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New Rule: Make America Grind Again

spawnflagger says...

I think he's against all religions, hence making Religulous.

I like him because he's old-school liberal, and not afraid to call out some of the extreme-left insanity of new-school liberals. Probably he sees it more because he lives in CA.

But I don't subscribe to HBO, and only watch his "New Rules" or monolog clips on YouTube (when they're not already 'sifted, of course)

HugeJerk said:

...but ever since he came out as irrationally Islamophobic...

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Bill Maher's Interview with a Low IQ Senator - Religulous has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Swear everyone on the sift has shit logic.

Define "small fanbase".

You think that providing thought provoking political satire to innumerable crowds of strangers over 35 years as a comedian..

Acquiring and maintaining two relatively popular sociopolitical panel discussion shows for over 20 years..

And creating a documentary entitled Religulous with the express purpose of calling on our society at large to question their own religious convictions..

ISN'T effective or engaging..?

Yet Jon Stewart..

The same Jon Stewart who has explicitly stated that he's doesn't wish to be considered some political figurehead.

And whose Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear - while rather large and somewhat inspiring - was PURPOSEFULLY meant to be neutral..

Not leaning to one viewpoint or another and, thereby, basically useless and ineffectual..

is some sort of generational-change messiah by comparison?

OR! @Lawdeedaw & @ Truckchase..

Do you just not like Bill Maher and think Jon Stewart is "cooler"/funnier..?

Because that definitely what it seems like..

Truckchase said:

Effective at making a small, angry fanbase feel feelings <> creating change by engaging the masses.

Misinformation, Fear, And Hate In America

Bill Maher supports SOPA, gets owned by guests

packo says...

i was disappointed when i saw Bill talking on the issue... uninformed and with that lack of information, making wrong declarative statements

SOPA makes you guilty on assumption, and you are forced to prove your innocence...
and for MOST non-media conglomerates, that means you go out of business.. because your website is shutdown until you fight it out in court...

this isn't about copyright protection... its about competition elimination

and the scope of this bill lends itself quite well to being misused... this site is speaking out against the government, or an ally of the government, or talking about things we don't like? we'll just have SOPA shut the site down, maybe go to the amount of effort required to post a comment on the site that "justifies" the action... and the status quo goes on uninterupted

its the boundary line, its the point that when we cross it, the concept of FREE information over the internet ceases to exist... because any single country that takes action because of SOPA, it affects everyone else on the planet (who's government has also signed onto SOPA)

the uprisings that took place in the middle east due to social networks would be a thing of the past only... they'd NOT be allowed to happen anywhere else (most especially in the WESTERN world - I take it back partly, if there was oil/resource interests for the WEST in that country, it'd still be allowed)

and as for Bill's, "people just like to steal shit" comment... please, demonstrate that a person who downloaded Religulous would have bought it if they had no other option... you can't... its alot easier to show examples of people who DID buy it because they downloaded it in the first place

take a look at the VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY... while there are some big companies whose sole purpose is to rate/review/preview upcoming video games, you'll see alot of these are closing down... why? because fan created, by donation alternatives are providing a valid and sustainable alternative... that's ALOT of free advertising (dbl edged because it could be bad reviews) these companies get... and for some of the smaller video game companies/independant game companies, the ONLY advertising they get

how easily would all that be squashed with SOPA? didn't like your review... your site gets shut down. we only give permission to sites we KNOW will give us good reviews... etc etc

that's not protecting internet creativity... that's killing off internet creativity... and the ability for non-media conglomerates to compete

make sure your government knows the distinction between small business and monopolies
make sure they are serving your interests, and not their own pockets
businesses spending lobbying money and offering jobs to representatives to influence the creation of laws IS the end result of UNFETTERED MARKETS... the laws that they complain about, that hurt their ability to "compete", are laws that were enacted to protect YOU the consumer

change the USA to the UCA... United Corporations of America... they'll lobby to get rid of the America part... too restrictive

Bill Maher and Craig Ferguson on Religion

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Craig Ferguson, Bill Maher, religion, politics' to 'Craig Ferguson, Bill Maher, religion, politics, religulous' - edited by xxovercastxx

Times Square Celebration of Osama's Death

luxury_pie says...

