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Circumcision - Another Form of Child Abuse

Gallowflak says...

I ended up getting circumcised at 13. Every evening, staring out into a world bathed in twilight, I mourn for that long-lost part of my schlong.

Oh, wait.

I don't know what to make of this. On the one hand, it's absolutely absurd to do it for religious, rather than medical, reasons(?), and it seems like a decision that should be left up to the individual at a later age. Plus, why are you doing it? What are your motivations? Are they really justification for taking a scalpel to a baby's penis*? At the same time, there are a million and one critically important life decisions that parents make on behalf of their children, and circumcision, frankly, doesn't seem like a big deal.

It's insane that circumcised penises have become more aesthetically desirable in western culture.

People are completely fucking retarded.

*didn't watch the video, don't want to, have no idea how they do it.

Sift Shop Contest Ideas? (Sift Talk Post)

residue says...

heh, I was actually going to suggest maybe you could make something since you make some pretty neat stuff but I didn't want to volunteer you. It would be a nice way to keep any advertising internal to the sift rather than sending traffic to some other flash site.

maybe you could make a flash game involving penises or penis shaped objects of some variety

>> ^gwiz665:

Sifter porn... naw, I'm kidding..
In more seriousness, I'd be willing to work on some flash games or something for a potential sift competition. I do games for a living, after all, so it would be a good exercise.

Is discrimination against Asian Americans in college admissions good or bad? (User Poll by chilaxe)

rottenseed says...

I don't know what the issue is so I voted good because Asian Americans can't drive and have small penises and sideways vaginas and eat dog, did I win something?

[edit] I just read the article and have enlightened myself on the issue, and I stand by my original vote that discriminating against non-white people is good. I am, however biased because I am white, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Fact of the matter is it fucking blows, why the hell would somebody be filtered out because so many with their skin tone have succeeded? Doesn't make sense. What's next? Stopping the NBA and NFL from drafting black athletes?

The chemical properties of Viagra

westy says...

>> ^deathcow:

I just think they have a target in mind. For example they probably wont go into pentathol and then demonstrate it by euthanizing an animal.

they don't need to but i'm pretty sure if they covered it they would not shy away from saying "its used to euthanise animals" - not alued to that as its main usage but then skip around saying specifically what its used for by only describing what it does on a cellular level. also for example why bring up Viagra if all you are going to talk about is the raw chemical and how it dilates blood vessels when Viagra is marketed primary as a erectile disfuntion drug?

the word penis/erection or discusoin on the scientific raw facts of sex should not have a age restriction on them. the problem hear is simply that they alluded to something rather than just saying it which is out of character for the videos where they have no problem specifcly saying the use for other chemicals or what they do to things on a practical level.

No one thinks thay should have gone into full graphical detail on how penises and sex work ( although that is lagimitely as interesting as any other thing) its just a case of being mature and not continuing useless cultural hangovers.

Archer: Touching Penises

Unusual Sexual Practices in Nature and Animal Penises

It Gets Better: Children's Choir and Gay Men's Choir Sing

Fusionaut says...

Your argument regarding alcohol does not hold any weight for me. Alcoholism is an addictive disorder that harms the victim and the victim's friends and relatives. It is medically defined as a treatable disease. Homosexuality is not a disorder. Homosexual people, and their families and friends, are not harmed by their sexuality but only suffer the mental and sometimes physical abuse of their peers. Your serial killer argument is also very weak since it is also about a behavior that is extremely harmful to other people.

I have just noticed that you even acknowledge this in your post, "just because being gay does not have a negative societal impact as those exampled above ... how does that translate as being an acceptable behavior?" The answer lies within your own question. It is not harmful, to anyone, therefore it is acceptable. Everyone should have the right to love and be loved and if this happens to be with someone of the same gender there's nothing wrong with that! It seems to me that you are categorizing alcoholism, murder, and homosexuality into one pile and that pile is the "SIN" pile. Those three things are only the same from a conservative religious stand point. Since you seem to be a conservative religious person this is probably why you are having trouble viewing homosexuality as something that is not evil.

Anyways, I will close with this video:

>> ^bobknight33:

Only in the last 4 decades the country has been swayed by gay groups and media that this sort of behavior is acceptable and it is not.
There is not one evolution or biblical reason for being gay. GOD does not hate gay people no more than he hates those who steal, divorce or murder. He allows each of us to have a free will to choose him or not.
And what you want to say that some were born gay? What about those who say they were born to be x,y or z.
What if the person comes from a family line of alcoholics? Should that force society to condone the person becoming an alcoholic? Do we let their actions a pass in society and just say he was born with the “gean”
The serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer from an early age had a fascination to kill things. So do we say he was “born” that way? Even so that does not make it right. Should we stand up to all serial killers and say you were born that way and that’s ok?
What about an individual that is born one sex and has the “gean” to be the opposite?
Just because being gay does not have a negative societal impact as those exampled above ( granted those are extreme examples to illustrate the point) how does that translate as being an acceptable behavior?

Children only learn what is right and wrong from the society that surrounds them and to indicate to them that this behavior is ok is morally failing these children.

(Un)official Horse Video Posting Day (Sift Talk Post)

(Un)official Horse Video Posting Day (Sift Talk Post)

blankfist says...

I declare in a completely unofficial capacity that last horse picture to be hilarious. That penis does look rather human, so I'm calling photoshop. Then again, I'm NO expert on horse penises, so let's get @kronosposeidon in here to verify.

Chatroulette Love Song

Chatroulette Love Song

The controversial, "offensive" USS Enterprise videos

Hive13 says...

As an Army veteran, I can tell you this shit is minor compared to the shit we used to say and do to each other in the Infantry.

Pass out first, you get a nice Polaroid with about 10 penises on your forehead waiting for you when you wake up. Used condom tied around the handle to your door? Check. Forget bringing a girlfriend or any female around for that matter. They would be harassed and offended a dozen times within 30 seconds. Porn everywhere.

I can see the argument that this guy is a captain in the Navy and should set an example for the other sailors, but he is just a human being like the rest of them, making the best out of a boring, stressful, and depressing situation. Spend a year in the desert with a bunch of guys that are away from home, girlfriends, wives, kids and life and you'll be so fucking homesick and depressed you won't be able to stand it. This Captain gets it and is trying to have some fun and do his part to make these men and women forget that they are thousands of miles away from home and laugh a little bit.

TYT: US Tax Dollars Fund Pedophilia - WikiLeaks

Liv Tyler Can Still Speak The Elvish

Men with Smaller Penises Usually Make Better Lovers

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