems like he's getting off easy, leaving his family and the rest of us to live with the consequences of his choices.

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

newtboy says...

Not sure I understand. Neither article dealt with common sense, only that people with high iq's often aren't what most would consider "successful" and rarely fit in in a world that values predictable uninspired thinking and those who take the road more traveled over intelligence and unique thought processes.
I could be Steve from the second article if my IQ was 46 points higher. His mannerisms sound just like me, except I don't limit my references to three movies. I went to college for over ten years with no plan for any degree...but accidentally qualified for a general science degree anyway. I've never seen a successful career as the road to happiness, so many successful professionals are miserable...same goes for wealth. I've always thought, when you find yourself in want of something, don't ask the universe to give you more, ask it to help you want less. That road leads to contentment and happiness. Does that mean I have more, or less common sense than average? It definitely makes me abnormal, many would say unsuccessful....I think they measure success wrong.

visionep said:

@newtboy, that's an interesting theory. I'm not sure if the IQ would go up or not. Common sense doesn't always track with IQ.

Edit -- I found another article that shows my point even better:

Cancer Patient’s Husband Has A Message For Anti Vaxers

DOPESICK Official Trailer (2021)

Denver cops refuse mandatory Covid vaccinations

newtboy says...

Just as your right to swing your fist ends firmly at my nose, your right to be an idiotic anti science virus incubator and virulent disease vector ends firmly at your property line.

Isn’t it hilarious that right wingers want to use personal sovereignty, control and authority over your own body, as a shield from responsibility for their dangerous, deadly actions, but absolutely refuse it’s existence when it comes to women having authority over their own bodies, ie abortion/birth control.

How to Surface a Submarine in the Arctic Ocean

How to Surface a Submarine in the Arctic Ocean

Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions

Sam Harris on Science and Morality

Sam Harris on Science and Morality

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

vil says...

It would have been a rare occurence indeed for the head of a science project to share the accolades with a student. She was second on the original paper.

Also remember this is a Nobel prize for physics, so it is very much to be had for the scientist who starts the project, creates the equipment, sets goals, is reserved when the student finds something new but then listens to her, the hypothesis and confirmation part is important and was not ms. Bells work...

So yes, the astronomical observation and discovery of the first two pulsars is hers.

The Nobel prize for physics for the discovery of pulsars went to the two scientists that contributed the most to the confirmation of the rotating neutron star hypothesis. IMHO rightfully.

Could a student have been included, man or woman? Unlikely.

newtboy said:

Kind of..

Can You Trust Science Too Much?

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