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Tiny Horny Turtle Humping a Shoe

Tiny Horny Turtle Humping a Shoe

Jon Stewart is angry at Rick Santelli and CNBC

EDD says...

While Jon Stewart is providing criticism (read: ass-whooping) where it's due, the saddest thing here, really, is that it's not the journalists' hypocrisy, vanity & complete and utter incompetence that's really f*cked up the economy - it's the politicians'.

Rush Limbaugh - Computer Tard

Rush Limbaugh - Computer Tard

Capitalism Hits The Fan

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^Flood:
I agree that eventually we'll get to the point where it simply isn't possible for every citizen to work. I don't think that means we'd have to go to socialism though. You can accomplish the same goals that socialism would tackle by using a Negative Income Tax, without the drawback of giving complete control to the government on deciding whose work is most valuable.

Once you've developed an automated workforce you'll be looking at a planet with probably 10 billion people, 9.5 billion who will likely have no access to a job of any kind.

By that point your glorious Negative Income Tax would serve no purpose.

Doing away with money all together will be the only effective way of dealing with society at that point.

As it stands, we have the technology and resources to provide a much greater quality of life for every person on the planet, but few are willing to sacrifice the false sense of superiority they derive from their wealth. So we continue to prop up a failing economic system, maintain pointless class separations, encourage debt, propagate false scarcity and let millions suffer poverty needlessly, so that rich people can substitute the fact that they're miserable people by driving Mercedes cars and wearing Prada.

The saddest part is that those same greedy scumbags have convinced enough of the lower class shlubs, that it's your own fault if you're not as rich as they are because you're either too stupid or two lazy, and you should work harder because if you're not rich you're not worth anything. And unfortunately enough people have fallen for their bullshit that they continue to facilitate the same system that exploits them and keeps them down.

Rick Warren Urges Followers To Emulate Hitler Youth

13150 says...

Having in the past been a Christian, these things don't scare me very much. It worries me that people are so willing to be lemmings, but people like Rick Warren aren't militant (which is the major difference between them and a Hitler or Lenin). At worst, a group of people as "devoted to Jesus as the Hitler Youth were to Hitler" is going to make shopping less convenient as they try to pass out tracts and witness.

Of course, the saddest thing is that they could probably win an amazing number of converts if they'd actually follow the teachings of their namesake, but that would require actually working, instead of holding up a "me-too" card along with a stadium-full of fellow lemmings.

1,000 Attack Oslo Pro-Israel Rally w/ Knives, Bats & Molotov

Ornthoron says...

The saddest part of this video is at 3:00, when the middle-aged palestinian immigrant tried to intervene. He asked them why they are rioting in Oslo instead of going to Gaza to help the people there, which would actually be something valuable. The mob wasn't prepared to have their views challenged by one they thought of as their own, and so they resorted to shouting "Go home!" and throwing a tear gas cannister at him. It just goes to show that these hooligans do not speak for the palestinian immigrants in Norway.

Fundies exist on all sides in this conflict, and they are almost indistinguishable in their hatred.

>> ^mharvey42:
The Fascism at play here is IslamoFascism. Norwegians and Swedes are no longer safe in their own cities, thanks to the suicidal immigration policies pushed by their political class.
The once pround Norse now dhimmi in their own lands.

What the fuck do you know about my safety? I don't know which country you live in, but I would venture to say that the streets of Oslo are safer at any time of day than wherever you spend your days. The so-called suicidal immigration policies are agreed upon by almost all political parties, and are well-founded in the views of the people. That is something quite different than "pushed by the political class".

Fuck you and Pprt for trying to tell me what is best for my country without ever having lived here or having any knowledge about what exactly our immigration policies are.

Instruction Manual For Life

maximillian says...

>> ^SSIops
So you're saying the sole reason priests are molesting/raping children is because they can't marry? That is the saddest excuse I've ever heard. Those priests did those things cause they chose to and for no other reason.

It's not the sole excuse but it is a big part of it. Man is made to enjoy sexual pleasure. Some people simply cannot control themselves and will find whatever avenue to release their sexual tension. The apostle Paul warned against this and said that "it is better to marry than to burn."

If celibacy isn't a cause then why do we not see so many abusive priests (or whatever the spiritual leader is called) in protestant religions in equal percentages as that seen in the Catholic church? I am sure there are some, but it's a drastically different percentage.

