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MrConrads (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

A single upvote for your comment is not enough.

The saddest thing about hate mongers like O'Reily is that they raise hate within their opponents. In real life one simply ignores such people to remain sane, but O'reily is out there on television so it just eats you up.

I should seriously just avoid watching anything with him in it, because it's killing my blood pressure. lol

In reply to this comment by MrConrads:
It's clips like this that leave me mostly speechless. Not because there's nothing to say but because the rage in me is louder than the peace. It has become so incredibly hard to calmly articulate responses to videos like this where the voice of reason and calm get drowned out by loud, angry, and completely unapologetic hate and ignorance. I despise the fact that my own feelings of hatred and anger precede my feelings of reason and decency. I want to call for bill's head on a plate at the top of my lungs even though I know it would only fuel the fire that's currently destroying my beloved country.
I don't recognize my home anymore, and at times I don't recognize myself.

Obama's Flock

arekin says...

"Black person preferring or favoring another Black person because of race: supportive

White person preferring or favoring another White person because of race: racist"

Except McCain/Palin followers are not saying "we like McCain because he's white" they are saying "We hate Obama because he's black/muslim"

Saddest part is that half the McCain supporters argument is false.

I called you a Douchebag once before QM, I stand by that today.

The Little Girl in the Red Coat - Schindler's List

Razor says...

>> ^Dignant_Pink:
i just watched this movie. i'm not sure why, i guess i just thought i was too happy and needed to cry my eyes out.

I remember watching this back in Grade 10 on recommendation from my History teacher; many of my friends went as well. I remember all of us walking out of the theatre with the some of the saddest feelings we've ever experienced.

It's an excellent movie, not quite sure I could handle a second go at it now.

Obama double talk montage (7:49)

NetRunner says...

Good stuff. I swear I've seen this one before elsewhere a while ago, though obviously not on TV.

Overreaches a bit -- he's had to eat crow on the violence, but it was increasing every month until November 2007, and he's still saying the surge hasn't brought about the political reconciliation it was supposed to, and therefore it didn't "work". Also, he often points out that the Anbar Awakening deserves a lot of credit for reducing the violence, as well as the deal cut with Al Sadr and, saddest of all, because most of the ethnic cleansing has been done.

The bit from 2003-2004 where he argues against timelines is golden, they should just focus on that one, because he's going to have a harder time walking that one back.

I'd love to see McCain try to beat up Obama for voting to fund the war. What, by chance, do you think McCain would have done if he'd voted against funding it? Applauded his moral stance for peace?

It's a good way to change the subject from whether or not staying or leaving is what people want to do, which McCain desperately needs to do, because there aren't too many people who want to stay.

Islam conquering England

Pprt says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
You can't blame Muslims for following Islamic law, but you can keep them the hell out of civilized Western countries.

The saddest thing is that most people have been convinced that cultural Marxism is the apex of virtuous civility and that admitting racial or ethnic friction is somehow an inexcusable character flaw.

Brooks was here (the Shawshank Redemption)

TOP 10 OMGWTF moments from video games

mas8705 says...

Fun thing about this list is that we actually have these videos here on the sift...

I'll admit I just uploaded 4 and 5 just now, but since these videos were never posted, I just went ahead really fast to add it in case you wanted to see it in full...

Ben Underwood: Real Life Daredevil

AeroMechanical says...

Ten years ago (or so) I saw another blind guy on the news that did the same thing. They had him riding a bike around poles. Pretty cool.

Oh, and that "mommy I can't see" thing is possibly one of the saddest thing I've ever heard.

Cat gives some love to his dying dog friend

Belle & Sebastian "Piazza, New York Catcher"

calvados says...

Elope with me Miss Private and we'll sail around the world
I will be your Ferdinand and you my wayward girl
How many nights of talking in hotel rooms can you take?
How many nights of limping round on pagan holidays?
Oh elope with me in private and we'll set something ablaze
A trail for the devil to erase

San Francisco's calling us, the Giants and Mets will play
Piazza, New York catcher, are you straight or are you gay?
We hung about the stadium, we've got no place to stay
We hung about the tenderloin and tenderly you tell
About the saddest book you ever read
that always makes you cry
The statue's crying too and well he may

I love you I've a drowning grip on your adoring face
I love you my responsibility has found a place
Beside you and strong warnings in the guise of gentle words
Come wave upon me from the family wider net absurd
"You'll take care of her, I know it, you will do a better job"
Maybe, but not what she deserves

Elope with me Miss Private and we'll drink ourselves awake
We'll taste the coffee houses and award certificates
A privy seal to keep the feel of 1960 style
We'll comment on the decor and we'll help the passer by
And at dusk when work is over we'll continue the debate
In a borrowed bedroom virginal and spare

The catcher hits for .318 and catches every day
The pitcher puts religion first and rests on holidays
He goes into cathedrals and lies prostrate on the floor
He knows the drink affects his speed he's praying for
a doorway
Back into the life he wants and the confession of the bench
Life outside the diamond is a wrench

I wish that you were here with me to pass the dull weekend
I know it wouldn't come to love, my heroine pretend
A lady stepping from the songs we love until this day
You'd settle for an epitaph like "Walk Away, Renee"
The sun upon the roof in winter will draw you out like a flower
Meet you at the statue in an hour
Meet you at the statue in an hour

Moyers at the NCMR 2008 Conference - Bill'Os Version

Bill Maher and Michael Moore beg Ralph Nader not to run

RedSky says...

