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Senator Sanders Unfiltered: US Congress Bought & Paid For?

Stormsinger says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
grr. a million questions fill my head when it comes to these topics.
If all of us don't like this. Why does it still happen?
Humans are not as smart as we assume.

It's NOT "all of us" that don't like this...and it's obvious when you actually think about it. Those in the top 1%, who control the vast majority of the wealth, DO like it this way...they can, and do, buy all the advantages (and laws) they need to keep an ever-increasing share of the wealth for themselves.

The saddest part is that, by the very nature of our system, this likely can't be changed without an actual revolution...because the very people who would have to make that change, are the ones who currently benefit.

Glenn Beck Kills a Frog

Januari says...

I think the saddest thing about this, is how clearly he thought this was extremely clever and poinent. I mean you really get the impression that he intended this as some kind of 'Wow' moment and his point was going to be concrete.

Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death

enoch says...

saddest,most horrifying moment " got me,you got me"
i have dealt with marines.
most were awesome,professional soldiers..marines.
then you would run into a marine where something must have broke in them during training.
made you a bit uneasy around them.
i am afraid of noone,but a crazy person?
they scare the bejesus out of me.
a crazy person has no boundaries,no point of control.
the mentally ill person was not the crazy one.
i know marines...that was no marine.
he was a crazy person.
god..this video makes me feel like weeping.

Kids in the Hall - Comfortably High

Django Reinhardt - J'attendrai Swing (1939)

timefactor says...

I've seen a short clip of Django from sometime in the 50s (maybe late 40s) playing very pedestrian bebop. That was a few years ago and I can't find it or even reference to it anywhere now so maybe I'm completely mis-remembering. It's conceivable it was a montage of still shots over audio. It was one of the saddest things I've seen or heard so honestly I wish I could say it was just a bad dream.

mkknyr (Member Profile)

12 Saddest World Record Attempts Ever Caught on Video

nach0s says...

>> ^rychan:
>> ^ponceleon:
I'm torn by these videos. The content is good, the writing is good, but I just can't stand the host... there's something really smarmy about him and not in a good way...

Well, he's playing a bit of a character here, but I think Michael Swaim is actually very talented. I mean, I can't think of another Internet personality that I would say that of. Have you seen him in the Internet party videos?
(surprised that didn't get more votes).

I think this guy is hilarious. He's like Joel McHale on The Soup. I hope he gets a tv gig.

12 Saddest World Record Attempts Ever Caught on Video

rychan says...

>> ^ponceleon:
I'm torn by these videos. The content is good, the writing is good, but I just can't stand the host... there's something really smarmy about him and not in a good way...

Well, he's playing a bit of a character here, but I think Michael Swaim is actually very talented. I mean, I can't think of another Internet personality that I would say that of. Have you seen him in the Internet party videos?
(surprised that didn't get more votes).

EDD (Member Profile)

Top 10 Videogame Boobs

Top 10 Videogame Boobs

schmawy (Member Profile)

Awesome Dungeons and Dragons music video.

Protecting a people...and their property

HollywoodBob says...

It's from an excellent fictional "documentary" about how the US would have turned out if the South had won the Civil War. The full film can be found on youtube.

I remember seeing it a few years back an thinking that the saddest part is that there is a large percentage of the populace in this country that really do long for it to be a true account of the last 150 years.

Nothing Else Matters - solo piano, Scott D. Davis

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