Could anybody do a montage including this video and videos of muslim folks chanting and burning flags and this kind of truly patriotic and honorable behaviour? What exactly was the percentage of religulous (p.i.) people in the US again, just asking?!

A minute of silence in honor of the dead people of any race or religion caused by this war against terror / for oil / to show everybody who got the largest stick would have been a MUCH better idea.

And please, this is obviously *terrible


ant says...

>> ^rasch187:

>> ^ant:
>> ^ponceleon:
Doesn't this violate rule #4 of posting: Please do not post entire episodes of television shows or movies, unless you know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are in the public domain.

This shouldn't be here?

See the discussion on Dr. Strangelove and Religilous on this very issue. The consencus reached there still applies.

Thanks, we need to change that rule or something since it is confusing us!


Bill Maher Interviews Jesus Christ

Homophobic Christian Whines About Getting Fired

ForgedReality says...

Upvoted before even watching for the win title.

Now I should probably go watch it. >_>

edit - Okay, I immediately suspected this guy of being gay the second he opened his mouth. It feels like he's overly sensitive about the subject because his belief in lies and mythology conflict with his genetic makeup. He's not allowed to be what nature has created him as, and he doesn't want to accept the fact that maybe GOD isn't around to make sure that nobody is CREATED as homosexual.

I've no doubts that this kid has serious relationship problems because he is unable to bring himself to have any kind of attraction toward women, and his beliefs won't allow him to accept a man either. But of course, as Christians despise healthy sexuality, he won't allow himself to find out that he simply cannot get aroused by a woman until he misguidedly marries one.

Also, why is it okay for Christians (or any religulous group, really) to openly spout bullshit in the streets, go door-to-door, preach to strangers, etc. about their frighteningly blinding beliefs, but it's not okay for normal people (homosexual or otherwise) to discuss their lives? It's okay for him to make sure everyone knows he's an easily-offended Christian crybaby, but it's not okay for others to be themselves.

This is the one singularly most annoying thing about Christians, I think--their undying oversensitivity and unabashed perspective of self-importance. It's one thing to believe something, but to put yourself above others in such an arrogant way is really what puts them over the top, in terms of human filth.

HOWEVER, I don't believe it was within this employer's ethical responsibility to fire him over his beliefs, no matter how deranged and irritating they may be. Although, this is probably a very biased account, and we don't really know what exactly transpired. He probably got emotional, indignant, and hostile, and THAT was the reason he was terminated. It would be nice to get the other party's side of things.

HollywoodBob (Member Profile)

Rachel Maddow Show: You Can't Handle Evolution

Psychologic says...

Chances are that no distributor currently thinks that they would make enough money from the movie for it to be worth their time. There is also no information on how many (if any) distributors were even approached with the idea.

Religulous was created by a well-known public figure and took place in modern times. How many people would pay to see Creation in theaters? America is about entertainment... explosions and flashy visuals. Put some huge robots destroying cities in a movie and it will make money no matter how shitty it is.

Rachel Maddow Show: You Can't Handle Evolution

Jesus_Freak says...

Forgive my skepticism. Something doesn't smell right with this story. America is the only country not distributing this? The same country that covets controversy to gain attention and buzz?

So, Hollywood never puts out anything sacreligious to draw the ire of Christians? Religulous was just some kind of fluke?

I agree with Jaace far enough to say that somebody needs to muster some courage here. I am a Christian, and I also adamantly defend freedom of speech. If this is important enough to put out, somebody should step up and do it. If it creates debate, God bless America and our freedom to do so.

Just don't paint this as a one-sided argument. Gibson had to self-finance Passion of the Christ and walked a gauntlet trying to get the movie distributed. There were protests and howls from every possible angle, and the movie was banned in several countries.

We have lost our civility on BOTH sides, gang.

Rachel Maddow Show: You Can't Handle Evolution

entr0py says...

Exactly ElJardinero, I don't buy the explination that distributes have failed to pick it up because they're afraid they might receive too much free publicity.

It certainly couldn't be any more controversial then Religulous, which had a US distributor LAST YEAR. Or Dogma, or The Last Temptation of Christ, or The Life of Brian. Even The Da Vinci Code was more heretical then this.

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