Instruction Manual For Life

11807 says...

>> ^CaptainPlanet:
wow. this was so shitty.....
shitty shitty shitty. if you are trying to use metaphors to comment on the idiocies of standardized religion, it helps not to be transparent as balls. "you'll burn forever" Jezus FuCKING CHRIST! i hope whoever made this gets a cupboard shoved up their ass.

Clearly CaptainPlanet hasn't watched the video, "Metaphors, anger management and you."

>> ^maximillian:
For example, the mess that the Catholic church has with priests abusing children is because the Catholic church doesn't allow the priests to marry. If the Catholic church followed their own Bible they would allow them to Marry.

So you're saying the sole reason priests are molesting/raping children is because they can't marry? That is the saddest excuse I've ever heard. Those priests did those things cause they chose to and for no other reason.

Mother Teaches Daughter to Say F Obama

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^alien_concept:
Oh god no, this is really scary. Just goes to show how manipulated by the media people can become. Not to mention religion. Then again I can't see how she could be religious teaching her kid to do that. Someone the little chick checked on, quick

Dude, I don't think you can lay the blame for that level of ignorance on the media or religion.

For me that saddest part isn't that she's stupid enough to be expounding complete lies and utter nonsense, but that she's already crippling her child by fostering that same ignorance in it. One day we'll figure out that this behavior is just as damaging as beating your child, and rescue them from their ignorant parents.

Intellect is the only true asset any of us have. People like this are bankrupt.

Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

jmd says...

Dude..i know some breeds can be violent... but that is not an aggressive dog by ANY means. That is a very friendly breed and imo being shot for being trusting of any human being is the saddest thing this world could do.

Infected Kiss - 28 Weeks Later

10874 says...

That's probably one of the saddest scenes that I've seen in awhile. What happened is in the beginning, she and him and some other people are trying to survive and hiding out.

The zombies end up breaking in though and dude ends up being a coward and escapes while he can, leaving the rest of them (his wife right there included) to die.

Turns out she didn't die, and is partially immune to the virus. The kids leave the compound in stereotypical zombie movie fashion and return to their old house. Upstairs though they find a surprise: a half in control half dead mother walking towards them telling them to run the fuck away.

Anyways to make a long story short, the kids report what happened, the woman is extracted, dude finds out she's still alive and asks her for forgiveness. She forgives, they kiss... and then he turns into a zombie and brutally murders her.

Pretty damned sad.

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

MrConrads says...

Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it. I hope I'm not alone when I say that I'm reaching a point of desperation for finding solutions other than yelling back. I'm at a loss right now though.
I should probably get my own blood pressure check sometime soon

In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
A single upvote for your comment is not enough.

The saddest thing about hate mongers like O'Reily is that they raise hate within their opponents. In real life one simply ignores such people to remain sane, but O'reily is out there on television so it just eats you up.

I should seriously just avoid watching anything with him in it, because it's killing my blood pressure. lol

In reply to this comment by MrConrads:
It's clips like this that leave me mostly speechless. Not because there's nothing to say but because the rage in me is louder than the peace. It has become so incredibly hard to calmly articulate responses to videos like this where the voice of reason and calm get drowned out by loud, angry, and completely unapologetic hate and ignorance. I despise the fact that my own feelings of hatred and anger precede my feelings of reason and decency. I want to call for bill's head on a plate at the top of my lungs even though I know it would only fuel the fire that's currently destroying my beloved country.
I don't recognize my home anymore, and at times I don't recognize myself.

Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman slapping Bill O'reilly

poolcleaner says...

>> ^MrConrads:
It's clips like this that leave me mostly speechless. Not because there's nothing to say but because the rage in me is louder than the peace. It has become so incredibly hard to calmly articulate responses to videos like this where the voice of reason and calm get drowned out by loud, angry, and completely unapologetic hate and ignorance. I despise the fact that my own feelings of hatred and anger precede my feelings of reason and decency. I want to call for bill's head on a plate at the top of my lungs even though I know it would only fuel the fire that's currently destroying my beloved country.
I don't recognize my home anymore, and at times I don't recognize myself.

A single upvote for your comment is not enough.

The saddest thing about hate mongers like O'Reily is that they raise hate within their opponents. In real life one simply ignores such people to remain sane, but O'reily is out there on television so it just eats you up.

I should seriously just avoid watching anything with him in it, because it's killing my blood pressure. lol

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