Watching this is dramatic irony at it's ... saddest.

It really is a pity that un-off elections or preferential voting systems are unlikely to appear because of the obvious control over the legislative ability the Republican/Democrat behemoth have. They know full well when people are afraid of their vote not counting for anything, minor parties will never gain traction. On the other hand it's perhaps even more tragic many Democrats-preferred Libertarian, Nader or other third party candidate supporters lack the power for forward thought or any kind of conceptualisation of the the effect their votes have.

Seems they'd rather be both powerless and ignorant.

Let the roast of Doc_M commence! (Parody Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

You speak too soon my purple-horned (and probably other horned) muppet friend.

Ironically enough, I've emptied my share of garbage in the lab... biohazard and all. It goes without saying then, that I'd never go within a mile of your garbage. Viruses would be the least of my worries.

Yeah, I'm Piling it Higher and Deeper... as I will soon do with my money $.$ I'll think of you when I buy my first yaught... think and laugh.

Only on weekends and in your fantasies. And if you want, I can lend you some of those petry dishes so you can see what STD's you don't have yet... ya know... add to your collection.

It's OK, I hate you too. And yes, I'm easily entertained and impressed. Funny I don't remember ever laughing at your comments though... In fact, I don't even remember any of your comments. Wait, who am I talking about again? Moving on.

I fish too.

...I've known too many physicists. The last I know was also called "yellow hat guy" for most of his life. Just so you know, that's how I picture you... Yellow hat guy masturbating to properly written mathamatica code.
I'm guessing your autoclave smells because you clean it about as often as your ass. That girl that just walked away from you? Yeah, it's the stank.

I don't know if I'd be teasing someone who you suspected invented the Hanta virus. And that was the only time I was in someday I'd like to visit South Korea. It's got Souel.

It's ok if I call you Dot right? Dude just doesn't seem to fit as well as dot. I happen to have some boxers with dots on them. Is there money in mounting that like you do or should I just stick to the old-fashioned uses? And btw, I can lend you my vacuum if you ever want to suck the last years of cheerios from your beard some time.

Feel free to come back and contribute when you get the crap off your hands and the vomit off your shirt.

"i'm late. stoned. cigarette dangling out of the corner of my mouth. so self-involved that i'm talking about myself. and i refuse to take the effort to use the shift key."
I figured.

You noob. In a real roast, the roastee is the last to speak... or where you just afraid?
"Heap" is apt then I guess. Yeah, I like my imaginary characters because plainly talking to you lot is about as interesting as a physics convention or a dot-art exibit. Well, at least it beats just shooting things for a living. Still even that's a job which is more than I bet most of you could dream of having... btw the cyber-cafe doesn't take food stamps anymore so you can cancel your accounts now... and stop stealing coffee from that guy next to you. Sneezing in it first does not add to your class... actually maybe it does... keep doing it then. The saddest bit is that the coolest, most famous person in the room is a tin-can with sunglasses and a fiery temper. Well, that about sums things up. I promise some day when I'm teaching your kids in college (that plainly they'll have to pay for themselves), I'll try to give them the hope you never could. You can have peace in that at least.
Your's oh so sincerely,

Wow, this is What I've Been Saying all Along (Gay Talk Post)

schmawy says...

Interesting indeed. I think I can verify this phenomena somewhat by personal experience.

Okay, long story I'll try to make short...

I was working late bartending when a group of five guys walked in, half drunk already, looking for some guy George so they could kick his ass because he was "a faggot". I got them their beers and hoped they'd settle down, but they didn't. They went on and on about what they were going to do to this guy and used every epithet I'd ever heard for a homosexual male (and a few new to me). I finally asked them to stop with the talk because I happened to be gay and wouldn't put up with it, and at very least they weren't going to get any more drinks if they continued. They started asking very specific questions about my sex life, and I became increasingly more serious and confident in my replies, both hands braced on the bar looking them straight in the eye. Eventually they settled down and finally left.

One stayed behind and chatted with me. He expressed his admiration for how I stood up to those guys. He was actually very nice and was probably the least aggressive of the bunch, even though he was joining in the aggressive and hateful rhetoric. The short part of the story was that he passed me his number and wanted to "hang out" some time.

I never called him, partly because my homosexuality was a charade (what difference does it make, I could easily have been and a couple of the other bartenders were) and didn't want to be caught in a lie. I know one thing, and that is if that guy was in fact gay he was living in one of the saddest little hells I've ever seen. I hope he's okay.

I wonder about his buddies too.

Dana Perino gets to scoop up Cheney's shit

videosiftbannedme says...

Have you ever seen an old TV episode or movie where a leader is shown fucking things completely up. Then it turns out the leader was really a puppet; being manipulated and setup as the patsy, too stupid to realize that he was being used by the Devil, who was pulling the strings behind the scenes in the #2 spot all along?

The saddest thing is it would by hysterical for that to happen in reality. Until it DOES happen.

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